Bootycall (Cole)

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mention of sex, 
mention of alcohol abuse.

Don't like don't read. 

Fanart is from Cilundi. Love that artist. Follow on Instagram!!

My head was pounding, and according to the taste in my mouth, I had partied too hard yesterday yet again. I tried to open my eyes, but it took some time to realize I wasn't in my room. What was worse, I recognized the room I was in.

Ah fuck.. not again.. I scolded myself. I looked over my shoulder. The familiar silhouette of the strong boy told me he was still sleeping. I have to stop doing this. I moved, earning a moan from the dark-haired boy next to me. He turned and his strong arms almost grabbed me. If he had been awake, I would be helpless against his reflexes. I looked down one time, seeing the lack of any type of underwear. Fuck fuck FUCK! I cursed in my head as I scurried the room for my clothes. I needed to get out of here right now. But the movement in the bed told me I was too late. "Yana?" The cracky low voice sounded like the way I felt.

"Where is my bra?" I shot back at him, as he grabbed his head. Probably supporting the same kind of head ace I had.

"Ah fuck." I heard him mutter, as he lowered the blanket on himself once more. "I am sorry Yana." He started. He was always sorry. Like the thing we did was something to be ashamed of. At least that was how it felt when it happened the first time. Now it just felt hollow.

"Yeah fuck off." I snapped at him. I walked over to him, seeing my bra behind his pillow. I grabbed it, finally meeting his dark brown eyes. They were bloodshot, but he looked surprised as I moved my hand over to him. I pulled my bra away from him forcefully, clipping it on quickly.

"You know what action would tell me you were sorry?" I shot at him, as I put my t-shirt on. "That you would stop calling me when you are drunk. You ass!"

He sat up straight. "You could just not pick up. Why are you here if you don't want this Yana? It takes two to tango" He shot back. I glared down at him. Why was he that stupid he did not realize I loved him? But I knew I was just an easy fuck for him. Someone to call when he was drunk and horny. And I was stupid enough to fall for it every time.

I threw my hands up in frustration before I looked at him. "Fuck you, Cole! Fuck you." I shouted at him, flipping him off. He dropped back into the pillow before he threw the blanket off him. His well-shaped body was naked in the bed. He jumped to his feet, pointing his finger at me. "Why do you always blame me, huh?" He opened his hand as fury filled his face, the orange hue lighting up in his eyes. God, he looked hot like that. I bit my cheek to stop my mind from going there. "Is it some twisted brain thing of yours? How can you not see that I am not the only one to blame here?" He shouted as he slipped on his underwear.

I stepped back. His call felt as if he had physically hit me. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. He knew he overstepped, his hand reaching over, wanting to pull me into his strong protective arms. But I stepped backward, wrapping my arms around myself to stop the feeling of hurt from making me cry.

"Ah fuck Yana. I am sorry, alright. I didn't mean that." He rubbed the back of his head, as he stepped closer, blocking the door. "Just..." I started, my voice about to break. Within moments he was close to me, his strong arms around me, pulling me close. "No... Cole..." I started to sob. "I just..." I looked up at him, all his anger had left his face, replaced by sadness and regret.

"I don't say yes because I want to fuck Cole... I say yes because..." I started, and swallowed, gathering my courage. This had to end, this toxic relationship. One way or the other. "Because I am in love with you," I whispered, looking away from the ninja of earth. Cole inhaled. He was going to step away from me and that would be it. But instead, he closed his eyes and pulled me closer. "But don't you know that is the reason I call you?" He whispered. I looked up, somehow his statement only hurt me. "Because you know I will come?" I shot at him. Cole sighed in frustration. "No yana. Because I.." He shouted, but then he inhaled to calm himself down. When he talked again, his voice was softer. "because I am in love with you too." He sounded more fragile than I ever heard him. I look into his eyes and I don't see a lie. Slowly the anger in my heart melts into softness. "Fuck, we messed up," I whisper. He leans down, softly placing a kiss on my lips. "Just kiss me." He whispered, before kissing me deeply. 

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