Chapter 7: Familiar Green Eyes

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There was a bright light and blurred faces. I heard ringing in my left ear and voices producing words I couldn't make out. My head was spinning, and I slipped away back to darkness.

I was on a road driving as I looked down to turn the radio station, I collided into a black truck. I was being tossed and turned until my head was hit against the steering wheel.

I was jerked back into a bright light. Am I dreaming? Figures of people were over me with unclear faces. I heard "He's awake!" and someone calling for a man. My head was buzzing and I didn't know what was going on. A man's voice said "Do you know your name?" I tried to answer but I heard a beeping noise that distracted me. I laid there for awhile and the man sent out the other people in the room. A bright flashlight was being shined in my eyes.

What was going on?

I woke up again. Things became more clear. I was in a hospital. A nurse walked in. "What happened to me?" I asked. "You were in a car accident. You woke up from a coma 3 days ago." She answered. I had tubes and wires all attached to me. She turned on the tv and gave me a remote. I watched a show with a cat and a mouse for hours on hours. The cat always tried to catch the mouse but never could. The mouse's name was Jerry, and the cat's name was Tom. I sat there and laughed for hours.

Another nurse came in and gave me some soup. The soup tasted terrible so I turned the tv back on. She came back and said "Would you like some frozen yogurt?" I sat there for a bit. Frozen yogurt. Frozen Yogurt why......why is that familiar. My mind was flooded with old memories. It hit me. Tears started to stream down my face. "Rebecca!" escaped my mouth. The nurse's eyes widened and ran out of the room. I tried to detach the wires and tubes from my body. Was she okay? Someone walked into the room. They started to say "Brendon, Brendon, stop! What are you doing?" I started to cry again. "I HAVE TO SEE HER! SHE HATES ME! I HAVE TO TALK TO HER! SHE HATES ME!" They grabbed my face, and I looked into their familiar green eyes.

I wrapped my arms around Becca, and remembered what I had to say. I let go of her, and started to say "I didn't.....I didn't-" She grabbed my face again and pressed her lips into mine. My eyes widened in shock, and my stomach got butterflies. What? I was hit with relief. I grabbed her waist and kissed her back. She pulled away and placed her arms around me with her head on my chest. "I love you" She said in a whisper. I smiled while she looked back up to me. "I love you too." I said with the feeling of content.

I laid back down in the bed with her in my arms. "Don't you dare do that to me again." She said burying her face into my chest. I looked down at her with tears escaping her eyes. It made me sad to see her cry. "I'm sorry." I said kissing her head. She looked up at me wiping her cheeks with a smile. "I'm just glad you're here." She then gave me a small kiss on the lips. It felt perfect to be able to kiss her. I never wanted this feeling to go away. I love her...

We sat there catching up, and I hated that she stressed so much while I wasn't there. It was sweet how worried she was, but I was sad I couldn't be there for her. She apologized that she didn't believe me. I told her not to apologize, but she did anyway. We finally sorted everything out, and it was finally perfect. I couldn't be happier to have her in my arms. She slowly drifted off while I combed my fingers through her hair. She was so peaceful and unworried. It looked like the first time she slept in days. I was just happy she finally had rest, and I slowly drifted off too.

A/N: Yeah a better chapter, and I finally got to the point! Haha, and I know I didn't write Brendon's POV on top. I did that on purpose. I have 36 views right now. YAH!!! Thanks for reading! <3

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