Living on the street prt 3.

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The mechanic pulled Ava closer to him, pulling her hair. "Let me go!" She yelled as she clawed at his robotic hand, fighting back the strong adult with everything she got. She looked even dirtier than before and lines of tears ran through the dirt on her face. "You mechanic piece of junk!" She cried. But the man seemed unaffected by it. He threw her through the room, into a corner. "Get back to work." His voice was like Ice and his red optic pointed down at her. He walked away from her, closing the door behind him.

In the darkness, the girl started to cry in silence. She hugged her legs. Strange sounds from outside her room made her scurry below her workbench. Afraid the mechanic or one of his friends returned. "Pssht... Ava.."

The girl closed her eyes and made herself as small as possible. "Ava. Are you alright? We are going to get you out of here. Stay strong for just a bit longer." The whisper came from the door. Ava looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Lloyd?" She whispered carefully as she crawled closer to the door.

"Oh thank the first spinjitzu master." Lloyds voice came from outside. She could hear his relief from behind the door. "Are you alright?"

He sounded truly concerned and Ava was about to start crying again. "No, he.. he destroyed Wix. He wants me to repair this.. machine thing. I.." She tried to push the tears back, but she had been through too much not to cry. "Don't worry Ava, we will get you out of here... Someone is coming, I got to go. We will get you out, Ava. Ninja's never quit." And with that, he was gone. 

Ava did not linger around the door and crawled back to her corner. With newfound hope and vigor, she grabbed a screwdriver and a piece of circular tech. "Let's see if I can get you fixed." She muttered to herself and started to work.

When it got dark, she had fallen asleep out of pure exhaustion. She missed the first knock. But when the door flew open, the girl shot up, pointing her screwdriver towards the door. "Come on kid. Hey! that's mine." The ninja dressed in blue flipped off his hood. Jay smiled at her, but Ava could see he was nervous.  "Come on. We need to go." He flipped his mask back on and stuck out his arm towards her. "Hurry up, unless you would like to stay." That got her into motion as she grabbed what was left of Wix and ran towards the ninja. "Stay close." He said as he took off. 

Ava made a run for it, but it was hard for the young girl to keep up with him. But Ava did her best. That was until she tripped. The hardship she had been through had taken every bit of energy from the young girl and she was exhausted. She did not stay on the ground for long. "Come on, up you go." The ninja sounded nervous. She felt two strong hands pull her back up. He took Wix from her and took her hand, before taking off again. As they turned a corner, they froze. Only steps away, three tough-looking men were standing in their way.

"Hey, where are you taking the kid?" One of them asked. "The...the mechanic needs her." The blue ninja tried, but the three were not to be fooled and walked towards them. "Stay behind me." The ninja of lightning whispered. As his hand gently guided her behind him, before he unleashed a bolt of lightning. It left the men down on the floor for a moment.

"Run Ava," Jay called as she was frozen on the spot for a moment. But she was unable to move. Jay grabbed her hand and pulled her along, but she was unable to keep up. Suddenly she was picked up and sitting on the ninja's back. "Hold on!" He yelled as he jumped on a large crate. Ava grabbed hold of the blue fabric and held on for dear life as he made his way up the roof. He was panting heavily from the extra weight he had to carry, but he was not complaining for once. He hid behind a chimney, looking over his shoulder to the young girl. 

"You are doing great Ava. But I need you to keep up just a bit longer." He pointed at the large open square below them. "We need to cross that, and they will attack us. I can protect you, but you need to run as fast as you can. Can you do that, squirt?" Ava looked at him with fear in her eyes. But she nodded bravely. "Will you be there with me?" She asked, a tremble in her voice. Jay's look softened. "The whole time. Are you ready? We will hide behind those crates first and when I say run, you run. No looking back, just running." "Where do I run to?" She asked. Jay pointed at the large door on the other side of the square. "There, Zane is waiting behind that door. You remember him?" Ava nodded. "The cool nindroid." She said, the vibration of fear slowly leaving her voice. "Yes, the coolest. So." He inhaled. "let's go."

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