You are not that scary. Part 1 (Cole)

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To speak in my defense. When I first arrived at the airjitzu temple I was broken. Not only my body but my spirit as well. I was short-tempered with a tongue as sharp as my blade. 

But to be honest, the other ninja got on my nerves. They were definitely ninja, but they were also young adults, with everything that came with that. 

Messy, loud, annoying. 

The change had been ...difficult... And the ninja had been the victim of my scolding, shouting, and beating more than once. 

Come to say, they did not like me that much. That was until this happened.

 That was until this happened

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Outside in the gardens of the temple, it is quiet. The ninja are inside doing who knows what and I have taken my chance to try and find some peace to train.  A soft wind circles around me, moving the leaves of the trees. I inhale deeply, trying to grab my energy. The bag of straw in front of me in not that heavy and I could lift it with my hands if I wanted to. But that is not my goal. I look at the bag and focus. I know how it is supposed to feel. I know how my elemental powers work. But it does not work. None of my powers seem to work right. A sharp pain shoots up my leg as I place it down to get balance. Sensei Wu told me not to train until I was fully healed. But I can't sit around and do nothing. I focus on the bag again and grab it, sending it through the air. It flies through the air towards the passageway between the bushes. 

I freeze as I see Cole standing there as the bag is making its way down. The earth ninja steps away just before the bag hits him and it crashes into the ground. 

"Hey, Yana." He says casually, looking up from the bag towards me.

With my hand on my side, I try to recover from the energy it took to do that. It takes a moment to catch my breath. I move my injured leg to take the weight off of it. Cole is going to tell me to slow down, I am sure of it. The others have told me I push myself too hard. 

"What are you doing here Cole?" I snap.

Cole moves his hand from behind his back. He is holding a plate with a cake on it. "I got myself a cake and I thought since you are so pissed off, no one will come here and I can eat in peace." He sends me his most happy smile. His eyes sparkle like fireworks. He looks pretty full of himself and his brilliant idea. I catch myself smiling back at him. From all the ninja I have to live with, Cole is by far the best. His calm energy and easy smile are infectious. 

I can feel my cheeks warm-up, and I hope Cole thinks it is from training.  "I am really that scary?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation between us going. Besides I am curious about how the other ninja think of me. 

Cole snickers. He looks around until he finds a spot to sit down. Taking his cake he walks towards a fallen tree. "Jay calls you the scariest ninja he ever saw. And Kai sits up straight every time someone says your name." He tells me, looking at me for a reaction. Butterflies suddenly start flying in my stomach and I feel a bit nauseous. 

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