I now pronounce you Ninja and Wife part 2. (Cole)

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Their first meeting

Ninjago had been under attack. In the heat of the action, he had parked his vehicle against a car. After the battle, he got back to his buggy. She had been sitting there, on the hood, with her arms crossed.

Cole looked a bit surprised at the dark-haired woman sitting on the hood of the buggy. "Hello." He started, trying not to sound too shocked. She looked down at him, and from that moment he had known she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Hi." She had smiled, and Cole had to admit his mouth had fallen open for just a moment. "Are you the dude who parked this monster against my car to save the city?" He had nodded, wondering what kind of trouble he was in.

But the woman had jumped off, leaning against his buggy. "First of all, thank you for that. Second, could you move it, I can't get in, and I would like to go home." She smiled again, her eyes sparkling with something. "Uhh," Had been his answer, as he had been frozen to the spot.

Her smile fell slightly as she raised her eyebrow. She had stepped closer, looking him into his eyes, searching for something. "Did they hit your head or something? I can take you to the hospital if you want. We would have to walk because you know... your ... thing... is blocking my car." That brought Cole into movement. "Yeah, I..." He started as he pressed the key button to unlock the buggy. But she had crossed her arms and gently grabbed his hand. "I don't think you are alright. You seem a lot smarter when I see you fight." She looked around, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "Where are your friends?"

That had snapped Cole back to reality. If Kai or worse Jay saw him in the state, he would never hear its end. "No, no I'm fine. Just... tired. I will move the buggy, so you can go home. Sorry for the inconvenience." He managed to get out.

But she wasn't convinced. "Are you sure? You seem kind of off." She asked, not letting go of his hand.

"No, I'm fine. I will get going so you can leave." He managed to stutter out. The woman shook her head once more and rummaged around in a small cross-body bag. She took out a marker and pulled the cap off with her teeth.

"Alright, but I will write down my number. You call me when you get home, alright? Then I don't have to worry about you." She had pulled his glove off his hand and written down her number on the back of his hand. She had written a word with it. Yuna.

Cole had blinked at her before she had tucked the pen away. He had moved the buggy in a haze and waved goodbye at her as she got in her car and drove away without looking back.

He had to admit he did not call her. But he did send her a text saying he got home alright and he appreciated the concern about his health, thinking it would be the last he would see of her. He had no idea. 


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