Picked up. (Zane)

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Just a tiny bit of a Zane story. It is still a work in progress, but I will share a piece of it. 

Hope you guys like it.

"Zane?" I look at my written note once more and check the coordinates on my GPS.

N.75.11 E 58.69 1600 Zulu

I check my watch. It is exactly 4 o'clock and I have traveled here to this cold place. The warning signs for polar bears are everywhere. It is starting to go dark. I duck deeper into my subzero jacket and look around.

"Zane?" I call out again. If he is not here...

"Yana!" I hear his voice coming from somewhere above me. I look up and I see a rope ladder hang just above me. I follow the ladder and see the large ship hover above the ice planes. A familiar face hangs over the edge. Next to him, a few more heads pop up, instantly moving together talking. I can't hear what they are saying, but suddenly I see them pointing at something behind me.

"Yana! Grab the ladder!" I can hear Zane shout, slightly panicking. . But instead, I look over my shoulder.

I really wish I didn't. Behind me, I see a large white bear run towards me. I can hear him sniffing the air.

Panic fills every fiber of my body as I try to grab the ladder. But in my panic, I keep pushing it away instead of grabbing it. I hear a loud thud behind me and I scream out. But the attack does not come. I try to climb up, but the bloody thing is moving too much. A cold breeze hits me and I look over my shoulder one more time. A large wall of ice is between me and the bear now. It roars in frustration as it pounds down on the ice. "Oh dear, oh dear. Oh crappertycrap." I mutter as I try to grab the ladder once more. I get a hold of it this time but quickly the second problem arises as I can't put my foot in it. Something touches my back and I scream out in fear.
"Don't be afraid Yana. I got you." Suddenly Zane is there. He puts his arm around me and guides me up the ladder. He follows closely behind as he helps to keep the ladder steady. When we are about a third up, we hear the breaking of ice. Zane moves behind me, as I close my eyes in fear, trying to make myself as small as possible.
"Guys!" I hear Zane shout, sounding urgent. "Hold on Yana." He says softly as he grabs hold of me when suddenly the rope ladder starts to move. I can't help but scream out in fear as more things happen at once. The bear is running towards us as we shoot up into the sky. Below us, the bear roars in frustration. I feel multiple hands grab me before I finally stop moving. The solid surface below me feels like heaven. Within moments Zane drops down beside me. We are both panting from the rush. "Next time..." I breathe. "Just pick me up by my front door." I hear snickers around, as multiple people pop up in my sight.

"Welcome on board of the bounty." 

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