Chapter 9: I Can Manage Myself Thank you!

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Brendon's POV

It was Wednesday night, and I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole! I know once I leave I have to go back to school, but it's better than laying in a hospital all day doing nothing. Also I only get to see Becca like 2 or 3 times a day, and it's usually no fun because she frowns upon the idea of sneaking out. What a goody two shoes. I'm just kidding. It's cute when she gets all nervous over stuff like that.

Aww there she is, walking in with some yogurt. She's the best. "Hey, I brought you some froyo." She smiled. "Come here you!" I said maybe a bit too excited that she came. I get bored okay! I kissed her on the check as she gave me some yogurt. I turned off the tv, so she wouldn't judge the fact that I was watching The Looney Tunes. She doesn't judge me. She just likes to tease me about it. I think she noticed, but laughed in the inside and didn't say anything. She sat on my lap while we ate our frozen yogurt. Man, she's so perfect! Sometimes I get sided tracked just by looking at her, of course she doesn't believe me when I tell her she's beautiful. I hate how girls do that.

"Hun, why are you staring at me?" She smiled. Oops... "I guess, I just got sided tracked that's all." I said "Mmm and what were you thinking about." She said placing her yogurt next to us while putting her arms on my shoulders holding her hands together behind my neck. I smiled "Of you..." I answered. "Aww you're so thoughtful." She giggled then kissed me lightly. "Darling, You know you're beautiful right?" I asked while looking down. She laughed a bit. "You're sweet." I looked up at her. "I mean it, and I'm not just saying that." I said truthfully. "I feel like I shouldn't be the judge of if I'm pretty or not. I can't change the way I look, and I don't want to. If other people like it, great, but if they don't then that's too bad. I can't change who I am." She smiled. I was satisfied with that answer so I just let it go.

A nurse walked in. "Miss, you have to leave Mr. Urie needs some sleep." She said. "Okay." Rebecca replied as the nurse walked away. "Ughh! Why must they ruin my fun?" I complained "They're just looking out for you. Besides she's probably right. You do need some rest." She smiled. "Can you stay a little longer?" I asked. "Noooo. My mom will kill me if I fall asleep here one more time! Plus I have school tomorrow." She said. "You suck." I joked. "You wouldn't know." She winked. I laughed a bit. "I love you Brendon." She smiled then left me a kiss. "I love you too Becca." I smiled as she walked out the door. I turned off the lights and fell asleep.

I woke up to a kiss on the cheek. Aww she's so cute. "Good morning sleepyhead!" She said as she sat on the bed. I smiled and scooted up into a sitting position. "Hey beautiful." I yawned. She moved closer to me and I put my arm around her. "You get out of here at lunch time, so I can pick you up on my lunch break and drop you off home if you want?" She suggested. "Only if I get to drive home." I said. "HAHA!!! Yeah right, your mom says I have to drive you to school starting Monday." She smiled. "Ughh. You get in one coma and everyone starts worries about you. I'm fine!" I replied. She laughed a bit. "That's what you get for giving me a heart attack!" She joked. "Awww I'm sorry." I said pulling her in and kissing her gently on the head. "Just don't do it again." She said with a smile and a eyebrow raised. I laughed. "Okay I'll try." I rolled my eyes.

"When do you have to leave to go to school?" I asked. "In 10 minutes." She said while looking down at her watch. I made a sad face and pouted a bit. She laughed and nudged me with her shoulder. "Don't act like that! At least then you can watch your cartoons in peace." She said. "I'd give up all cartoon for you." I smiled. "Awww." She replied. "Maybe not The Ninja Turtles." I whispered.

She grabbed the pillow and smacked me in the face with it. "What was that for?!" I laughed. "I gotta go, but I'll leave you to your planned day of watching tv." She smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek. "That's it?" I joked. "Maybe you should be nicer then." She said while turning around before waking out the door. "Come on I was joking!" I yelled so she could hear me from the hallway. I heard her giggle from a distance. She's so cute. I just smiled as I sank back down, and closed my eyes the smile not leaving my face. Man, she had me wrapped around her finger.

After watching The Smurfs for a few hours, Becca came back to pick me up. I got changed and we left that TERRIBLE GODFORSAKEN PLACE! I guess that didn't need to be in caps but I like to exaggerate. We got in the car and drove to my place. No one was home seeing how it's the middle of the day.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. She sat on the counter next to me. "You know the doctor said you should rest. Maybe you should lie in bed." She suggested. "That's what I've been doing for the past 3 weeks!" I complained. She laughed. "Okay just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone at school." She said with a beautiful smile. "I'll try, but once you get back. We should go somewhere tonight." I said.

"You really shouldn't be up and about." She said with a concerned face. "I'm fine. Look I just made myself a sandwich. I can do things on my own. Besides we haven't been on a proper date seeing how I've been in the hospital." I said. "Fine." She smiled. "How about we go to the fair?" I suggested. "No way Brendon, the doctor said you shouldn't be going around, and I'm pretty sure being yanked around by those rides is gonna put you back in the hospital." She said with her eyes all thoughtful. "Fine we could go to the beach." I replied. "No the doctor-" I cut her off. "OH MY GOD I'LL TAKE YOU OUT TO DINNER!!!" I said with a laugh trying to shut her up with all her concerns. "Okay." She smiled.

She got off the counter and was about to head to the door, but I pulled her around to find her bitting her lip. I lifted her chin with my finger placing a kiss on her lips. "I love you." I smiled. She giggled. "I love you too." She said all energetic as she walked out the door. I sighed as I already missed her.

A/N: Hey guys I know it's 1am so technically I'm late, but whatever. I guess you'll have to read this is the morning you impatient bastards! (just kidding I love you guys!) Haha thanks for the reads I'm up to 53 right now. Yeah, But really I'm thanking all my consistent readers. Thanks so much for sticking around for the journey! :)

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