Chapter 8: Escaping Boredom

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Rebecca's POV

I woke up in Brendon's arms. I didn't mean to stay the night, oh well. Not like I didn't want to. I looked up at him. He was still sleeping. He looked so adorable, and peaceful. I gently kissed him on the check trying not wake him, then placed my head back on his chest. He was so warm, and I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. I just want to stay here forever with him. It was Sunday, and I didn't have to go anywhere today. I was probably just going to hang out at the hospital with Brendon.

I heard a yawn, and looked up at Brendon. He looked down at me and smiled. "Good morning." He said while kissing my head. "It is isn't it?" I giggled. He laughed a bit too and replied with "Yes it definitely is. So, what do you have planned for today?" He said pulling me a little closer to him. I smiled. "Nothing really. I was just gonna hang out with you." I smiled up at him. "Well you aren't gonna have much fun. Im just gonna watch tv. I can't wait till I get to leave! By the way, do you know when they have me scheduled to go home?" He asked. "Uhh, I think you're scheduled to leave Thursday." He frowned a bit. "Ughh, so far away. I just wanna go get some froyo with you!" He complained. I smiled a bit. "It'll be fine and I can bring you some yogurt after school tomorrow." I said while pulling myself up to give him a kiss. "You're the best." He smiled. "I know, but I have to go home and shower. I probably look terrible!" I stated. "You look beautiful. Don't leave." He pouted. I got out of bed and kissed him again. "I'll be right back." I smiled. "Fine." He said.

I walked out of the hospital, and into my car. I looked at my day old makeup through the mirror. He's such a liar I do look terrible. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to my house. I stepped inside and my parents were eating breakfast. "Hey sweetie. Did you fall asleep at the hospital?" My mom asked. "Yeah sorry. I'm gonna go back after I take a shower." I replied. "That's fine." She said while eating some cereal.

I walked upstairs and took a shower. Once I got out I dried myself off, and got dressed in white skinny jeans with a blue Nirvana t-shirt. I dried my hair with my blow dryer, and applied some makeup. I put on my blue vans and my leather jacket.

I went back to the hospital and walked in to see Brendon watching The Flintstones. I smiled at least it wasn't Tom & Jerry again. "Hey!" He greeted me. "Really more cartoons?" I teased. "What? There's nothing wrong with cartoons they make me laugh!" He smiled. "Whatever." I said. He scooted over for me to seat on the bed with him. I sat down next to him with my head on his shoulder.

We sat there for a while till I got tired of watching The Flintstones. I tried to take the remote from Brendon, but he knew I was trying to take it and beat me to it. Man, him with his frozen yogurt and cartoons! He's such a kid at heart. "Ughh, Brendon we've been watching this show forever!" I whined. "Fine." He turned off the tv and turned to me.

"What do you wanna do?" He said while grabbing my hand. "I don't know..." There's nothing really to do at a hospital. "I know! let's break out!" He said with a devilish smile. "That's a terrible idea." I laughed. "No, really let's go get some yogurt!" He said with excitement in his voice. "Don't they have frozen yogurt here?" I asked. "Live a little! Besides their froyo sucks." I giggled "What about your clothes?" I asked. Haha I finally put a fork in his plan. He laughed "Miss Guthrie you act as if I didn't plan this out!" He said while pulling some clothes out from under the bed. "Oh my gosh! You're crazy!" I said He chuckled a bit. "Wait for me in the hall while I change."

I stepped out into the hall. I can't believe were doing this! This is a really stupid idea and we're gonna get caught. He stepped out of the hall with jeans and a blue shirt with white stripes. He had black converses on. He really did plan this out! "Ready?" He asked all excited. "Oh gosh this is stupid." I replied. He smiled and grabbed my hand walking outside. "Give me the keys." He said. "Uh! No way you just woke up from a coma caused by a car accident!" I replied. "Fine." He rolled his eyes. I got in the car and drove us to get frozen yogurt.

We order our usual, and he took out his money to pay. My eyes widened. "How the hell did you plan this out so well!" I questioned "Shhh! I have my secrets." He winked. I chuckled a bit. We walked out to the car and leaned up against the car. "We should come back tomorrow." He said casually eating his yogurt. "Definitely not." I laughed. "Ughh fine." He smiled. "How do you know no one will check on you?" I asked. He looked down at his watch. "Well the next nurse doesn't check in until twelve. So, we have some time." He answered. "I can't believe you." I smiled. "Well, I was tired off sitting in a hospital for so long." He replied.

We finished our yogurt and I drove us back. It was 11:45. We had enough time to sneak back inside. He sat in his bed all changed back into his hospital gown. He smiled. "That was fun!" He said. "You're literally insane!" I laughed. "Am I?" He said while grabbing my waist pulling me in. "Yeah you are." I giggled. He pulled me closer into a kiss. I laughed a bit more. "I'm gonna go home, but I love you." I smiled. He copied my expression and replied with "I love you too." He's the cutest even when he's all crazy trying to break out of hospitals.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm up to 42 reads and thanks so much! I hope you like this chapter. I procrastinated a bit, but got it out just on time. haha it's not tomorrow yet! Hope you like it! :)

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