Living on the street part 2

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Ava pushed herself against the brick wall, pulling Wiz into her thick winter jacket to stop him from beeping. The two men passed her quickly, without looking into the ally she was hiding in. She let go of the breath she had been holding, for a moment she thought she was safe. But then she saw the men pop their heads around the corner. "There she is!" One of them yelled. Ava made a run for it, Taking off into the alley. She knew the backstreets like the back of her hand and she was sure she could outrun them. But then a loud bang filled her ears as suddenly pieces of the building started to come down. The girl screamed in fear as she tried to get away.

Running back to where she came from, she bumped into something large. Her eyes pulled up over the white fabric. The masked man looked down at her. Wiz collapsed with her back, sending her to her knees with a loud oomph. "Hey, careful there." The man grabbed her shoulders, putting her back on her feet again. "Wait... Ava?" She looked up at the masked man, wondering who he could be. Quickly he removed his mask. The robot... no nindroid looked down at her in surprise. She stepped backward, almost tripping over Wiz again. "What are you doing here?" The mechanical man looked around.

"Hiding from the thugs. They have been trying to get me ever since they saw Wiz." The robot beeped in agreement. Ava looked around, trying to spot them, but they were nowhere in sight. "You need to come with me, Ava. If they are after you...." His voice lingered in the air as he looked over his shoulder. Suddenly, he grabbed hold of the young girl, pulling her with him as he quickly made his way towards a large garbage container. He bent down and pulled Ava down to her knees to hide them. At the entrance of the alley, two large-looking thugs were looking around. Ava recognized them instantly and pulled Wiz closer to her.

The two men moved closer, looking behind containers and kicking over boxes. Zane looked further along the alley but saw it was blocked by some large debris from the building.

"Zane? Ava heard the fear in her own voice as she too saw they were trapped. The ninja looked at her and smiled, pulling his mask back on. "Stay here." He whispered as he jumped out of his hiding place. The men attacked immediately and the ninja of ice had trouble fighting them in the small space.

Ava pulled Wiz even closer, closing her eyes in fear. Zane would save her. Or the others. They would come to save her. She repeated it over and over again. Ever since they took her in for cookies they had been very kind to her. She had started to rely on the food and other things they put out for her.

Suddenly a loud bang filled the space around her. Ava put her hands over her ears and pulled her head between her knees hiding from whatever caused that bang. Silence returned and all Ava heard was the drumming of her own heart and the fast breaths she took.

"Hello, darling." A deep gentle voice broke the silence. "You are safe now." Ava looked up, seeing the black ninja sitting on one knee in front of her. He smiled kindly as he stuck out his hand. Ava did not hesitate and flung herself around Cole's neck. She pushed her face into his shoulder. His arms quickly embraced her a bit clumsy. "There, there." He stated as he patted her back. "Come, we will take you somewhere safe."

He got to his feet and Ava let him go reluctantly.

But she slit her hand into his large hand as he started walking. Cole looked down at her and smiled gently. Zane was standing over the two attackers, encasing their bodies in ice, making sure they were not on the run quickly. Jay was twisting his shoulder as he was leaning against the green ninja. Lloyd. Ava remembered his name. He froze as he saw her. "Ava." He called out her name with such relief, Ava was unsure what was going on. She moved behind Cole just a bit. "Calm down buddy." She could hear Jay's whisper. "She is fine."

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