Chapter 24: Avoiding the Inevitable

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Rebecca's POV

"Ahhhh, London." I said getting off a plane and walking into an airport. All I wanted to do was take a shower and sleep, but then there was also another part of me that wanted to roam a city that was undiscovered to my eyes. I walked around the building looking for baggage claim, but found Starbucks first. That then turned into my main priority. I ordered myself a coffee in attempt to wake me up. (Their coffee selection sucked because they were mostly selling tea. Damn it! I'm American!) As I waited I texted Brendon. Arrived in London :)

I finally somehow got myself to baggage claim and grabbed my red suitcase covered in band stickers. Now all I had to do was find my aunt. It had been awhile since I last seen her. She'd always visit the States when she had a chance, but the last time I saw her was 2 years ago.

"Becky! Becky!" I heard a familiar voice call. I cringed at the given nickname, and put on a weak smile as I turned around to a women with brown curls, red lipsticks, and a bold smile. "Aunt Jane!" I cheered joining her in a hug. "I go by Becca now." I smiled. "I can see why! You're all grown up. No use for silly child names I see." She said grabbing my suitcase. I laughed a bit. I missed her English accent.

We made our way to a cab and started to drive through the city. "Your parents told me you're running away from a boy. Brandon? I think his name is?" She stated. I was a bit shaken by what she said. "Brendon." I corrected. "I'm not running. I just need time. We're going to be apart after this year's end, and I guess I haven't excepted that yet." I said looking down on my fingers. She grabbed my hands and gave me a sympathetic smile. "I understand dear. Just know you never need an excuse to visit! I always love your company!" She turned her grin more cheerful.

"Now! Due to a series of unfortunate events, you can't stay with me. Don't get all concerned like I'm throwing you out on the streets! I have arranged you to stay with a dear friend of mine. He's like a son to me, and has opened his home to you. I think you two with get along quite well." She winked. I didn't know what she meant by that eye movement, but I let her continue. "You see my flat flooded, and the state it's in right now is quite embarrassing. There's a lot of water damage that needs to be worked on, so until then I'm having you stay with Dan."

I nodded. "He sounds wonderful." I smiled. I didn't know how Brendon would react to me staying with a guy. It wouldn't exactly help with rebuilding our relationship. I brushed it off. Oh well, maybe he'll understand. I thought. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grinned madly in the hopes that it was him. I pulled out my phone and read the text.

Brendon: Glad you made it safely. I'll call when I get the chance! :)

Me: Sounds good!

The cab came to a stop and we arrived at an apartment complex. I got out of the car with my eyes scanning the building. I made my way to the trunk of the car to grab my bag while my aunt paid the taxi man. The car drove off while we entered into the building. We climbed a few flights of stairs until we made it to the correct floor. We made our way to the right door and Aunt Jane knocked.

A guy with straight dark hair covering his forehead opened the door. He was a pretty descent height. He stood a bit over me and my aunt, but not to the point where it was scary. He wore black skinny jeans, with a black and grey stripped sweater. His shoes were black vans and he wore black earrings. Black. Black. Black. Black........I liked his style!!!

"Jane!" He greeted my Aunt in a hug. He pulled away and looked to me. "You must be Rebecca? I've heard a lot about you." He said offering his hand to shake. I took his hand with a smile. "Yes, I am, and you're Dan? My aunt was talking about you on the car ride over. All good things as I recall." I said with a giggle. "That woman was sending me complements?" He said with a smile pointing to my aunt. She lightly slapped his arm. "I'll leave you two to get settled and acquainted." She walked off.

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