Chapter 19: A Troubled Mind Goes to the Fair

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Rebecca's POV

I woke up next to Brendon. He was still sleeping and his arms were tight around my waist. I sighed then smiled at him. I turned around and kissed his cheek. I tried to free myself and succeeded and then I climbed out of bed. I looked at him and gave a sad smile. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek again. I loved him. I made my way through his house and over to mine. It was 5:27am. I didn't really sleep well because of the conversation me and Brendon had. I know he meant what he said, but things don't always work as planned. I hated to think like this, but I did. Brendon might not see this as a problem because he probably believes they won't get big or get signed, or whatever. Even I can see they're going far. I guess I should forget it though.

I decided to take a shower, and as I rinsed my hair. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I know I shouldn't, so I tried to run my mind to other thoughts like how this is our last week of junior year, but that came back to Brendon. How? I met him this year. It's weird because it doesn't feel like we've known each other for a year it feels like a lifetime. The water started to run cold so I took that as a sign to stop thinking and get the fuck out of the shower.

I dried myself off and got dressed. As I was drying my hair my phone rang. I excepted the call and put the phone to my ear. "Hey Bren!" I smiled. "Excuse me missy! Check your caller ID!" A sassy voice rang in my ear. I had to pull the phone away from my ear because of the volume of the voice. I looked at my phone and smiled. "Oh, hey Ryan." I said while brushing my hair and placed the phone on speaker. "Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. We haven't in a long time." He said with an audible smile. "Okay. Okay. Where?" I answered. "I was thinking the Carnival?" He stated as more of a question. "Sounds good to me!" I replied. "Okay, Imma be over in a bit." He tried to sound gangsta? "You're such a dork!" I started laughing. "Ha...Ha...Ha." He gave a dry laugh while hanging up the phone.

I was still on the floor laughing when he pulled into the driveway. I shook it off before he walked in. Maybe, I should take that back I still had a huge smirk on my face. "Shut up." He squinted at me. I started to laugh again. "Okay. Okay, before we leave I need to put makeup on." I said still finishing laughing. Ryan sighed. "Oh, girls and their obsession of always looking gorgeous." He said as he followed me to my room. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

Ryan laid on my bed while reading through my magazines. I didn't really mind. I was applying the last bit of my eyeliner. "Annnd, Done!" I said looking at my masterpiece. "Finally! You're so slow. I got to the level of boredom, where I was reading about which toothpaste is better for you!" Ryan said with eyes widened. "Well, What's the best tooth paste?" I asked. "Crest." He smiled. "Mmm...Good to know." I rubbed my chin acting as if I had a beard. He gave me a judgmental glare and left a pause. ".....Can we go now?" He turned his glare into a laugh. I smiled and laughed along too. "Yeah." I answered.

We got to the pier and Ryan parked. He turned to me and had the biggest smile on his face. "Aren't you excited!?!!?!" He asked. "Oh, yeah." I laughed. He just squinted at me and took the keys out of the ignition mumbling something under his breathe. We got out of the car and he linked arms with me. "We're off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! We're off! We're off! We're-" He started singing and skipping. "Brendon, shut the fuck up!" I interrupted. "Umm, I'm not Brendon." He smiled. ".....Oh right. Sorry, he's kinda been on my mind a lot." I rubbed my neck. "You wanna talk about it?" He asked. "Nah" I smiled and shrugged. "Okay." He replied.

We met the entrance and Ryan bought us wristbands to go in because he wanted to ride practically everything. He's such an eight year old, kinda like Brendon... Wow, that subject popped up fast again. It's not that I don't want to think about him. It's just I'm so confused about last night. I need to drop the whole might get big thing. I'm over thinking it. I guess it was stupid to bring it up to him. Well, I guess that wouldn't have stop me overthinking it. I just love him too much to watch him leave! His brown eyes! How could you not miss those brown eyes?

"Becca!" Ryan shouted. "Mmm." I looked at him. He started laughing. "Wow, starstruck much?" He asked. "What?" I asked confused. "You! Smiling over there like an idiot. You're so in love!" He grinned. I started to blush and smile some more. "You have no clue. I just don't want him to leave." I said. His look turned from a happy smile to confused in a split second. "What are you talking about? That man is head over heels for you! How can you not see it?! Becca, whenever you're not around all he does is talk about you. To be honest, it's really annoying, but the last thing he'd do is leave you!" He looked at me like I was a complete moron. Maybe I was. "You know what I'm probably just paranoid." I smiled. He chuckled. "No joke! Now let's go have some fun." He smiled and squeezed my hand.

We rode on a lot of cool rides and played a lot of cool games. This day was perfect. We were buying cotton candy right now to eat on the Ferris wheel. We got in line for the Ferris wheel which for some reason was never long. We were giggle like little children about how bad I was at one of shooting games. Our turn to get on finally came and we sat down as the ride went up. I looked at Ryan and smiled. "Thank you so much. I was expecting this day to go terribly with me moping around but I'm so glad you dragged me out of the house." I grabbed his hand. "No need to thank me. I just wanted to hang with my best friend!" He smiled and nudged me with his shoulder.

The ride finally ended and once we got off my phone rang. I answered. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. "Oh hey Becca. Where are you?" I could tell it was Brendon talking. "Oh, hanging out with Ryan. Why? What's up?" I said while Ryan was making funny faces at me. I just stuck my tongue out at him. "Uh, well I have some news. Would you guys mind coming over?" He asked sounding nervous. "You'd have to ask Ryan. Here talk to him." I said handing Ryan the phone. "Hey Bren! What's up?!" Ryan smiled. His expression went blank in about two seconds. "Yeah, we'll be over." He said in a hushed tone. WHAT'S GOING ON!!!

A/N: Bleh Bleh Bleh. Heyyyy guys!!! Sooooo, I'm at 1k!!! Thanks again for that! Hope you liked this chapter, and Ryan's back!!!! Thought he needed to be in this chapter cuz I love him so much. Oh, so I know I haven't done it in a while, but remember when I used to post everyday? Well, sorry about not doing that anymore. I kinda got a job. 😬 I feel like the explanation is long over due, but better late than never!(Oh also school is starting soon, but I don't think that'll back up my writing process!) Comment and Vote and stuff! I mean you don't have to only if you want to. ;) It'd be nice though! Haha bye!!!!

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