Chapter 32: The Precious Smile with Truthful Eyes

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Rebecca's POV

I awoke cuddled up next to Ryan. I smiled to myself unaware of the mistake I had made which my brain quickly reminded me. My breathing got unsteady as I tried to contemplate all of the events that happened last night. I questioned my lack of discipline as my eyes grew wide. I threw the covers off of me in the pursuit of running away from my problems. "What were you thinking?! You're not in love with Ryan Ross!!!" My subconscious screamed at me. I tried to calm myself down in the hopes of not waking up the victim of my stupidity. I quietly and quickly began to assemble last nights attire onto my body in my preparation to bolt out the door.

As I turned around to start my path towards the door, a hand grabbed my wrist. I closed my eyes and took a huge gulp. I turned around to see a smiling Ryan Ross and all of my previous feelings washed away. I smiled back at him and couldn't help but to fall in love with his precious smile. His smile could end all wars and cure deadly diseases.

He pulled my arm down to him and he kissed my lips. "Hey." he said stroking my hair with of course, his smile wrapped around his face.

You know how whenever you like a guy and you're trying to deny it, you can talk trash about them all day long until they're in front of you, showing their precious smile? That's Ryan Ross. It didn't matter how bad he was for you. He was as sweet as can be, just like a lollipop.

"What're you doing up and dressed?" He inquired as he rubbed his tired eyes. "I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to wake you." I said while bitting my lip. "Oh you weren't running away? It looked more like you were running away." He had a very confident grin on his face. "Um well uh." I searched for words. "It's fine. I understand this is all new and confusing to you. I'm not surprised your first instinct is to run." He said stroking the side of my face. "What does that mean?" I said a bit offended. "I know you Becca. When you get scared you run. I just hope now when you run, it's into my arms." He took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

You see what I mean? He's irresistible. Maybe a bit corny but cute, very, very cute. I could never lose interest in his words or the eyes that told his story. His eyes, they said it all. He was never able to speak a deceitful word without me knowing, or anyone for that matter. His eyes held the key to his thoughts. When his mouth spoke passionate words, his eye would lit up, showing his interest in a subject. I always loved this side of Ryan. He never spoke an untruthful word to me. In my mind, he was more honest than Lincoln.

"I'm unsure about this Ryan. I'm scared. I don't want to lose you." I said looking down at my hands that he held. I understood that what I said was a bit off subject, but it was all I was thinking about since the moment I woke up. "You aren't gonna lose me Guthrie. I'm always here for you. It doesn't matter what shit happens after last night. I'm always here. I promise." He said. With Ryan's previous track record of honesty, he gave me no reason to doubt his words. I looked into his light brown eyes just to reassure myself. I believed him and yet I still had that scared feeling in my stomach. I would say butterflies, but those are somewhat exciting and fun. This feeling was not fun. It was terrifying.

I gave him a slight smile and just said, "Okay. I'll take your word." He chuckled a bit and replied, "Good." I wanted to trust Ryan. His honesty was refreshing and new to me. Brendon and I never had an honest relationship. Hell! It was anything but honest. Maybe that's why it didn't work. I almost didn't blame him for not loving me anymore. We wore each other out with all the running, secrets, and lies. It was unhealthy! Still, there was something that always drew us back together. I didn't know if that would play into future events.

"Hey um, I gotta go. Thank you though, last night was for me, and uh...Thank you." I laughed a bit. "I'm trying to say that you surprised me and I'm thanking you for something new. I guess." I finished a bit uncertain of my thoughts.

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