Chapter 23: Pete Meets Dorks

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Brendon's POV

"You let her leave?!!?!" Ryan yelled causing eyes to look our way. "Yes Ryan, it's for the best." I said swirling my straw around my milkshake. It was midnight and we were in a diner talking and drinking shakes. "You were supposed to make her stay not leave to a whole different fucking country!!!" He yelled again. "This isn't Disney, and it's not that easy. She lied to me and that can't be so easily forgiven. Yes, I love her, but I'm mad that she did what she did. So maybe it's for the best she's in England right now." I then took a sip of my drink instead of just playing with it.

So are you guys not back together?" He asked. "Nah I don't think so. I kinda put a three month timer on it. In three months when she comes back from England we'll decide." I said. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a sigh. "She's always making trouble. Isn't she?" He smiled. "Yeah...she is." I smirked. "But you couldn't hate her if you tried." I looked down at the table smiling because I already missed her.

"So, Pete Wentz is coming tomorrow." Ryan changed the subject. "Ugh, I know I'm so nervous." I said rubbing my face. "Don't. If you sing like you did in rehearsal we should be fine." He said letting out a yawn. "Let's hope so." Our conversation got pretty dry seeing how we were both sad that Becca was gone and tired. "We should really be getting home. I don't wanna start falling asleep half way through a song tomorrow." I said letting out a long yawn. "Sounds good to me." Ryan chuckled.

Once I got home I plopped right on my bed and fell asleep. I didn't even take my shoes off. I got a good nine hours of rest before I had to wake up again to get ready. I probably spent the most time trying to find something to wear as girly as that sounds. I was just paranoid I guess. I didn't want anything to stop my chance of getting this wonderful opportunity that was in front of me.

I walked out the door with the worst butterflies in the world. I've never been so nervous before. My knees were weak and my palms were sweaty. I was praying I wouldn't stutter or mumble caused by my anxiety. Get it together Brendon! I unlocked my car and headed to the place we we're meeting Pete Wentz. The drive felt like hours but my clock said differently.

I walked in seeing everyone here and we still had five minutes till we met the time we said we were going to arrive at. "Hey!" Pete said as he shook my hand. I smiled even though I was freaking out in the inside. "Hey, I'm Brendon." I said then let go of his hand. "I'm aware! Me and your band mates have been talking about you." He winked. "I hope all good things." I laughed. "Oh, of course! Of course!" He smiled.

Pete then clapped his hands together. "So! Let's get this show on the road! Come on! Come on! Make the music!" He said. We all laughed a bit and got in our positions to perform. Pete's personality eased my nerves a lot. You could tell he's just very down to earth and a great guy.

The first song we played was Camisado, and I sang the best I could, putting all my heart into it. I had a bit of a ruff start getting into things, but once I got into them it went as I'd hope. The next song we played was Time To Dance and that song went about the same way, but I wasn't shaky in the start. I generally think I did an okay job.

"Wow guys that was great! Let's Go get some burritos and talk about it." Pete said. I gave Ryan a weird look that said 'burritos?' Of course I wouldn't pass burritos up so I said "Yeah that sounds great." I smiled and put my guitar down.

When we got to the burrito place we all picked what we wanted and sat down. "Well, I want to sign you guys." Pete said. We all looked at each other with a shocked face. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, of course. You guys have a lot of potential." He said taking a bite into his burrito. "....Wow." Joh smiled. We all laughed a bit at him, and continued to eat our food. Once we were done with our burritos Pete talked to us about what was going to happen next. We left there with smiles on our faces and hope of the future.

The Boy Across the Street (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now