Chapter 25: When Words Slip People Flip

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Brendon's POV

We're 4 weeks into summer vacation, and to be completely honest it's just been me and Ryan horsing around the whole time. We'd call Becca every now and then to catch up. I miss her, and it kills me that she's gone. Why did I ever tell her to leave? She's slowly slipping away from me into another guy's arms. I know there's a possibility that that's not true, and I don't get the full picture with her being so far away, but I'm paranoid.

She'd laugh with him on calls, and he'd tease her. It was similar to when I liked her. I think the worst part was having to sit there and smile, pretending that I wasn't affected at all. Had she moved on? Was I no longer wanted? I couldn't even tell! To think I thought things would be less complicated with space. Whatever makes her happy I guess. That's all that matters.

"Brendon, did you hear me?" Ryan asked. "Oh yeah, of course!" I snapped out of my thoughts. Ryan rolled his eyes. "Do you want to call her?" He asked irritated. "What? Who?" I questioned. "You know who." He said handing me my phone. I sighed and found Becca's number. I selected the call option and waited.

"Hello?" Rebecca's voice spoke through the phone. Her voice was warm and made me nervous. "Uh-ha. Hey, it's Brendon." I said sounding like an idiot. Ryan smacked his hand to his forehead shaking his head in disapproval. He stood up and walked out of the room still swaying his head side to side. "Brendon!" She exclaimed which made me smile.

"Whats up?" I chuckled a bit at her cute reaction. "Not much. Getting ice cream with Dan." She said so casually. My heart sank a little. "How 'bout you?" She asked. "I'm at Ryan's." I said laying down on the bed. "Typical." I could practically hear her eye roll and smile through the phone. "Hey, no hate!" I smiled. "Not hating. Just think it's funny that you hang out with him so much." She said. "What are you implying?" I chuckled a bit. "That you're fucking him." She said with ease and a cheery tone. "No." My eyes narrowed. "Mmhmm." She teased.

"If I'm gay why did I date you?" I asked. "Ptshh, you could be bi." She made her statement very blunt. "Yeah whatever. Don't like any guys at the moment. Only girls." I chuckled. "Ohhh, and who would these girls be." She snickered like a middle schooler. "You." I spit out with no thought at all. I smacked my hand to my mouth. Why don't I have a goddamn filter?!

There was a pause. The longest pause I've ever had in a conversation. Shit. I heard her phone get tossed around a bit. "I gotta go. Dan's nagging me to get off the phone. I'll call you in a bit. Okay?" She said. "Yeah.... Yeah um, sure." I rubbed my neck feeling like a complete retard. The line went dead.

I laid back on the bed covering my face with my hands. It feels like I'm back at square one with her....the friend zone. Ughh, whatever. Ryan walked in leaning against the doorway laughing at my stupidity. "Shut up!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him. "I didn't even say anything!" He smiled throwing the pillow back. "You were laughing." I pouted. "Suck it up buttercup!" He grinned again.

After explaining the long (not so long) strenuous story of my phone call to Ryan, he laughed on his back, rolling on the floor for a good 5 minutes. I sat there, cheeks all red and embarrassed. "Stop!" I whined. "Dude! So. Freaking. Smooth!!!" He laughed again. I started beating him with the pillow. "Okay! Okay! So violent! Jeez!" He smiled.

"What do I do?!" I whined again. "Nothing you can do. You're a fuck up." He smiled. I shoved his shoulder away with a little whine to my voice. Fuck. Ryan's phone buzzed. "Is that Becca?" I asked. He didn't reply. He just read it and rolled around laughing like he did previously. "Give me that!" I yelled grabbing his phone. He didn't protest. He let me take it. I read the text that said;

Becca: What is he talking about? Does he still like me?

My cheeks became an unrealistic shade of red as I felt more embarrassed at that one word that slipped out of my mouth moments ago. I tossed the phone back to Ryan as I went down the stairs. I shouldn't have taken Ryan's advise to call her. That was stupid. It's not his fault, but still. I should have known I would have said something stupid. Well, at least I was being honest. Right?

I kinda left Ryan with the decision to tell her the truth or not. I didn't care what he said. I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. There was a slight drizzle. I wasn't angry or anything. Just frustrated? I don't know. I just felt the need for space. I got in my car and drove to God knows where. My phone buzzed in my pockets. Yes, I am driving but like the stupid person I am, I decided to pull it out anyways. Have I learned nothing from my coma? I looked at my phone and saw Becca trying to call me.

I answered the phone nervously. "H-hey." I said keeping my eyes on the road. "Hi, Brendon." She spoke back to me. "What's up?" I asked her. "Um...Did you mean it?" Shit...

A/N: Cliffhanger!✌️😊 Don't you just love me? Haha, I've been off for a while! 😔 Blehhh! School and writer's block suck ass! Sorry. Hope you look forward to my next chapter! Love y'all!!! BYES!!! 😛😛😛!!!!

The Boy Across the Street (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now