You are not that scary Part 2 (Cole)

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Alright...I know I know part 1 was in 1st person. This is not. I wrote this before. Little lemony. SO if you don't like it. don't read it. 

In the days that followed, Yana was healing quite well. Her bad temper was slowly getting better as she was feeling better, but she still snapped at the others. It was TV-night, and the ninjas had gathered in the living room where the large TV was. Jay had put down every pillow in the house so everyone could sit comfortably. Zane had made popcorn in different flavors. Master Wu and Misako used this night to do their own thing, leaving the ninjas to bond together. Yana was lingering in the kitchen, not sure if she was welcome during movie night. Misako had told her to go, and when her teacher told her to go, Yana had no choice but to go.

She heard Jay talk in the kitchen. "I hope the witch isn't coming. If she is we are not watching scary movies."

"If you call her that ever again, I will kick your ass, Walker!" Cole yelled angry in his low voice. She heard some rough sounds and some yells calling out Cole and Jay's names

Kai moaned. "Not this again. Cole, let go of Jay. We just want to watch TV."

"I will get the popcorn," Zane stated. As he walked into the kitchen he saw Yana pacing. "Will you help me carry the bowls?" He asked kindly. Yana could feel herself relax. the nindroid was always kind to her. "Are you sure I am welcome Zane?" She asked quietly.

The Nindroid stopped and his head turned at a slight angle. "Of course Yana. You are one of us. Besides Cole will be very upset if you won't come."

And with that, it was settled and Yana walked in, carrying two large bowls. Jay almost jumped on her to get the caramel flavored ones. Thanking her at least three times.

She was standing in the middle of the pillow fort, wondering where to sit when she felt two strong hands on her hips pulling her back. She landed in Cole's lap, making both of them blush. They moved around until they sat comfortably.

"So, who is going to turn on the TV?" Lloyd asked when everyone settled in. Jay raised his hands, summoning lighting when a loud NO sounded in the room. "Last time you did that you blew up the TV." Cole was about to get up, but Yana pulled him back. "Stay." She spoke softly and moved her hand. The TV jumped on and a cheer came from the other ninja's

"See, you fit right in." Kai smiled at her as the movie was starting.

Yana moved closer to Cole. His arms were around her shoulder and he was nice and warm. She moved closer, laying her head down on his shoulder. As she inhaled through her nose a pleasant scent reached her. The smell of rocks and chocolate. It was a strange but perfect combination. She sighed, finally feeling all the tension and fear leave her for a moment. She felt safe here. With the other ninja's. With Cole.

About halfway through the movie, Jay, and Nya had fallen asleep in the loveseat they had been sitting in. Lloyd had eaten all the popcorn and was secretly trying to steal from Kai. Zane was still sitting the same way he did when they started. Yana had moved. Her head now on Cole's lap. His fingers were playing softly with her hair. She had her eyes closed and she was almost falling asleep. Cole's fingers were putting her to sleep. But then his movement changed. They rubbed past her ear, down her neck and shoulder. Yana let out a tiny moan, snuggling closer in with the earth ninja. To her surprise she noticed something. Something close to the back of her neck. She could feel Cole was trying to adjust himself. Fully awake now, Yana kept her eyes closed and relaxed again. But then Cole's fingers started to move again. They moved past her neck again. Yana softly grabbed his hand after a moment, getting turned on by the touch. She turned, looking up at him. His pupils were large as he looked down on her. She gave him a wink and softly kissed his fingers, only slightly taking a part of his finger in her mouth. Her lips softly rubbing over his knuckles. His hands were strong. He closed his eyes for a moment. Yana realized he was just as horny as she was.

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