Alpha, Beta, Omega.

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Time: Just when Lloyd freed the snakes and the monastery got burned and they needed a new home. 

Don't like the ABO dynamics? Don't read. 

Cole had been a calm alpha most of his life. Not only did he have himself under control, but he also did not get the angry flashes most of his type got when someone defied them. He could count the times his instincts had taken over on one hand. Two times when he was a kid because someone was being bullied and needed his protection. He could hold back his instinct even when his father, an omega, pushed him to do things he did not want to.

But now he was on the verge of breaking, and it took every inch of his self-control not to lash out at the ones around him. His lip would pull up in a snarl from time to time as he looked away into the woods around them. When he let out another angry rumble, the two omegas near the fire whined softly.

He was still new to his role as pack-alpha. And it had intensified his instincts, now he had people counting on him.

But he wasn't the only one to blame. Their, 'pack' hadn't formed naturally, as it usually would, letting the ones involved get to know each other and decide if they wanted to be a pack or not. They were just put together and expected to function as a healthy pack. And most of them did not come from a healthy pack situation, so trust was an issue. It put a lot of weight on Cole's shoulders. His instincts screamed to put the pack in order, but his heart told him he needed to take it slow.

It was going slowly, but they were bonding. That was until he left.

Cole snarled at the thought. His beta left before, without letting him know, and it got them into big trouble. But he expected him to stay now their pack was homeless and they needed protection. He had expected him to care.

Cole rumbled in anger and paced up and down again, like a caged tiger. He wanted to go and find his Beta. But he could not leave the two omegas and the underage Alpha female behind.

His eyes flashed at them as his head screamed to him to check if they were alright. Their scent told Cole he had them worried and they were scared and it calmed him down just a bit before his protective side flashed up once more. He could tell they were looking for comfort. Kai was curled up against his sister, looking at him with fire and anger. Nya had tapped into her Alpha instinct at a much too young age to protect her omega brother from others Alpha's and Cole knew she had slipped into her protective ways because of his anger.

He rumbled to her to let her know he would not hurt her brother, or her. But she was unable to place his actions. She was just too young to know. Cole sighed and left the siblings alone for now. His eyes looked at Jay. The omega looked miserable. He had his arms wrapped around himself, looking scared. His longing eyes looked at Nya, wanting to find comfort with his fellow omega. But Nya had sent him off. Sensei Wu had moved away from the omega, which only added to his anxiety.

The fearful smell coming from the young boy told Cole enough. Cole rubbed his face as he let the tension fall from his shoulders. "Cole...?" Jay asked softly, seeing the alpha calming down a bit.

Cole sighed and sat down. The omega scooted over to him immediately. Cole opened his arms for the blue ninja, who snuggled against him. Cole calmed down as Jay put his head in his lap. "Are you alright?" The young boy chirped. "I am sorry Jay, I just... I am worried about Zane." He spoke softly as he stroked Jay's hair gently.

Cole was still a bit unsure of how to act around the young omega. He had always stayed away from omega's, not wanting to scare them by just being close to them. But Jay was different. He needed the affection of the Alpha and Cole had caught him a few times wearing his sweaters. He wrapped his arm around the blue boy and pulled him closer as he rumbled shortly. Jay sighed in relief. As Jay calmed down, so did Kai. Cole could smell it. His eyes met with Nya's once more, showing she too was gaining control of her instinct once more. Cole looked at the omega in his arms. Jay had such an influence on the others, and he did not even realize it.

Cole looked back into the forest.

His beta had left them during the night without a word. He had lost the smell of the beta faster than he usually did and he blamed himself for not being able to track his pack member. He missed the calm and calculated boy beside him. Zane would know what to do now. He would make them laugh and turn this into some kind of fun camping outing. Instead of this tense instinct-fest, he had managed to make out of it.

Suddenly a familiar smell drifted into the campsite. Jay shot up straight as he was the first to smell it. The blue boy started to poke Cole's shoulder enthusiastically. Cole smiled at the omega, but as their eyes met, Jay stepped away, seeing the anger flash in the alpha's eyes. At that moment, Zane walked into the ring of light, looking at the ground. Cole moved. Zane's head moved, looking at the broad chest of the earth ninja. Zane wasn't short, but the alpha towered over him like a mountain. "Zane." The alpha rumbled. The rest of the camp turned quiet, looking at the meeting between the alpha and beta. It could go either way, they all had seen Alpha's flip when a member of their pack disobeyed. Fights or even banishments from the pack were not uncommon.

It was as if a moment, the world froze and everything was possible. But it did not take long before Cole opened his arms, pulling the beta in an embrace. "You scared us." He spoke, far more gently than any of them had expected from the pack alpha. It took a moment before the white ninja bared his neck slightly and moved into the crook of Cole's neck, to share their scent.

As soon as the two wrapped their arms around each other, Jay managed to wiggle his way in between the two ninjas. "Zane!" He squeaked, rubbing his face against Zane's neck to renew his scent on him. Cole snickered as he pulled the two ninjas closer. "Zane?" The three ninjas turned from the soft sound coming from behind them. Kai was standing close to them. Still nervous around the big alpha, he pulled his sleeve. Zane smiled as Cole let go and the white ninja quickly embraced the other omega. Jay was quick to move and got into that hug as well, earning a scolding hum from Cole. But the blue boy's smile was worth a million dollars to the large alpha. They were whole again, and Cole felt the weight of his instinct slowly drip off his shoulders.

Zane moved away from the hugs, still holding on to Jay's hand. "I found something."

The pack was checking out the large ship Zane had found. Jay had started to nest instantly, and he had asked for Cole's sweater as he jumped up and down in joy. Cole had given it gladly, smiling as the omega looked happy.

Sensei Wu had ordered them to clean the ship. And though Kai had protested, telling the beta he was not going to clean anything. When Cole had moved without complaining, and Zane had joined without question, he started to help. And with Nya going with Sensei Wu to take care of something, the four boys called upon their powers and cleaned the ship faster than they had thought it would take.

They had installed their favorite videogame and as the ship filled with their mixed scent, the pack slowly started to feel more at home. 

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