Forever friends

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"You can't keep doing this." I point my finger at Lloyd as we are lying on our stomachs on his bed. There is a torn bag of candy between us. Lloyd puts a piece of candy in his mouth. "I know, but then I can always buy you a new comic." he winks. I grab one of the candies he is reaching for and pop it in my mouth. "Hey, that's mine."

I roll on my back and close my eyes. "Hmmm, peppermint." There is a moment of silence between us and I look at my lifelong friend. I have known Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon since we both were playing in the sandbox and he took away my bucket. I had slapped him with my plastic shovel and since then we have been best friends.

It got weird for a while when he suddenly turned out older than me. But now we were both a bit older, we started to hang out again. He had stood me up to save the world once more. But he dragged me to his place only half an hour ago.

"I do like the new Starfarer spinoff. Have you read it?" I ask him, looking at his ceiling.

"Pfft. I don't like the hero. Tiros is too perfect." I hear Lloyd grumble as the bag of candy makes a crunching noise.

I snort. "Hero's are always too perfect. Look at you guys."

Lloyd burst out in laughter. "We are far from perfect Yana." he laughs as he holds a candy in front of me. I try to eat it from his hand, but Lloyd moves it away. I move my leg, touching his, hooking it at the knee. Pulling him closer. He freezes at the touch and I quickly grab the piece of candy with my mouth. In a moment of bashfulness I grab his hand and lick his finger. "Lloyd you are losing your wicked ways." I snicker as I see his surprised look.

Within seconds he moves and has me pinned underneath him. His face is close to mine as his legs pin me down. He grabs my wrists and pushes them down on his bed. "Never." He whispers. I can smell the sweet scent of candy on his breath. His lips are only inches away from mine. I chew on the candy and blow out a bubble towards his mouth.

He lets go of me quickly as he drops back on the bed. "You are lucky you are my friend Yana."

I stare at him as I grab my heart in shock. "Lloyd! Don't do this to me. You friendzoned me?!" I ask laughing.

"No, that is what you did." He retorts, before looking away. I laugh at his reaction, but when he looks away, I do feel bad. Ever since we got re-acquainted, I have felt more than friendship for the, now older, guy next to me. But I am.not going to ruin our perfectly good friendship with some stupid crush. I mean, of course you get a crush when your best friend suddenly arrives at your door looking older and a lot hotter.

I stare at the ceiling hoping for my heart to slow down. But then I feel the softest touch on my fingers. I latch on to his fingers. They are soft and gentle, but I can feel the places he summons his power and holds his weapons. We both look at the ceiling, a comfortable silence between us. There is no need for words, we understand each other. "How was your last fight." I ask gently. I saw his injury when he came to me. I know they had taken a beating more than once this time. "It sucked."

He doesn't always want to talk about it, but I try to give him the opportunity if he needs it. "There was this girl..."

I snort. "Did she fangirl?"

"No she kicked my but." Lloyd says with a snicker in his voice.

I smile, as I try to sound calm. I do not like where this is going.

"Ooh I like her already." I try to sound cheerful.

Lloyd sighs."So did I. But she lives in another realm. So...." The end of his sentence lingers in the air. But he stopped talking. "She reminded me of you. She could change into a fox."

I burst out in laughter. More because of nerves then because it is funny.

"Realy? How did that happen?" I reply. "I cant even change my clothes."

It is Lloyds turn to burst out in laughter. He turns to his side and pups up his head on his arm. I can see his arm muscles flex and his blond hair gets even more tousled.

"I missed you." He says gently. I give him a push and he falls to his back again. But this time I move closer and move into his embrace. I lie with my head on his chest. Can hear his heartbeat. It is pumping fast. "I missed you too Lloyd." I move even closer to him. His warmth is making me sleepy.

I can feel his lips in my hair. As I drift off into the bliss of sleep.

When we wake up it is dark and cold in his room. I shiver as I push Lloyd softly. He almost jumps up before he realizes it is me.

"What time is it?" I whisper, not wanting to wake up the other ninja in the house.

Lloys quickly checks his alarm. "2 pm. We must have fallen asleep."

I sigh. " no shit sherlock. Now move." I can see his face in the light of the moon that pours inside from his window.


" I am not going home now and like hell I am moving to the guest room with your friends in the house. I am sleeping here."

Lloyd moves as well, but he is getting out of bed. "I can get you some clean pjs if you like." He whispers. I nod and he quickly moves, handing me a short and a shirt.

" don't look" I warn him and he turns around. I change clothes quickly. The soft smell of Lloyd hits my nose. He changes quickly too and we put away the candy but not before eating one. When we are back in his bed I feel a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight." He whispers. I don't know if it's because it is the middle of the night or if it has to do with the fact I am wearing his pjs, but I move closer and kiss him on his lips.

It takes a second but then he starts kissing back. I open my mouth slightly, inviting him in. We move closer as he pulls me on top of him. His tongue softly strokes my lips. Our kiss intensifies and I can feel something happening with Lloyd... down there.

For a moment I freeze and he breaks the kiss in a reaction. He is blushing heavily as he tried to turn us around so THAT isn't as clear to me anymore. I end up on the matras and Lloyd is hovering over me. His eyes sparkle with green power. I move and kiss him again as he leans down. We continue at the speed we left off. I move my hand into his hair. It is soft and that way I can hold on to him. It feels like the world around us disappears and there is only us. I break the kiss in a moment to get myself back together. "Lloyd." I whisper. He kisses me again. My body betrays me as it starts to wake up. He breaks the kiss now and looks at me. "Yana." He whispers as his fingers stroke my cheek. "You are so beautiful."

Lloyd moves back in, but I only return a simple kiss, keeping my lips close. His actions, as much as I love them, are a bit confusing.

"I thought you liked foxgirl." I tell him, as I press another kiss on his lips. I don't want to talk, I want to kiss more. But my mouth has a different plan. Lloyd closes his eyes for a moment and looks away. "No, Yana. I like you... A lot.. You know." "Then kiss me, you idiot." I reply as I pull him back into another kiss. Lloyd starts to move his hand, gently stroking my stomach. It starts to freak me out, guessing what he is starting to move towards. So I let go of his hair and move his hand back to more acceptable areas. "Sorry." He mutters as he pulls away. But I pull him back in. Kissing him is making me feel like I can fly. We keep going, but after a while sleep wants to take back over again. I curl up into his arms as he kisses my cheek and my eyes. His soft lips gently touch me. "Are you tired?" He asks softly. I only manage to nod. Lloyd relaxes his arms and pulls me closer. "Then sleep." Warmly tucked into his strong embrace I quickly doze off. Feeling absolutely safe and secure. 

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