Chapter 41: Losses and Wins. X's and O's.

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Brendon's POV

Her kiss on Ryan's cheek really hit me. I don't really know what I've done to deserve her torment but I just sighed in defeat. "Sorry man, she seems to be jealous." Ryan shrugged. Jealous?

"What? Why would she be jealous? She's the one who decided against a relationship!" I put my hands to my face in frustration.

Ryan laughed. "Do you really expect anything she does to make sense anymore? She's a girl. No one understands girls. There's no bigger mystery than what goes on in Rebecca Guthrie's head." He smiled and shook his head. He acted as if he was surprised I didn't take notes or something during my whole time with her. Which wouldn't necessarily have been a bad idea.

I grunted in frustration. "Why does she have to be all secretive and shit? How does she expect me to keep up with all of that?" I said very confused. Ryan chuckled. "If it makes you feel better, she hasn't noticed that you like her back yet." He shrugged again.

"How would that make me feel better?!" I yelled which only made Ryan laugh harder.

"Everyone! It's time to start now! Take your seats!" A woman shouted out to all of us. I rolled my eyes as Ryan and I did as she said. "I guess this is it! We're all done here! Now onto bigger things!" Ryan grabbed my shoulders as we made our way to our seats. I had to admit I was extremely excited for our first tour and to be done with high school.

Becca sat next to Ryan and I with a still irritated look on her face. I just placed my hand and hers and gave her a reassuring squeeze. She gave me a small smile with soft eyes. I gave her forehead a kiss before the ceremony began. I had hoped that her mood improved after that.

We sat there holding hands while they were calling names. Becca's name was called which forced our hands to be separated. Her smile that was brought by pride was very contagious and I couldn't resist to smile too. She walked up there with her head held high with a confident grin placed between her cheeks. She shook our principal's hand. The same principal that yelled at her in his office a plentiful amount of times this years. He handed her a well deserved diploma as I scream and yelled proud of her. She raised her certificate in the air after moving her tassel to the other side of her head and stoke her tongue out at me.

I laughed as I clapped my hands and she took her place in line. The principal, Mr. Hans, made an obvious eye roll in disapproval. Which only made us smile more. Ryan was called next and then me. We all stood together waiting for the moment to throw our caps in the air and scream. Finally the words were said. "And here is your class of 2004!" The principal yelled into the microphone.

All of us now alumni I suppose, went crazy. I turned to Becca who had a joyous look on her face. Her eyes met mine and something came over me. I placed my hand on the small of her back and just kissed her. She placed both of her hands behind my neck and pulled me closer to her.

We pulled apart and looked around. We took in what was going on all the chaos. We lived in the moment. It felt like nothing else mattered because we had just won. It felt like the world was finally going our way. Little did we know that the feeling would fade away quicker than it appeared, but for right now we enjoyed our win. We'd worry about our losses tomorrow. We were happy with smiles on our faces and arms around each other. That was a win.

I knew I'd be gone soon and so would she. Did that mean we couldn't find a happy ending? We'd been through so much. I've known her for almost two years now and I got to say it's been eventful. We had our ups and boy did we have our downs. We worked so hard to come back to each other after each time. Was that all worth it in the end? Should we have tried so hard? I don't know. I looked at her and smiled small. She was a lot. She had her issues, and oh so did I. After everything. After every fight. After all of that, was it time to finally give in or give up?

I didn't know which feeling I felt more of, fear or love. Fear of losing her. Fear of hurting her.....but I loved her. Which was stronger? I finally understood her fear of me leaving now, because I felt it too. I didn't know if I should be happy to finally have her back or scared.

"Save your losses for tomorrow. Today is your win. You have her today. Be happy for today." I told myself and kissed her cheek. She smiled even bigger. All I knew was it'd never get boring or dull as long as Rebecca Guthrie was by my side. So I was cherishing that excitement now. The excitement of now officially being a graduate of the class of 2004. Gosh I can't believe we've made it this far. Loss after loss and here we finally get a win. Thank you universe. XOXO

A/N: *IMPORTANT PLEASE READ* Hi.... It's been forever. Some of you may have been shocked when I blew up all of your phones with me uploading all of the old chapters. Surprise!!! Idk if you guys have been waiting or expecting a new chapter, but here it is! I'm so sorry about everything... Honestly still don't feel comfortable with posting but I'm sucking it up and finishing this story for you guys. I'm sorry that you had to wait so long and I'm sorry about everything really. Ugh! I'm just really sorry! Anyways, this is the last chapter. NO DONT FREAK OUT! I'm posting an epilogue. I will probably start writing again and start other stories after this one is over. If you guys for some reason actually enjoy what I write and post by all means please give me a follow to see what the future holds. I hope you guys liked this story and enjoy the ending. Thank you all so fucking much for everything! I truly mean it! You guys mean so much and I'm gonna be shocked if someone actually reads this far. 😆 Gosh I can't believe how far this story has gone and I know it's not too much but still. I was supposed to only get 2 views on this story and I ended up with almost 30,000 so I'm happy with that. You guys are great, fantastic, amazing and I couldn't ask of anything more from you guys! Your support is overwhelming and amazing. You guys are so understanding and its completing undeserved and shocking. So thank you so much again!

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