Chapter 3: Regretful Kissy Eyes

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A/N: So far I have 4 views. *throwing myself a one person party while listening to Miss Jackson!* I don't know if my 4 viewers are gonna continue reading this book, but hey if you're reading this, YOU'RE THE FUCKING BEST THANKS FOR READING MY STORY!!! haha enjoy the chapter! Trying to have more of a build up in this one.

Rebecca's POV

It was Monday... Ughhhh. I smiled remembering my text conversation with Brendon last night. He was going on about how he thought it'd be great to adopt baby turtles and train them to become the next ninja turtles.

I got up and decided to make an effort on my appearance. I actually curled my hair, and wore some lipgloss. I put on a cute skater dress that showed off my figure very well. The dress went down to my finger tips, a little ways above my knees. It was all white lace with the sleeves long enough to pull over my hands. I wore it with a black leather jacket seeing how it was cold outside. I then got my red converse and wore them with my see through black nylons.

As I was grabbing my bag I got a text from Brendon telling me he was waiting for me in the driveway. I bit my lip, and replied "Coming"

I walked outside and climbed into the car. Oh no the look on his face! "What's wrong?!" I said desperately searching for an answer. "Uh..." He smiled. "Nothing you just look really pretty that's all..." I blushed a bit and punched him in the arm. "We better get going I don't wanna be late today." I said. "Okay." He said while pulling the car in reverse backing up out of my driveway.

We got to school and we had lab today. Brendon was my lab partner. All the teachers paired us together ever since he shadowed me his first day, which of course I didn't mind. I was kinda happy where our friendship was, but I don't think we could be more. I liked Brendon he's always there for me, which I haven't had a lot of in my life, but I don't think I could be in a relationship after my ex. I didn't really wanna talk to Brendon about what happened in my last relationship, because he'd get all protective. Don't get me wrong I think it's cute how much he tries to protect me. Did I just say cute?

"Hey, am I doing this right?" Brendon asked interrupting my thoughts. "Uhhhh, I have no clue." He chuckled a bit. "Looks like where gonna do really great in this project!" I think the combination of how bad we each sucked at science was kind of sad. Oh well... Yassss! The bell finally rang! I grabbed my bag as did Brendon making our way to the door.

We were walking out and Mr. Johnson stopped us. "I need to talk to you two." He said. Oh shit was the only thing that crossed my mind. "You two aren't doing so well in this class, so you're gonna have to stay after school today to get caught up. Unfortunately I can't be here to supervise," Hmmm very unfortunate. "But I trust you two can get the job done. Here's a list of things you need to do to get caught up." He said while handing me a paper. "K, thanks." I said as we walked out.

"Great this totally ruins our froyo plans." Brendon said while putting his arm around my shoulder. I giggled a bit. "Stop whining we can always get some yogurt after." I looked up at him. "Yeah I guess, but it won't be the same." He smiled. I playfully elbowed him. "Suck it up! I'm not failing this class for frozen yogurt!" I laughed "Ouch! Okay." He said while holding his ribs and smiling.

We finally reached the end of the day, and I just wanted to go home. We still had to do that science work, So we went to the lab. It was completely empty. I guess it was just us two. We picked our seats and sat down on the stools. I pulled out the list he gave us. It only had four assignments, so it wouldn't take us that long.

I let out a yawn and rested my head on his shoulder. He combed his fingers through my hair. "Are you tired?" He asked. "Yeah, a little bit." I said while lifting my head of his shoulder. "Ughh we need to get this work down." I was a little frustrated. "It's okay I'm sure it won't take us that long." He said while looking at me. I got a little distracted with his amazing brown eyes. I was just staring at him. He didn't turn away though. Why didn't he turn away? He stared right back at me. The way I was staring at him. He started to lean in closer to me. My heart started racing. His lips inches away from mine. We were almost touching. I couldn't. I turned away. "We should probably get started." I looked down and flipped open my book. "Yeah." He said doing the same.

We were finally done! I set our work on Mr. Johnson's desk, and we walked out. We didn't really talk after our almost kiss, and the car ride home was awkward. He didn't go to get yogurt, which was good because that probably would have ended up awkward too.

We pulled into his driveway. He sat there for a bit until he turned to me. "Yeah I'm sorry about what I did back there in the lab." He combed his fingers through his hair a bit. "No! It's fine. I mean-" I didn't really have anything to say about it, so I just left another awkward pause. "Um, well I guess I should get going." I said while unbuckling my seatbelt. "Yeah." He said while getting out of the car.

He didn't hold my hand while crossing the street which he always did. We reached my door. I kinda just stood there again looking into his eyes, but stopped. I didn't wanna have a repeat of earlier. I looked down at the ground avoiding his eyes. "I'll uh, I'll text you." He said with his hands in his pockets. "Okay, bye." I said while going into my house.

Brendon's POV

I walked across the street back to my house. I was a little frustrated with myself trying to kiss Becca in the lab. I knew she didn't like me! I just totally fucked up our friendship! What if she didn't want to be friends with me after this? I really like Becca, and I think I'm starting to fall for her. I can't fall for her! If I fall for her I'm going to ruin everything. I can't show her how I feel about her anymore. I can't tell her about how every time I touch her I feel sparks, or whenever I look in her eyes I feel butterflies! This is gonna kill me! I guess this means were gonna be just friends... Friends that word jabs me in the heart when it's being used with Becca.

I sat there debating if I should text her. What if she doesn't wanna talk to me? Ughh! How could I screw this up so badly! I decided to text her "Hey" before I could talk myself out of it, but it's been ten minutes and she hasn't replied. Is it safe to say I messed this up horrifically?

A/N: Hey guys! I guess this chapter is a little short, but at least it's developing faster? Idk comment your feedback. Do you like it so far? Oh also if you haven't noticed updated 3 days in a row! Yeah me for having no life! Haha there's not much to do when your parents won't let you go anywhere. :/

The Boy Across the Street (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now