Living on the street. epilogue

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Jay got off his bike, the warmth of the desert sun feeling as familiar as the sand on his face. He turned around and pulled Ava off the backseat. The smile on her face was one of her big smiles. Only reserved for special occasions. Like when Lloyd brought her some secret candy, much to Nya's chagrin.

Ava took off her helmet as Jay put down Wiz who whirled in excitement. Jay grabbed his cane, he was almost done using it, but after riding so long, his foot still hurt and he needed to get the weight off. His parents would quickly put him on a chair when they saw it, but he did not mind. "Ready?" He asked, looking at the young mechanic. Ava nodded as she grabbed his hand. 

"Come on! I have never been to a junkyard before!" She had put on some much-needed weight and had become the bubbly happy girl she was now. Often pranking the guys and causing mischief with Lloyd who adopted her like a younger sister. He walked into the junkyard he had called his home for many years. 

"MOM! DAD!" he called out, seeing the trailer door fly open. Ed and Edna walked out looking excited to see their son. His mother started to fuss over him instantly, but Ed looked at the young girl next to him. "Hello, you must be Ava." Ava nodded, suddenly a bit shy. "I am Ed. Jay told us you are a mechanic, like me." She nodded again. " Would you like to see the shed?" He asked, smiling brightly at her. Edna slapped her husband's shoulder. "Calm down Ed. Oh, look at you! You are beautiful. Would you like something to drink?" Ava nodded, her eyes sparkling as she looked around the junkyard amazed.

Not long after, Jay was sitting with his mother near the trailer. Ed was out with Ava, probably messing with some large machine.

"I didn't come here just to visit, mom," Jay stated, as he moved his leg to a more comfortable position.

Edna smiled at her son. "I guessed so. What is on your mind Jay?"

Jay sighed. This was going to be hard. "Are you and dad still in the adoption system?" He asked quickly. Edna took a small sip of her tea. "We are getting a bit too old for that son. Besides, you were enough for us."

"I am not asking for just anyone. I am asking for Ava. She is a lovely kid. But that's just that. She is a kid. And we get into some dangerous situations, and she is right there in the crossfire. Besides, she would love it here." He smiled as he thought about her. "She is a lot like me at that age."

"Jay.." His mother gently placed her hand on his arm. "I understand, but isn't she better off with a younger family. I mean. I love your dad, but he is getting older and a bit forgetful. And I am no spring bean myself."

Jay shook his head. "We can't put Ava back into the system again, Mom. She has been through enough. She needs her forever home to be around us. If you and dad won't adopt her, Misako will step up. Or even me and Nya. But she will be a lot safer with you guys." Edna sighed, placing her teacup down on the small table between her and Jay.

"I will talk with Ed about it. We are not saying no. But we are also not saying yes Jay. Besides, we need to get to know each other a bit better." Jay smiled at his mom. "That is all I ask mom. That and another cookie. If you have one." 

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