From The Author

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Hi guys!!!

So this is it.

It's finished. It's finally finished. I ended up finishing this book myself, and am a little overwhelmed with how positive (sorta besides the fact that apparently I left you all in tears lol) your responses are.

I'm so thankful that you guys took the time to read my story. It's been a messy roller coaster and hopefully I progress as an author the more I'm on here, but thank you guys for putting up with me. I'm shocked that you guys took the time to read this and I am forever grateful. I started off writing this just for myself, and my eyes, not thinking anyone else would take an interest in it, and look where we are now!

It feels bittersweet ending this book, but I'm very excited with where my writing will go from here. Thank you guys who've been here with me from the start and were so patient with how long this took, and thank you so much to the ones who've been here for a hot minute. You all mean so much and matter so much. I can't express how much each and everyone of you mean to me.

I hope you guys stick with me for my stories to come. Signing off on TBATS.

Emma 💜

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