I now pronounce you Ninja and Wife part 1. (Cole)

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I give you here a storyline I have been playing with. They are bits of the story, skipping some parts, diving deeper into others, and it goes as long as I have inspiration. Wich happens to leave me quickly at the time. So I start with the end. Here it is. 

It was after midnight when Cole got home. Their fight had been tough and it had taken some time to patch himself and his brothers up. He knew better to go home wounded without having tended to it, but he was relieved to be home. It was dark inside, but the nightlight in the hallway shed a soft orange light as he walked up the stairs. Silently he opened the bedroom door. To his surprise his bed was empty. The blankets were tousled so someone had slept in the bed at some time, but it was clear they no longer were there. Filled with adrenalin from the fight, his heart started to pound as he took one step towards his son's bedroom, half expecting it to be empty.

Quietly he opened the door.

In the orange light of the nightlight, the scene before him warmed his heart. His son was tucked into the arms of his lovely wife as he saw the familiar head of curls pop up from the blankets. His wife's arms wrapped around the small body of the four-year-old. They were both sleeping. He watched them sleep, and a smile formed around his lips as his heart melted with love. He walked over them, half regretting he was going to wake her. But he knew better than to leave her sleep. She would be worried sick if she woke there in the morning, not knowing if he had gotten home or not.

In the orange light of the night, he looked at her beautiful face. Little lines of her smiles were starting to settle permanently in her face. And though she would slap him if he told her she was starting to get wrinkles, he loved every one of them. She was beauty, in human form. Gently he bend over and placed a kiss on her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open as she turned to him, still half asleep. Her full lips turned into a smile as she looked at him with her dark eyes. Hi, She mouthed, not wanting to wake their son. She placed a kiss on his curly hair and he moaned slightly as she slit out of bed, following Cole to their own bedroom.

As soon as they closed the door behind them her arms snaked around his neck and her lips touched him, quickly deepening the kiss. "I love you." She whispered as they broke apart. Cole lifted her up, earning a giggle as she nestled against his chest.

The earth ninja put her on the queen-sized bed before he changed his Gi for his sleepwear. When they were tucked in nicely, Cole had wrapped his arms around his wife. "Leo is getting sick." She whispered. "He was coughing so bad, I got in bed with him. I must have fallen asleep. I hope I did not scare you when I wasn't in the bed." She snuggled up against him, sighing in happiness.

"It's alright love," Cole whispered back, placing a kiss in her hair. "Let's sleep."

The soft reply his wife gave him told Cole she was already falling asleep.

Cole softly stroked her hair, thinking about the day they first met. 

*Enter Part 2* 

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