Healing pt 3. (Cole)

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Loud bangs surround you, the smell of smoke is filling your nose as the ground rumbles. Screams fill the air, as you duck away from one of the figures trying to grab you. Your training has kicked in, but you are far from skilled enough to protect anyone but yourself. Suddenly you feel the wind blow past your back. As you turn you see Cole, attacking one of the treelike things that snuck up behind you. But the treelike thing is hardly fazed and throws the ninja of Earth to the ground, hard. For a moment, the ninja of Earth does not move. NO!  You abandon the fight and try to make your way to him. Urging him to move mentally. 

But then Zane jumps in, pulling Cole backward. The brunette shakes his head and gets to his feet wobbly. "Keep moving Yanafy," Zane shouts, sending you back to reality as you try and stay close to the two ninjas. The fight is overwhelming, and you are getting tired.  

Suddenly the radio pops on in your ear. You hear Lloyd's voice. "Pixal we need immediate extraction. We are overrun. I repeat..." 

But suddenly the message is cut short. You look over to where Lloyd had been fighting.

The green ninja is flying backward into a large building before he drops on the ground. On instinct, you duck underneath a swinging arm from one of the enemies, before you look again. Your heart starts to race as your eyes widen. 

Lloyd is no longer moving. Kai is with him quickly, and you can see the shock on his face from a distance. The shock quickly turns to fury.
"YANAFI!!" He bellows your name as he searches the battlefield for you. You know what to do. This is what you guys have trained for. 
 "Cole! Zane!" You call out. The ninja of Ice nods as he blocks your enemies with an ice wall. It makes him vulnerable for a moment and those things attack relentlessly, grabbing Zane by his throat.
But you run on, seeing Lloyd's lifeless body being defended by Kai and Jay. You need to get to him. He has to be alright. You push the thought away as you speed up. You duck and on your knees, you slide towards Lloyd. Cole moves and slams the earth. Spikes and slabs shoot out of the ground around, locking Lloyd and you in a stone tent to keep you safe-isch for a moment. You hear a loud slam outside knowing Cole had paid a price for that. 

You kneel down next to Lloyd. His eyes are filled with fear and his breathing is way too fast for comfort. He looks years younger as he tries to grab your hand.
"Ya-na. I can't... I..." he has trouble breathing. Blood is streaming out of him somewhere as a puddle starts to form underneath him.
"I can't feel my legs... I..." he mutters, his eyes fluttering to stay open. You manage to smile comforting as you push your healing energy into him. As quickly as it passes into him You feel how broken his body really is. With your free hand, you gently push his hair from his face and whisper. "Shh, it's alright. It's alright Lloyd. I'm here."
There is so much blood in parts that it does not belong. Tendrils and bones have severed. You feel everything weave back to where it belongs as your power flows into the green ninja. 

This will drain me. You realize as you can feel your vision narrowing. You know healing Lloyd could knock you out. You can hear the fighting outside the stone tent. If you are knocked out, and those things get you... You quickly block that thought. No. The ninja would protect you. 

You can smell the smoke and ozone from Jay and Kai's powers. You can feel the earth tremble and the drop in temperature. And you can feel Lloyds pulse beat firmly as you heal his final wounds. You bend down and lie your head down on Lloyd's stomach, knowing you will pass out as soon as the connection is broken. You know better than to stay upright and hit your head. As your final burst heals Lloyd he opens his eyes, and your world turns black. 


You wake up in some small apartment in town. The sound of screaming, rumbling, and fighting coming from further in the city was a reminder the ninja and you had lost. 

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