Chapter 26: Foot Flavored Ice Cream

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Rebecca's POV

There I was walking down the sidewalk, eating ice cream with Dan and talking on the phone with Brendon. It was a sunny day in London. Which was weird because it's normally dreary and miserable weather here, but hey I never really gave a damn about the weather.

"Yeah whatever. Don't like any guys at the moment. Only girls." Brendon laughed a bit over the phone. "Ohhh, and who would these girls be." I snickered while taking a lick of my ice cream. "You." He said.

I dropped my ice cream on Dan's foot. "Ah! Cold! Cold! Ewww! You just dropped your ice cream on my fucking foot!" Dan shouted. (Note: he was wearing flip flops) I then dropped my phone trying to get my ice cream off Dan's foot. "Shit! I am so sorry!" Oh gosh I'm a mess! I took the cone off his foot throwing it into a near by trash can.

I then remembered my phone and picked it up. Poor Brendon! "I gotta go. Dan's nagging me to get off the phone. I'll call you in a bit. Okay?" I said a bit rushed, trying to fix my sticky situation. "Yeah.... Yeah um, sure." He said. I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket. I pulled out my water bottle and poured it all out on to Dan's foot.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked laughing a bit. I explained the whole conversation to him feeling like a complete moron. He started laughing way too hard, which made my cheeks grow red. "You're such a fuck up!!!" He laughed some more. "Stop! It's not funny!" I said covering my face with my hands. I decided I'd text Ryan to ask if what Brendon said was true. He responded.

Ryan: I think you should ask him. :P

I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket after reading his text. I guess I'd have to ask Brendon now. I became very thirsty. Why did I have to be such an idiot and pour my entire water bottle on Dan's foot? Dan grabbed my hand as we walked back to our apartment (or his apartment). He smiled at me and I smiled back.

I still felt pretty bad about my ice cream fiasco. I felt worse for hanging up on Brendon like that after he confessed he still liked me or likes me again. I don't know. I really do need to call him back. We reached our door, and after walking in, I went straight to my room to call him.

I jumped on my bed and pulled out my phone. I took a deep breathe staring at his name and the call option. I hesitated with my finger hovering over my phone almost ready to speak to him. I closed my eyes finally pressing the button as I placed the phone to my ear, listening to the buzzing noise waiting in suspense. My heart speed up when I finally heard his voice.

"H-hey?" He spoke. "Hi, Brendon." I said hoping he wouldn't notice how nervous I was. "What's up?" He inquired. I could tell he felt the same as I did. I paused a bit, hesitating to say my next thought. "Did you mean it?" I asked with curiosity in what his next statement would be.

"I would like to lie to you and say, 'No' but I can't.... I've haven't gotten over you and it's kinda pathetic." He laughed at himself. "It isn't pathetic." I replied getting ready to express how I felt in a moment. "Yeah, it is. You got over me, and moved on with that guy Dan. I'm still stuck on you Becca, and it's driving me crazy. I don't understand how you do it. You could stab me and I'd still be in love with you!" He frustratingly stated.

"You think I'm with Dan?" I questioned in a surprised voice. "Seems like it." He spoke in a 'in matter of fact' tone. "Brendon, I don't think I could love someone else the way I love you if I even tried. I've said thing that I wish I hadn't, and I feel like you should hate me. It breaks my heart that you still love me because you deserve better than a girl who has only hurt you!" I began to form tears in my eyes, but sucked them up, trying to stay strong.

"You do realize by not being with me you're hurting me. All you do is make quick decisions that ALWAYS turn out bad. You do it out of love, but it always hurts yourself and everyone around you. Please, start seeing clearly. You need to see that I'm not the one running. You are. You're in a whole different country because you're running! You're so afraid that I'm going to hurt you and run off, that you go and do the exact same thing you don't want me to do to you. Do you see how unfair that is? You don't even give me the chance to prove you wrong. Why do you shield yourself so much?!" He said on verge of pulling his hair out.

"You know what Brendon, you let me run off! You told me it was for the best we get our minds straight with some time apart! Now you're complaining that I left?! You're the one who made a bad decision there, not me! Don't go complaining to me that I left when I got your conceit! Maybe we aren't meant to be, because one of us always screws it up. Maybe it's better that we're apart." I said avoiding his last question.

"No it's not for the best that we're apart. I realize that now. I said that out of frustration. Okay? I said that because I was upset. It was stupid and I do regret it. We both need to work this out and stop putting this off. I love you. Okay? I'm tired of us neglecting feelings, and wasting time. I want to be with you. I don't want this distance. I don't want to wait. I just want you. I realize it's too late to ask for that, but now you know." I could tell it took him a lot to say that, but in a way he just put it all in the open. I was glad he did.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say, the only thing I could do was cry. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I'm putting you through this. It's just-" He took a moment to sigh. "I'm just- I'm sorry. I love you and I wish I could be there. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot. I wish I never said that. I wish I could just go back and undo this whole thing. I just love you. I know I've said that a lot, but right now I'm at the point where it's all I can think of." He sounded frustrated with himself.

"This is more my fault than yours. I just miss you. That's all. I just wish I could be with you right now instead of over this stupid phone. I don't know why we ever thought me being here was a good idea. I can't do this for another 2 months!" I covered my face with my hand out of frustration.

"I know. I understand, trust me. We'll have to make do. I love you." He said. His tone a bit more cheery which brightened my mood a little. "I love you." I smiled. "I'll talk to you in a bit." I could tell he smiled too. "Ok, love you. Bye." I said not able to stop saying I loved him. He said his goodbye as well and hung up. I lied down with a sigh and covered my face, wishing I could just sleep through the next two months.

A/N: Soooo, you guys got me to 4k. Ummm, can I say SICK AS FRICK?! You guys rock! Thank you for being awesome. It's much appreciated. Continue listening to your emo bands! Love you all so much!!!! 💕💕💕

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