Beginnings (Cole)

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Her steps were quick as she turned around him. Her high heels barely touching the floor as she twirled on the balls of her feet, shaking her hips in a suggestive way.

The feathers on her skirt moved along with her amplifying her movement.

"No, no, no Stop STOP." The upbeat music that had filled the room was suddenly stopped.

Cole let out an annoyed growl as his father walked over to the two of them. "What were you doing boy? It is left arm, right arm, gaaaaze, and swirl. And move those hips." Lou poked his son's hips as he shook his head. "But sir.." His dance partner stepped a step closer towards his father. Her eyebrows were knit together and her head was slightly tilted as if she was surprised to be stopped AGAIN by Lou when they had barely been dancing through 2 figures.

"Don't..." Lou turned to the dancer and raised his eyebrow. The young woman closed her mouth again and stepping back as she looked at Cole. He wished he could help her. But when his father was like this, there was no arguing with him.

"Again from the top." Lou walked away as the two dancers stepped closer again. "Sorry," Cole whispered as he grabbed her hand and placed his other on her waist. "Don't say you're sorry, he is your dad." She shot him an apologetic look.

"No talking!!" Lou's tone was one you could not argue with.

The music started again, and the two started to move again, barely reaching the third figure of their dance before being stopped again.

After the training Lou left quickly, leaving the two dancers alone in the dance room. Cole was wiping the sweat from his forehead with his towel as he looked at his dance partner. She was the third one this month. The other two could not put up with his father and left after only one or two training sessions.

"Soo..." He started, trying to make conversation. He was searching his memory for her name, but he could not remember. Something with an M? It would not matter if she would not be here tomorrow. The girl turned and looked at him. "Are you coming back?" He asked as he studied her face, looking for her reaction.

She raised her eyebrow most impressively, a tiny smile played around her lips. "I think what you mean is, are you going to put up with my dad?" She winked at him and flashed a playful smile.

He nodded slightly, a blush of shame on his cheeks.

"Cole... Can I call you Cole?"

He nodded in response. Darn it, what was her name?

"I have had worse choreographers than him. He is mostly focused on you. If you can put up with him, I can too." She put her water bottle on her lips and drank eagerly.

He could hear the water move and the air being sucked in.

"You danced with worse?" He looked at her in shock. He always thought his dad was the worse of them.

She snorted as she moved her bottle down letting it fill with air again. "Let's say your dad and my mom would have a field-day." She rolled her eyes for a moment, as she put down her bottle and sighed. "But I love to dance and now I am at the Marty Oppenheimer I appreciate her teachings even more. It is tough." She shakes her head as if she still can't believe it. "But I love it." She smiled at him and he could see she spoke the truth as her eyes sparkled with joy.

Cole sighed and looked away. His application was laying at his desk at home. But it just felt... wrong. He enjoyed dancing, the feeling of pushing his body to the limit and realizing he could go even further. Heck, he enjoyed moving to music in his own way. But that was it. He was never passionate about dancing. Not the way his dad was. Not the way this girl was.

"I heard you are going to apply." She looked at him from the corner of her eye.

"My dad wants me to apply." He replied too fast, and with too much mirth for his own liking and the girl noticed. 

"I take it you don't?" She did not sound that surprised. Was he that obvious?

"I..." He swallowed, looking for his shoes, to give his eyes somewhere else to look.

"This is my dad's dream, I can't let him down, you know.." He sat down on the bench and sighed. Why he was opening up to her so easily, was a mystery to him. She was nice, but Susan had been nice too and Cherril. But he didn't tell his former dance partners. He barely said more than two words to them. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, shaking him from his thoughts. He looked up seeing her look a bit uncomfortable. Great. He had gone too far. Opening up to a girl he just met and whose name he forgot.

"Alright, I know we just met, and you probably should not listen to me, but Cole..." He wanted to get up, but she pushed him back down, showing surprisingly much strength. He turned and looked into her eyes.

"Please listen to me. As a child of a very pushy parent to another. You have got to find your own way. I found my love in dancing, but if that is not your love. Then you should not pursue a career in that. Find something that makes your heart race. That gives you energy even though it is rough and tiresome. Don't do what others say you need to love."

Her eyes were a dark blueish grey, like the air filled with clouds of thunder. He suddenly realized she stopped talking and he looked away a bit embarrassed. She was right. He knew it in his heart. He was just too scared to do it. She gently tapped his knee. "Alright. I will see you tomorrow." She grabbed her vest and put her arm through. "I have bugged you too much already." She quickly grabbed her things as Cole searched his brain for something to say. She was already at the door when she turned once again. "Bye Cole."

He raised his hand to her before she walked out. "Bye... nameless girl." He whispered.

He sat on the bench for a while, trying to get his brain in order. When that did not work, he got up. Perhaps he should go climbing a bit. The mountain behind his house had been calling to him. 

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