Chapter 20: Bad Ideas Everywhere!

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Brendon's POV

I was checking our page to see how people were reacting to our music, and Pete Wentz. Yes, thee Pete Wentz. You know the one from Fall Out Boy!!! Yeah well anyways, he said he liked our stuff and wants to see us play!!! I guess Ryan was trolling him a couple days ago. This is huge!!! I have to call Becca. Before I called her I remembered what she said last night. I realized she was right we might get big, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't keep my promise. I meant it. I would stay with her. I started to dial her phone number.

"Hello?" Her voice said through the phone. "Oh, hey Becca. Where are you?" I asked hearing loud noises of crowds of people around her."Oh, hanging out with Ryan. Why? What's up?" She said generally curious. I started to get really nervous with her question. "Uh, I have some news. Would you guys mind coming over?" I asked with an obviously anxious sound to my voice. I didn't mean to sound like that. "You'd have to ask to Ryan. Here talk to him." She said handing Ryan the phone.

"Hey Bren! What's up?" Ryan's voice rang through the phone. "Hey Ryan, I have some news, and I don't know how Becca will react. Would you guys mind coming over?" I said hoping he'd understands. "Yeah, we'll be over." He said.

Ryan's POV

I hung up the phone and gave it back to Becca. I could tell by Brendon's voice it was big, and I feel like it's negative. "What's going on?" Becca asked very nervous. "You'll see, but right now we have to go to Brendon's." I said grabbing her hand and walking toward the car. "I'm nervous Ry.." She said grabbing my arm with her free hand. "Don't be." I said and gave a reassuring smile. It didn't seem to change her mind on her feelings.

We got in the car and drove to Brendon's house we walked in and Brendon was talking to Spencer. "This is insane we might get signed!!!" You could hear Spencer say. Becca's expression went dead. She looked like she was about to cry. We walked into the room to see a smiling Brendon and Spence.

Brendon's POV

"Hey guys!" I said with an excited expression. I realized if Becca was scared about us playing for Pete I could always just reassure her about what I said. I walked up to Becca and snuck my hands on her hips while leaning down and giving her a kiss. "Hey." I said smiling and pressing my forehead against hers. "Can we talk." She whispered. "Yeah." I smiled. "S'up!" Ryan said and hugged Spencer. They got into conversation while Becca dragged me up the stairs to my room.

We sat down on the bed and she grabbed my hand. "You're gonna hate me." She said beginning to get teary eyed. "What?" I asked my eyebrows came together in confusion. "Becca, I could never hate you." I said squeezing her hand. "Brendon." She moved her hand to her mouth. "Brendon, I cheated on you." She started to cry.

I looked away from her and brought my eyes to the floor. "Why?" I asked emotionless. "I wasn't happy. What we have is temporary. I was tired." She said letting out a sniffle. "You thought that?!" I said standing up and facing her. "Brendon-" She started to cry even more. "No, just leave." I said feeling like she'd take my heart with her. "Bren-" She tried again. "Why are you crying? I mean nothing to you. You wouldn't want to put me though this if you loved me! Just leave!" I said probably the angriest I've ever been. "Okay." She said getting up and storming out.

I sat back down on the bed and buried my face in my hands. I heard the front door slam, and I had the worst feeling of lose. It felt like she'd never walk through that door again. I don't understand how she could think what we have is temporary. We've been through so much together. This relationship hasn't been easy, but all relationships are hard work. No matter what I was going through I knew that'd at least I would always have her. Now what? She just trashed everything we had. I was even thinking of dropping the band for her. I'd drop everything for her!

I walked down the stairs with ever step feeling more difficult. "What happened?" Ryan asked. "She felt the need to go fuck someone else I guess." I shrugged my shoulders frustrated. "What?" Ryan asked. Spencer's and his expression looked exactly the same. Confused. That makes three of us. "I don't know." I said running my fingers through my hair. "I'm talking to her." He said getting up and walking out. I sat down next to Spencer on the isle. He patted my back. "I can't believe it Bren. I'm so sorry." He said. "Not like you're the one who cheated on me Spencer..." I said then realizing how rude I was being.

Ryan's POV


"Okay. This might sound really stupid to you, but I couldn't watch our relationship slowly die. It's better to leave than to be replaced. He'd never let me go if he knew it was for the reason I did it. He won't chase after me if I slept with another man, so that's what I told him. It was the hardest thing to tell him, but now he can chase his dreams. I was holding him back from doing what he wanted to do. I could never ask him to give up on his dream for me. As much as I liked to. If we were together we'd be miserable. I'd never see him and we'd slowly drift away. If he'd stay and quit the band he'd always regret it. He wouldn't be happy! The last thing I want is for him to be upset!" Becca said.

" just left him unhappy." I pointed out. "He'll get over me." She said with a laugh and a tear dripping down her face. "It's better this way. I needed to just rip it off like a bandaid." She wiped her cheeks and sniffled. "You know I told him our relationship was always temporary." She said. "That was stupid." I said leaning forward. "I know!!!" She whined while burrowing her head in my shoulder. I placed a hand on her head and pulled her into a hug. "Promise me you won't tell him." She ordered. "Becca-" I started. "Promise me!" She interrupted. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "This isn't right, but I shouldn't be the one to tell him. You should, and I know you won't." I said frustrated. "Thank you." She said. "How do I keep this a secret? Do you ever plan to even come clean?" I asked. "As much as I hated to say it. I think it's best if I don't come clean. This is for the best." She played with her fingers.

"You don't understand how harmful this is." I said getting up and flattening the wrinkles on my jeans. I walked out the door frustrated with Becca's common sense. I walked back to Brendon's house to comfort my friend.

Once I got into his house I noticed him laying on the couch the same way Becca was. "Where's Spencer?" I asked. "I was being a little rude, and he got sick of me." Brendon sighed. I chuckled a bit with a small smile. "Who could ever get sick of you?" I questioned with a bigger smile. He didn't respond right away. "...Rebecca." He said still staring at the ceiling. I rolled my eyes still frustrated with her. "Don't keep moping. Pete fucking Wentz wants to hear our music and possibly sign us!!! We need to celebrate!!!" I said very ecstatic. He smiled. "You're right. We should go out tonight." Brendon said. "I knew we made those IDs for a reason." I laughed. Illegal things may or may not go on tonight....

A/N: K I didn't revise this cuz I'm tired and wanna sleep. Yes, I realize it's 5pm! I'm not feeling well!! Haha I might revise it later but for now read it. Hope you enjoy!!! Comment, Vote, whatever. Love you guys!!!

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