Healing pt 1. (Cole)

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You sigh as you look at the destruction in front of you. It had been so beautiful. So peaceful. You dare to say even perfect.

And now it is a total wreck.

And yet, the little culprit sitting right in the middle of the havoc has the most adorable look on her little snout.
To add to the destruction, the small white bunny with one black ear pulls at the stem of your favorite flower and eats it. You can't help but smile at your little friend and softly pet its head. You are glad she did not get into the other flowerbeds. Gently you pick up the white fluffy creature and put her back in her pen. As you look around, you are filled with the peace of the moon garden of your grandmother's house.

 It is so beautiful with its little pond and waterfall. The cherry trees are blossoming, covering parts of the grass and the paths with little pink petals. A soft breeze blows past you, lifting the tiny petals and sending them around the garden in a whirlwind of pinks. A sigh escapes your lips once more as you are amazed by its beauty. A wind chime softly rings in the distance.

You have lived here for as long as you can remember. When your parents died your grandmother took you in. Shielded from the outside world you grew up as a gentile and kind woman. The few trips you make to town to get food always left you in shock at how rough and sharp the outside world was. But here, in your grandmother's moon garden, you felt at peace.

With a sigh, you look back to the house. Your flower patch is not the only part that is a mess. Since your Grandmother passed away half a year ago life had been far from easy. The village below the mountaintop had been attacked by a gang. You were there two days ago to help out where you could. But when you returned to your house someone had wracked your house. But they had left your garden alone to your relief.

You wondered what they had been looking for. Nothing had been stolen. But they had been ruthless with your things.

With a sigh, you rubbed your hands clean on your apron as you got up from the ground. The sound of a clear bell rang through the garden, making you look up. "Who could that be?" You think out loud.

Quickly you make your way to your front gate, hanging your apron on its peg on your way out of the garden. You can hear voices coming from outside. 

"I hope she is alright. Master Wu told us she is an older woman and from the looks of it, the Foxes have already been here."

Who can it be? You knew the Foxes were the group that was terrorizing the village. And were they here for your grandmother?

Your hand moves to the door handle and you slowly open the gate. On your doorstep stand 5 men and one woman, all dressed in different colors. You recognize their way of dressing at once. These are ninjas. Elemental masters most likely.

"Hello, can I help you?" You ask gently, looking at the man dressed in green. His blond hair is a mess and his green eyes beam brightly at you. As you look at him, you can hardly call him a man. A boy is more like it.

"Hello miss. I am Lloyd. We are here to see Lady YaLong." The young man smiles as he bows his head slightly in a sign of respect. The others of his group are looking a bit bored.

"I am her." You say softly, still feeling the pain of the loss of your grandmother.

"Wait what?" The green-clad boy looks at you from top to bottom. "Master Wu said you would be as old as he is." He stares at you in shock as you blush underneath his gaze.

"I think I can explain. Would you like to come in?" You say softly as you look away from your visitors.

"This is going to be interesting" You hear him mutter underneath his breath. "Guys! Come in, we ran into some trouble." He yells over his shoulder. This sends the others into movement.

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