Chapter 13: Wondeful Memories Covered by Lies

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A/N: I know I usually switch to Brendon's POV after Becca's, but I didn't want to this time. Sorry if you wanted it to switch. :/

Rebecca's POV

I woke up in Brendon's room. What? I was just in a field. I rub my eyes, and look around. No Brendon. I climbed out of his bed in my clothes from yesterday. I was wearing a black pullover sweater with a big skull on it and a grey tank top underneath with some blue skinny jeans. My combat boots were placed in the corner of the room.

My thoughts were interrupted by the noise of a sizzling pan. I tried to wake up my eyes as I walked down the stairs, but they were still out of focus. I let out a yawn as my eyes finally started to do their job. I walked into the kitchen to see a very shirtless Brendon making some breakfast. He turned around and smiled at me which made me giggle.

"Good morning! How'd you sleep?" He asked while flipping some bacon. "Uh, very well I guess. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I fall asleep in a field last night?" I said while taking a seat on the kitchen stool. He laughed a bit. "Yeah you did, but I took you home. I didn't want to wake you." He smiled. "I sleep the whole ride home? Wow..." I replied. "Yeah, and by the way you talk in your sleep." His cheeks turned red. "What?!" I said while trying to scramble through my memories of my dreams. I drew a blank. "Yeah, I'm not gonna get into details on what you said, but my name was mentioned a lot..." He smirked. "Oh my God, really?" I felt my cheeks turn hot in embarrassment.

He handed me a plate full of bacon and scrambled eggs. My stomach was turning from the conversation. "Hun, it's fine. I don't mind at all." He still had that flattered grin on his face. I still felt embarrassed. "How come you never told me you could sing?" I quickly changed the subject. He caught onto what I was doing and just smirked. My cheeks were still pretty warm. "Uh, I don't know. It never really came up." He scratched his head. "Well, you have an amazing voice." I smiled at him. He laughed a bit, and grabbed me by the hips and pecked my check from behind. "I'm flattered." He smiled.

I let out another yawn while bringing my hand to my mouth. He pulled me into a hug as I placed my head on his shoulder. "Are you still tired?" He asked as he ran his fingers through my hair. "No, I should probably get home soon anyway. My mom is probably worried sick about me." I said while resting my eyes telling myself I wouldn't fall asleep. "Nah, I called her last night to tell her you fell asleep." He stroked my hair some more. "Wow, and best boyfriend award goes to..." I smiled. "I know I know." He chuckled and batted his eyes. "So you can stay for a bit longer." He pulled away to look at me revealing his perfect smile which never failed to make my heart melt. "Okay." I replied while bitting my lip probably looking like a retard. He just laughed and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.

We finished our breakfast and snuggled up on the couch, of course watching Saturday morning cartoons. I looked up at him while his eyes were focused on the tv. His arms were gently wrapped around me while my head rested on his chest. His gaze was still focused on the screen as a laugh escaped his lips. I loved the sound of his laugh. Sitting there with him was better than any show on those channels. He looked down noticing my eyes fixed on him. I just smiled as did he. He then placed a gentle kiss on my head.

In attempt to say what I was thinking, how I was feeling, I some how managed to say, "You're beautiful." I then realizing how stupid I sounded. He started to laugh really hard and replied with, "Thank you?" He still was ending his giggles when I said, "That's not exactly how I was trying to put it." I laughed. "Well, how were you trying to put it?" He smiled. "I don't know. It's just... The way you are. You're just perfect..." I said in loss of words. He still had a huge grin on his face. "Random, but I'll take it." He shrugged. I elbowed him in the side. "I mean it." I said. "Ow! That hurt!" He started to act like a drama queen and grab his side as if he was stabbed. "I don't know if I'm gonna make it! Tell my mom I love her!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder. "You're a real pain. You know that?" I said squinting my eyes at him.

"I think I've heard someone say that before. She had long brown hair, oh and this gorgeous smile, but she was pretty weird. She called me beautiful one time. I still loved her to death though. I mean how couldn't I? You just couldn't help but squeeze her to death and kiss her forever. She was just so adorable."

I laughed a bit. "Oh, really?" Which followed by my eye roll. "Mmhmm." He hummed as he started to inch his face closer to mine. I pushed him away. "Well, I gotta go take a shower." I smirked at him while getting off the couch. "What? You don't wanna hang out with me. I'm hurt!" He chuckled. "You could at least give me a goodbye kiss!" I could hear him say as I walked toward the door. I turned the doorknob and gave him a smile and the middle finger. "Love you too!" He shouted so I could hear his voice before I shut the door. I just smiled as a rolled my eyes walking to my house across the street.

I walked in and noticed no one was home, but there was a note on the fridge that read:

Hey sweetie! Me and your dad decided we'd go out for lunch. We'll be back in the late afternoon. Love you!

XoXo Mom <3

Ps: When I get back you're gonna have to tell me how you're night went! ;)

Oh brother. I thought while letting out a sigh. I made my way up the stairs and to the bathroom. I started to warm up the water, but then my phone vibrated. I looked at who it was from and it was Brendon. I smiled while reading his text.

Brendon: Once you're done can we please go out to lunch? I'm sorry for teasing you! <3

Me: If you promise not to be a pest.

Brendon: Ptshhh! Me? Never! You know I love you too much to bother you.

Me: Yeah.....Ok. Anyways I guess we could go out to lunch just give me time to get ready.

Brendon: Ok, Love you! <3

Me: Love you too, even when you're being a pain in the ass! <3

Brendon: Wow, Hun that means a lot...

Me: Lol bye

Brendon: Bye! :)

The water was now warm as I placed myself in it. After I was done with all the things people do in the shower. I got out and began to get ready. I wrapped myself in a towel while I decided what to wear. It was pretty warm out today so I decided on some shorts and a cute purple button up short sleeved shirt. I blow dried my hair but was too lazy to do anything with it so placed it in a high ponytail. I applied a bit of make up not trying to over kill it and put on my nice grey Vans. I grabbed my purse while pulling my sunglasses out of it and placing them on my eyes.

I started to make my way over to Brendon's but noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway. It was probably a family friend. I walked into the house to see a girl with mid length black hair sucking off my boyfriends face against a wall. They turned when I entered. Brendon started to speak. "Wait, Becca!" He started to move toward me. "Shove it, Brendon! I'm so fucking done with your shit!" I screamed while slamming the door behind me.

A/N: Yeah sorry I haven't been writing a lot. Ive been caught up with other things haha like I went to Pennsylvania and sliced my finger open. Good times, good times... Anyways! Hope you guys love this chapter! (OMG ALSO I NOTICED I HAVE 267 VIEWS LIKE UMMM THANKS!)

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