Of ghosts and daggers. (Cole)

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Because ghost-Cole is the best when it comes to artwork. I have more chapters and an ending. I am just stuck with the in-between. As always... So... As part of the one-shots, here it is. It is pretty angsty in the beginning.  

Why... why do they.......

I try to breathe, but with every breath, my chest flares up in a red haze of pain. Every step is agony, opening and closing the gaping wound on my leg. Every time it opens a blinding pain shoots through me.

Live on a farm...

so far away from the city?

I steady myself against the post of the wooden gate that signifies I am almost there. I can see the bell, it is so close. But the pain is ripping through me, it feels like it is on the other side of the world. As I take another step, the stabbing pain flares up again and I sink through my knees, falling on the ground. I breathe raggedly as I spit the blood from my mouth.

But I can not stop now. I can not give in to the darkness. I grab the silver dagger tighter, my busted knuckles turning white as I push myself back up once more.

I need.... to get there... I need to ... get there.

It becomes my mantra as I drag myself closer, my vision clouded by a haze of hot red pain. I push myself to take the final steps. My fingers barely touch the rope when a clear sound calls around the tea farm. I managed to ring the bell somehow. I made it. .... I....made ....it.

The familiar face of Misako comes into my vision. I see her panic, her fear. I know it's bad. I know... It's really bad. She calls my name, but the power I mustered to arrive at the door is slipping away fast. The darkness is so close and my fight is at its end, I can feel it.

"Dagger," I whisper before the darkness finally takes me over.


Misako grabs hold of the lifeless body of her old student. "Wu!! Nya! Come quick!" She yells over her shoulder. She scans Yana with her eyes, looking for injuries. She sees the wound on her leg, the blood seeps out of it at a slow but steady pace. But she also notices the bruises around her stomach and her face is bruised and beaten. Her lip is torn as well as her eyebrow, but the blood has already turned into a dark copper color as it has dried. Her hands are covered with small cuts and old and new wounds, and it looks like some of her fingers might be broken. Sensei Wu and Nya arrive by her side and both gasp in shock.

'Who... who is that?!' Nya asks in shock, moving to the injured ninja.

"We need to get her inside." Sensei Wu holds the door. Ronin walks out, casually walking towards the small group. He looks over Misako's shoulder before he freezes. "Yana?" He breathes as he recognizes the ninja dressed in black and grey. He sees the amount of red in her clothes and takes in her injuries. "Is she... dead?" He manages to keep most of the shock out of his voice. Sensei Wu looks at him over his shoulder. His eyes are unreadable for the thief. "Not yet." The old man says softly.

Ronin tries to ignore the short sense of relief. He moves closer as he carefully picks up the ninja. She is limp in his arms and the wound on her leg quickly turns his clothes dark and wet with her blood, and yet she feels too light, too skinny.

"Quickly, we need to move fast." Misako guides them to the back of the store. She opens a door towards their private quarters. To Ronin's surprise, they walk into a fully equipped medical room. He has not been in their private rooms before, but this is not something he expected to be there. Yet it makes sense as he gently places the woman on the table. The ninjas have been in dangerous situations, and getting hurt is part of the job.

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