Chapter 40: Bitchy Celebration

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Rebecca's POV

I woke up from a rare occasion of peaceful rest with a smile on my face. Graduation Day. I made it. I made it through four years of hell and useless work that the government decided was somehow necessary. I didn't have to deal with petty made up drama anymore. The best part is I'm actually going to college! I know, weird that I'm excited, but I'm just in shock that anyone would let me into their world of education.

I'm going to a fancy art school in California for Digital Design and Creative Writing. Although all of my grades were horrific, I somehow scored really high on my SATs. How I did that is a mystery to everyone, but Brendon is extremely proud. We've both have made lives for ourselves and our futures aren't seeming so hopeless anymore.

Unfortunately, Brendon and I have met the point in the road where we have to part ways. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't heart broken. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him. I'd never get over the guy who took me out to froyo and skateboarded on the rooftop. I'd never be able to forget the first time we kissed in a hospital room or when he drove me to the airport and kissed me goodbye. We've been through so much the past two years and I can't imagine going through it with anyone else.

Ryan and I have finally reconciled our differences and rekindled a friendship. I'd miss him so very much as well. I'm proud of my boys. They've created something wonderful and different and working on pursuing their dreams. I can't imagine them failing.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. Brendon. I grinned as I answered his call. "Hey Bren." I smiled into the phone. "Hey Becca, can I come over?" He asked. "Yeah sure. Just know I'm just getting out bed now." I laughed. "Seriously? You should really be getting ready if we want to make it on time." He laughed. "I know! I know! Just come over and hang while I'm getting ready. See you in a bit." I said. "Okay, Be right over." He said before hanging up.

I got out of bed and stretched my arms a bit before going downstairs for breakfast. I made myself a bowl of cereal and was contently eating when Brendon entered the room. He hugged me from behind and pecked my cheek. "You excited?" He asked. "Yes!" I giggled as I turned around and hugged him back. He picked me up and started carrying me up the stairs. "Bren, my legs work. I can make it up the stairs on my own." I informed him. "Preposterous!" He protested. I just rolled my eyes in response.

We made it to my room and he threw me on my bed. "Now get ready." He commanded as he fell back onto my bed as I got up following his orders. I already took a shower the night before so I didn't need to waste time on washing my hair. I applied makeup and curled my hair. My hair was now back to my original brunette color with fire red balayage ends. I liked it this way.

I did a traditional wing on my eyeliner with simple gold eyeshadow and burgundy lipstick. I was somewhat satisfied with my appearance so I moved onto the next step; putting on clothes. I picked out my satin purple dress that reached my mid-thighs. I had a thin gold belt that wrapped around my waist accentuating my curves. I wore the dress with sparkly gold pumps.

After all of my finishing touches I went back to my room to find Brendon past out on my bed. It was adorable how peaceful and angelic he looked. I poked him in the cheek until he woke up. "Five more minutes?" He begged. "Fine." I rolled my eyes walking away.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him with a smile on his face. I ended up on top of him with my nose pressed against his. "You look really beautiful." He smiled. "Thanks." I giggled rolling over to cuddle into him. He wrapped his arm around me as I rested my eyes listening to his steady breath. Why can't he just be mine? I asked myself.

"Becca?" I could hear Brendon smiling at me. "Hmmm?" I hummed in response with eyes still shut. I soon opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked at me confused but still smiling. "Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?!" I asked pulling myself off of him while covering my talkative mouth. He laughed and sat up too. He pulled my hands away from my mouth and kissed my lips.

I released the tension I was holding due to fear of rejection and relaxed my arms. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him while my hands found his neck. He started to lay down, pulling me on top of him. I smiled at this and he also had caught my contagious grin. I unbuttoned his shirt while acknowledging how long I've wanted to do this. I was finally committing myself completely to him.

"Becca. Becca. Becca!" Brendon said. My eyebrows came together in confusion. He was kissing me, how could he talk too? Unless....I opened my eyes. Fuck. I was dreaming. I was drenched in disappointment and sighed. I guess it'll never happen. "Aww! You look so upset! Don't worry. You'll be able to rest again once we're done with the ceremony." He smiled. Little did he know that I wasn't searching for rest.

I nodded as he pulled me off the bed and we made our way down the stairs and out of my house. Brendon looked especially cute in his suit with black and white converse. I loved that he didn't wear dress shoes. He opened my door as always letting me into his car.

We drove to school and got ready in our caps and gowns on arrival. Brendon was really upset that his cap smushed his hair. I tried to tell him that he looked fine but my words were far from comforting according to Brendon. I rolled my eyes with a smile giving up on satisfying his void of confidence.

We stood backstage for a bit until it was time to go out. While we were waiting I received a lot of complements on my shoes, my hair, and my lipstick. Brendon pretended to seem a little down because no one was complementing him which was really adorable. One girl did walk up to him and made a nice comment towards his converse-suit combination.

She was of course stunning and beautiful and Brendon couldn't take his eyes off her. I'd be lying if I said jealousy wasn't brewing up inside me. She had a beautiful smile with piercing blue eyes and silky caramel hair. They flirted for a bit till I couldn't stay present for the conversation. I left to go find Ryan.

I searched everywhere till someone picked me up from behind and started spinning me around. I giggled and stopped when I was put down and turned to see a smiling Ryan. I gave him a huge hug in appreciation of his presence.

"I'm so glad I found you! Brendon is flirting it up somewhere with a chick." I rolled my eyes. "Oh well, I'm here." He shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, you always are." I smiled and locked my arm with his.

We skipped back to where Brendon was. Even though Ryan and I had made up, there was an unspoken tension between Ryan and Brendon. You could tell they tried to stay civil but you could feel the steam coming off of them.

"Oh, where did pretty girl go?" I inquired in a rude way. His eyebrows met together in confusion. "Hmm? Oh! Natalie? I don't know where she went. She was nice though. Not really my type but nice girl." He nodded. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. I don't know why I was being so bitchy. I missed my bitchy attitude though so I kept up the act.

"Whatever, I should probably go see if my parents are here yet." I untangled my arm from Ryan's and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Nice finding you Ryan." I smiled. I guess the kiss was just another bitchy touch but I liked it.

I noticed Brendon's hurt expression as I walked away but I felt no remorse in my actions. I was angry and I was going to do as I pleased because I don't care. I pranced off being a sassy bitch. I never wanted to play the nice sweet innocent girl anyways and everyone would just have to deal with that.

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is kinda bland but the next one will be better! I don't know if you've noticed but we're getting pretty close. Forty chapters is a lot and I'm proud of myself for sticking with this story for that long! I'm so glad that people would want to even read forty chapters of this. I don't think you guys understand how amazing that is! I'm just so impressed I guess. We come so far and the end is near but there will be more to come from me! So, stay tuned!!! Love yah guys!!!

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