Guardian Angel

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Warning!! Character Death! not for long, but still. 

artwork by : 

Cole was looking up at the sky. The wound in his chest didn't hurt. Not anymore. His hands were covered in red as his blood steadily streamed out of his body. He had heard his brothers scream his name above the battle. But now the world had turned to silence. He would have loved to stay longer. But his vision started to blur. He knew the end was there. The only thing he would have liked to do... was to say to his dad... he loved him one... last... time...

A new shape popped up in his vision. A beautiful girl, hair as dark as dark chocolate, popped up in his vision. She was smiling. Her red lips closed as she gazed lovingly at him. Her eyes sparkled in a deep hazel, speckled with gold. He had never seen her before, yet he knew her. He knew her so well. She gently stroked his wet, blooded hair from his face. Her eyes looked sad as they ran over his broken body. She moved closer, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "It is not your time yet." She whispered. Gently stroking her hand over his stomach. The pain started to come back. In sharp waves. "I am sorry Cole. This might hurt." She whispered as his body was shocked back to life. "I will see you soon." He could hear her voice echoing inside her head as a shock shot through his body.

"No Cole. You are NOT leaving me.. not you too!" Another shock surged through his body.

"Jay..." he managed to get out of his mouth.

"No Cole. You are going to live." Another shock ran through his body. "Not if you keep shocking me, Motormouth." He managed to say as he started coughing. His mouth tasted like metal as he looked up at his friend.
Jay looked even worse than he had lately. The large bags underneath his eyes were enlarged by a huge black eye that started to form. Tears stained his bruised face. His eyes sparkled with grief.

"Glad to have you back Cole." Zane's calm voice sounded from his other side. He had done something to him, Cole realized as the blood had stopped leaving his body.

Cole looked for the girl he had seen only moments ago. "Where is she?" He asked, his voice rasping in his throat. "Who are you talking about?" Zane asked as he looked around.

"That girl, she... she was right here." Cole tried to sit back up, but Zane gently pushed him back down. Much to Cole's relief as the world started spinning the moment he moved.

"What girl Cole? There was no one here." Jay spoke nervously as he clung to the earth ninja's hand.

"The ambulance is here." Lloyd came into his vision. The younger boy looked even more battered than Jay. But they won right? Did they defeat the bad guy? Cole looked at Zane. "Did we win?" He asked, as his vision started to blacken again. "We did Cole." Cole nodded, just before slipping back into unconsciousness.


"Good morning! How are you feeling today Mr. Brookstone?" The young nurse opened his curtain with a smile. Cole blinked against the bright light beaming into his white room. He had been in the hospital for a week now, and he was slowly getting sick of it. The nurse was holding onto her clipboard. Her dark chocolate hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She smiled, her red lips making way for straight white teeth. "Better. Can I go home now?" He asked, leaning back into his pillow. The nurse laughed, as she checked his line and medication. "Almost. But you will be missed." She smiled and winked at him. Cole looked into her gold speckled eyes. She reminded him of someone. Yet he could not remember whom.

"You can always come and visit me, you know." He wiggled his bushy eyebrows at her, making her giggle. She gently messed up his long locks. "I am always with you Cole. Someone has to look out for you." Wait... what? Cole looked up at the woman, but she was focussing on his IV post. He knew that voice... Suddenly his head started to hurt and he hid his face in his hands. This was all too confusing.

A soft cold hand stroked his head gently. His headache dissolved as quickly as it had appeared.

The nurse was smiling at him as he looked up. "Breakfast?" She asked softly. He nodded as he lay back down. The events of the past few weeks running through his head. Nya's disappearance. He refused to call it death. She was in the ocean, she wasn't dead. The arrival of that demon. And... himself dying. Zane had told him. He had been dead. The nindroid had seen his heart stop.

The demon was defeated quickly by the fury attack of the others, who attacked it with an anger that would destroy the whole city. But when Zane and Jay got to him he was breathing and his wound was far less deadly than it had before. He had been clueless about what happened. Perhaps it was Cole's ghost part that saved him. But the earth ninja knew it wasn't true. Someone had saved him. Someone special. But he could not remember who it was. 

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