Chapter 5: Waiting For Life Waiting For Forgivness

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Rebecca's POV

I woke up, and had five seconds of clueless bliss from yesterday's events. Until I was struck with pain from my memories. My eyes were tired from last night's tears. I don't understand. Why would he do this? I didn't want to see him, not after this. I didn't want to go to school, but I knew my mom wouldn't let me stay home. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red. I didn't even noticed I was crying again. I wiped away my tears and made myself look presentable.

I left the house earlier than usual, because I didn't want to be home if Brendon tried to take me to school. I don't know how I'm gonna face him today, but I'll put it off as long as I can.

I sat in my usual science seat, but hid my face with my hair. I looked down at my book waiting for class to start. Brendon didn't show. Part of me was relieved, but the other part of me was worried that he wasn't at school. Class started and Mr. Johnson's words didn't process through my brain just one bit. I was so distracted. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't so caught up in my own thoughts I wouldn't have comprehended what he was saying anyway. I picked at my black nail polish trying to distract myself.

Finally class reached an end. I wondered if I should text him. I don't know why I still cared. This was all so confusing. I was upset but I still care about him.

I decided to call his house after lunch. Thankfully his mom picked up. I didn't want to talk to him. I was still mad, but I just wanted to know if he was okay. I heard crying on the other end. "Hello?" a shaky voice said. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "N-no, it's Brendon." My eyes widened and my stomach dropped. "What's going on?!?!!" I asked "He was just in a car accident. He's in the hospital." I hung up immediately and walked right out of school. I didn't care that I was skipping the rest of my classes.

I got in my car and raced to the hospital. Surprisingly I wasn't pulled over. I ran 3 or 4 red lights. I raced through the door, and saw a nurse at the front desk. "Excuse me do you know where Brendon Urie is?!" I asked out of breath. "Yes, He's in room 105, but can't take visitors at the moment. You can sit in the waiting room until you can visit." She said.

I walked into the waiting room seeing his family already there as I was wondering his condition. My stomach felt sick. I couldn't be mad at him anymore, I wasn't. I was just too concerned on if he was okay. I was practically pulling my hair out. I was shaking. I couldn't bring myself to eat or drink all I could do was wait. The nurse walked in after 2 hours of waiting she said only the family could visit. I was left in the waiting room for even longer. I called my mom to tell her what was going on and that I wasn't at school. I told her I was going to be home really late, and she understood.

Three hours went by and his family left to go get eat and then go home. They told me the doctor said I could come in now, but they told me that Brendon was in a coma. My heart dropped. I went into room 105 and saw Brendon's motionless body. I grabbed a chair and placed it next to his bed and sat down. I grabbed his hand while a tear streamed down my face. It was 6:25 and I was tired. I didn't want to leave him. I couldn't imagine him gone. I didn't want to. The only thing that's gotten me through this day is the hope to see his smile again. I rested my head on his chest and slowly drifted off into sleep.

I slipped away into a dream. I was in a garden with Brendon. I was in a purple sundress. Brendon was wearing a red button up shirt with a white tie and black slacks. We were all dressed up and holding hands, running through the garden like little children. He stopped and pulled me into a hug with his beautiful smile that I missed so much. I placed my hands around his face leaning into kiss him, but suddenly the flowers around us lost their color and start to droop to the ground. Every growing thing around us started to die. I turned back to Brendon, but he was gone. I was all alone in a colorless world. I fell to the ground in tears. I was all alone. Is this what it's going to feel like if he goes?

I woke up and looked at Brendon, He looked so peaceful. I hope he was having a better dream than I had. I kissed him on the cheek saying, "Please don't leave me." Another tear escaped my eye.

A/N: Yeah this chapter is super sad too I'm sorry. :( Thanks for all the views!!! <3

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