I now pronounce you Ninja and Wife. (Part 7)

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Yuna dropped onto the couch, covered by her soft onesie and a fluffy blanket. She was just glad the day was over. A sick wave had burst into her classroom and she had spent half the day cleaning puke, calling parents to pick up their child only to return to another kid throwing up.

She had gotten home and hit the shower, basking in the hot water pouring down on her. But instead of making her feel refreshed, she felt hazy and tired. Her stomach was protesting against something, cramping up a bit from time to time. She crawled up on the couch, closing her eyes for just a moment.


A loud ring shook her from her sleep. Yuna felt warm and her stomach was doing summersaults. For a moment she did not know where she was, but then she recognized her living room.

"YUNA!"  The muffled sound of Cole's voice reached her and it was followed by a loud banging on the door. Yuna slowly got up and walked to the door supporting herself against the wall and holding onto her stomach. It was protesting heavily against her movement.

She opened the door, looking at a very worried Cole. Yuna swayed and Cole had her in his arms within moments. "Yuna, are you alright?" He asked. Yuna nodded, trying to get her feet under her again. "I think I'm sick Cole. You should not be here." She said, pushing him away, and making her way back to the couch.
"Don't be ridiculous. What is wrong?" Cole protested as he put the blanket over her.
"I think I got the stomach flu that hit my classroom today," Yuna said as she closed her eyes trying to calm her stomach down. "Can you get a bucket?" She asked, feeling absolutely horrible.
Cole returned quickly with the bucket she used for cleaning. As soon as she got hold of it, her stomach rolled and her stomach content got thrown out of her. Yuna felt completely miserable. When her stomach stopped getting empty, her face was sweaty. Yet she felt so cold and the taste in her mouth was horrible.
"Here," Cole said as he whipped her face with a damp face towel. "Do you think there is more, or can I empty the bucket?" He asked.
Yuna looked at Cole. She could see the worry in his eyes. "You don't have to do that Cole." She said before he handed her a glass of water. She swooshed a sip around in her mouth before spitting it in the bucket to get the taste out. As soon as she took another sip, Cole took the glass from her. "Don't be ridiculous, it's not like you can do it. Now can I take it away safely?"

Yuna lay down and nodded, closing her eyes as she heard Cole walk away. She wished she could hide from him. How did it end up with her boyfriend cleaning up her puke? They were far away from that stage in their relationship. When Cole returned, he placed the bucket close to her and went back to the kitchen to wash his hands. He returned quickly, bringing a cup of tea for her. "Here I got you some healing tea. It will make you feel better."

Yuna looked at him and carefully grabbed the cup. The water had cooled and she was able to drink a few sips. "Not too much, it will upset your stomach," Cole said as he took it away.
Yuna lay back down and looked at her boyfriend. "You should go home." She said, trying to hide away. "I don't want you to get sick." But Cole snickered, wiping a strand of hair out of her face. "Would you go home if it was me alone?" He asked warmly.
Yuna thought about that. No, she would stay. She would not leave him alone. "Yes." She said, one last try to get him to go home. Cole laughed. "Liar." He said. "Now try to get some sleep. I got you covered."

Yuna sighed and closed her eyes. The sound of Cole moving around in her house had her calmed down. She could hear him talk softly, probably on the phone with someone.



She was so

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