Teaching the young. (Lloyd) (Belongs to Just Friends)

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I think I should put some kind of warning. There is talk about sexual things. Definitely NOT a Lemon. But something a bit... traumatic for our green ninja. It will be fun, I promise. ;) 

Lloyd sits in the living room. He has his face hidden in his hands as a desperate moan escapes his lips. So far he has been to all of his brothers, but none of them can tell him the information he is longing to know. The information he has so far passed in front of his mind's eye.

You just have to grab her.. and then wham.. you know!

Kai's words and movements echo in his ears. He shakes his head even at the memory. He is not going to do that. The thought alone sent shivers down his spine. So after that, he went to Nya.

You have to let her take charge. She has to take the lead. Just don't start... anything

He really thought Nya would have been able to help. Being a woman and all. But Nya was so different. He could not imagine Yana would take charge like, well like that. Perhaps a little bit, but not everything. He knew her well enough to know she would freeze if he just lay there.

Jay had piped in as well. Looking at Nya with that lovesick look he had sometimes.

Make her happy.

He wants to make her happy. So much it scared him sometimes. But Jay had left him in the dark about how he would do that. Cole was even better. When he asked the ninja of earth,

Cole had just grabbed him and told him if he would hurt Yana he would make his life miserable even if he was his brother.

Zane and Pixal had looked at him awkwardly and then Zane asked if he did not know how babies were made. 

Lloyd had run off after that.

And now he was running out of options.

He knew physically how things worked. Kind of. At least his part. But since he missed high school he also missed sex ed.

The thought to ask Sensei Wu or even his mother had crossed his mind once, but he was NOT going to ask them. If his father was still alive... Lloyd quickly shook his head at that thought.

"Hey, buddy." A familiar voice comes from behind him. "I caught a rumor you are in need of some friendly advice. And since I am like a father to you. I will give it to you gladly."

Lloyd freezes as Dareth sits down next to him.

No, nonononononono. Not him. Anybody but him! This isn't happening...tell me this isn't happening... 

Lloyd wishes he could sink through the floor now. Or even disappear. Hell, he would fight the great devourer rather than being here at this moment. But Dareth put his hand on Lloyd's knee, smiling knowingly.

"You want some help with your lady friend. I know, I know you think. But Dareth is so much more skilled than me. Trust me. I will teach you, my young student." He smiles a confident smile at Lloyd as the brown ninja places down a plastic bag.

"So, to get my information straight. Did you ever...?" Lloyd quickly shakes his head. Before he would hear Dareth say words he isn't ready to hear.

"And I take it she hasn't either." Lloyd shakes his head again.

"Right. First of all, it is very important to use protection. You two are much too young for a baby. Have you got some?"

Dareth looks at Lloyd, not letting him off with a shake of his head.

"I.." Lloyd coughs. "She is on anti-conception." Dareth nods. "Smart girl. Here." He hands Lloyd a plastic bag he has carried with him. "You should also use this. Do you know how it works?" Lloyd glances in the bag. Oh FSM. He got condoms and strangely enough a... banana?

"I bought them new. So don't be weird about it. Here." Dareth took the bag back grabbing the banana and one package. "You open it like this." Dareth quickly opens the package and a circular flubbery thing lays snugly inside. Lloyd is going to be sick. Why? Why was he here? Why didn't he sit on the roof or something like normal?

But from the corner of his eye, he looks at Dareth's movements. "Alright. You put the condom on your.. member.. and then you hold the tip and roll it down gently. If it doesn't roll, you got it the wrong way around." The brown ninja shows it to Lloyd on the banana. When the condom is on it he explains how to take it off when it's full.

Again Lloyd wants to throw up. But somehow he is intrigued. He never knew it worked like this.

"Here now you try." Dareth gives him the banana and a new condom. Blushing deeply, Lloyd tries, and Dareth only has to help him once.

The second time goes much more smoothly.

When Dareth thinks he got it, the brown ninja quickly puts the things away, throwing the opened condoms and banana in a small trash bag, tying it closed quickly.

"Alright, now we got that out of the way. Do you have any questions you want to know?"

Lloyd can hear his question in his head. But his jaw is locked, and he is unable to talk.

"I know it is probably a bit strange Lloyd. But you can ask anything. I want to help you and make sure you don't just... grab her and wham.. you know. Because that is NOT the way to do it." Dareth smiles slightly. He has lost his usual ego and for a moment Lloyd realizes Dareth isn't a bad guy. At least, not right now. 

"I want to know.." He starts softly. "How do you..." Lloyd moves his hands awkwardly in the air. "Make sure she.. likes it..."

Just look at the carpet. Just look at the carpet.

"Well, that is a simple question, Lloyd. The simple answer is, you ask her. Communication is key. You two should talk and let each other know what you like and what you don't like. Be honest. Being honest is most important."

It makes sense. It sounds scary, but it makes sense.

"And remember Lloyd. I don't know if I need to tell you. But she doesn't have to do things she doesn't want to." Lloyd nods. He knows that part. "But that goes both ways. If she wants you to do something you are not ready for, you don't have to do it."

The green ninja lets that one sink in for a moment. There is little he wouldn't do. But in his life, the option NOT to do something was hardly ever there.

"Just felt like I needed to tell you that." Dareth states. "Got any more questions? Do you know the anatomy of the female organ?" Somehow Dareth does not wiggle his eyebrows.

Lloyd quickly nods. "Yeah, Zane has told me." The pictures still pop into his head as he heard the ninja sum up the names of the parts. It was so embaricing. 

Dareth hums in agreement. "Good, good. So, questions?"

Lloyd shakes his head. "No."

Dareth nods. "So, protection, communication, anatomy, consent. Did I forget something?" Dareth mutters to himself. "Ah yeah. Take your time. No one is pushing you two to do something. If you are happy with kissing then it is perfectly fine. Enjoy the moment and do this together with her, you are in a relationship and you should do this as a team."

Strangely, everything Dareth says makes sense. This is the information he wanted. Even though he did not think he wanted Dareth to tell him.

"So, that's it. You can always come to me if you need to know more or if you have more questions. I won't tell anyone. I know I blur sometimes. But not things like this." Dareth slaps Lloyd on his knee. The green ninja finally looks up, being able to look Dareth in the eyes again. "Thank you," Lloyd spoke softly, earning a smile from the brown ninja. "You are welcome, Lloyd. Glad I could help." Dareth gets up and walks out, leaving a flabbergasted Lloyd behind. 


I am sorry... *Hides* 

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