Grease (Jay)

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It is warm. Hot in the ocean of sand. Jay feels the hot sun, burn on his head as he relaxes. It is good to be home again. He spots the sign of his parent's junkyard in the distance. It has not changed. In his years as a ninja, his home had never changed. He smiles as he walks towards the gate.

Hey, that's strange.

No longer is the entrance of the junkyard free to enter. A large fence is standing in his way. The ninja of lightning looks at it. It looks strange. But he is glad his parents finally listened. He told them years ago they needed a fence. Especially after that snake attack. Jay still shutters when he thinks about it.

But now he faces a problem. How is he getting in?

Not spooked easily, the ninja grabs the bars and jumps over the fence. The rest of the junkyard has not changed much.

On his way to his parents' trailer his mind wonders. Christmas is coming soon. He should get his parents something nice.

Something like a fancy dinner or some growling dog.

Wait a minute.

Jay looks up. Only two steps away from him, a mechanical dog is blocking his path. Its red eyes are locked onto him and Jay can see his sharp teeth blinking in the sunlight. The dog growls at him.

What's this? When did his parents get a Robodog?

He raises his hands. "Good dog, good dog. I am Jay. I come to see.." he steps closer.

The dog growls and steps closer. So Jay steps back. " parents. Oh this is ridiculous. Dad!!! Mom!!!" Jay yells as moments later his mother steps out of the trailer. " Jay?! Honey, it's Jay!"

Ed appears behind his wife.

"Dad, is that yours?" Jay points at the mechanical dog.

" Sort of.." Ed yells as he walks over. "Don't worry. He does not attack in this mode." Ed tells his son. Jay looks at the fearsome-looking dog.  It still has it's teeth bared at him, and his red eyes shine in the sunlight. His father may say it won't attack but Jay is unable to let his defenses drop.

" How did I turn it off again?" Ed mutters to himself. " Was it. Off? Or was it... End? No... wait."

Jay sighs in frustration. "Dad?!"

"Wait, I will ask Yana." 

Jay looks confused. Who is Yana? But before he can ask his dad turns toward the rest of the junkyard. 

"Yana can you help me with porky?!" 

At the moment Ed yells the word help, the dog launches at Jay. Who, thanks to his ninja reflexes, moves away just in time. But Jay trips and quickly the dog is in his face growling as he pushes Jay to the ground with his heavy paw.

"What on earth?!" An unfamiliar voice calls out as he hears quick footsteps coming closer. He can't see a thing because the mechanical dog is right in his face, growling.

"Pocky stay." The voice commands, immediately resolving in the dog closing his mouth, hiding the sharp teeth behind a metal cover. "Ed, what is going on?!" The voice clearly belongs to a girl and she sounds shocked. But Jay is unable to see her as he can't look past the large dog in front of his face.

"Yana I want you to meet my son Jay. I think I send Porky after him accidentally. I got confused again, I am sorry."

"You know how he gets Yana, Ed always forgets things."

Jay hears his mother talking. 

Great, they are having a little tea party when I am stuck here. Jay thinks.
"Can someone get this dog off me?" He yells.

"Porky place." The unknown voice calls. The mechanical dog gets off him and walks to what looks like a doghouse. He lays down and you can see his battery is starting to charge. But Jay is no longer looking at the dog. A girl with dark brown hair in a ponytail is hovering over him. Her brown eyes sparkle in a way Jay never has seen before. Her smile is the most wonderful smile he has ever seen. She is covered in grease and wearing dungarees. A toolbelt is around her hips.

"Hello, I am sorry about Porky" she smiles. Jay is melting from the inside out. She is... perfect.

"I...ah... I... hi. I'm Jay." He manages to say. The girl sticks out her hand to pull him up. When he is on his feet again he stares at her.

"And I am Yana. Happy to meet you." She pulls up her nose before she smiles, making it crinkle. Jay almost sighs at the motion. He opens and closes his mouth a few times. A slight blush forms on her cheeks, before she looks away. "Jay... I am Jay." 

Ed snickers. "You said that already son. Come on, let's get inside and drink some tea." 

"I am Jay," Jay replies, making Yana giggle again. Ed and Edna exchange a look. This is going to be a good day. 

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