Chapter 34: Why So Secretive?

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Ryan's POV

I'm sitting in first period and notice Becca isn't there. What the hell? I saw her before the bell rang. I don't know what's up with her lately. When we first started dating she was all sweet and then next minute she's all badass. She's out getting drunk almost every night of the week and her parents don't even notice. They're too busy with their jobs to ever be home to notice her. I try so hard to watch out for her, but her boyfriend isn't and shouldn't be her parent.

I raised my hand. "Yes, Mr. Ross." Mrs. Robinson sighed. "May I go to the bathroom?" I asked. "Sure, just make it snappy." She replied. I got up from my seat and made my way down the hallway.

I see a girl with red hair sitting by Brendon from a far distance down the hallway. They're giggling and such until it's toned down. She starts to lean into him and at that moment I realized it was Becca. She dyed her hair again. Brendon started to lean into her too. I just about had it, until she blew smoke in his face. I smiled. She got up and walked away.

I quickly approached Brendon after she left. "What the fuck, dude?! That's my fucking girlfriend you're making moves on! I thought we were friends!" I yelled at him. "Friends?" He chuckled. "Ryan, we haven't talked for months. I'm pretty sure friends talk. Could be wrong on that though." He smiled up at me. "You know what I mean. I don't appreciate you talking to my girlfriend like that." I countered. "Okay Ryan." He said as he slouched back down with his hands behind his head. I just groaned and walked away.

I followed Becca down the hallway until I caught up to her. I snaked my arms around her waist and turned her around. She grinned and kissed my lips sweetly. "Nice hair." I smiled. "Why, thank you." She replied. I noticed a slim rolled up joint on the ground next us. I think Becca might of noticed too. She lifted my chin back up to her. A nervous smile was placed on her face.

I ripped her hand off of my face. "You need to stop this!" I yelled. "Come on Ryan." She rolled her eyes. "No. Don't, 'Come on Ryan' me. Stop Becca! I'm sick and tired of this shit! This isn't you!" I grabbed my hair in frustration. "This is exactly who I am." She raised her voice. "Not who you used to be." I pointed at her. "Well, yesterday and today are two very different things. I'm sorry if this isn't what you signed up for." She shrugged. "Goddamn it Becca! Why can't you do this for me? This one thing for me! This is all I've ever asked for!" I placed my palms on my forehead.

"Look Ryan, I know you mean well but this is it for me. You have some bright future ahead of you and I get this. That's just how it goes." She spoke believing every word she said. "You seem to have every excuse in the books for your bad decisions." I scoffed and shook my head. "Say as you please." She shrugged. "You know what Becca? You say you have no future, but you've done nothing to earn one. Hope you have fun out here. See where this gets you. I promise nowhere good." I smiled and made my way back to the classroom. I've just been so fed up with her lately.

I sat down at my desk and sighed. Does this mean we're over. Nahh. I'm just...angry. I guess. I combed my fingers though my hair and pulled out my phone.

To Brendon: Watch after Becca tonight. I know she's going to the party and I know you'll probably be there. Just make sure she's safe. Please?

I hit send on the message and put my phone back in my pocket. Am I really trusting Brendon to watch out for Becca? I'm so fucked. I sighed and just waited for the day to end.

Brendon's POV

I received Ryan's text and just sighed. Why does he have to be so uptight all the time? Of course I'll do what he asks. Mostly because it gives me an excuse to be around her. She's so mysterious lately. I don't get it. I just want to figure her out.

Finally the last bell rang and school was over. Party time. I thought to myself as a smile formed on my face. It seemed to be buzzing through the school that something big was going to happen tonight. Who knows what's planned? I guess we'll wait and see.

The guys ran through the halls all excited and eager. It was strange. There's a party almost every week. What's so special about this one? I didn't really question it. I just smiled and played along. It's only a matter of time till we all find out.

I went back to Luke's house to set up for the party. They had eight kegs ready for tonight. I was kind of curious on what motivated them to buy that much beer. I didn't really read into it.

Finally the hour had come and the party began. Whispers went around in the room about the next coming events and it seemed like I was the only one clueless. I tried to ignore this too but it was churning in me. Little did I know how catastrophic this would all end.

A/N: Heyyy guys!!! I know. It's been a little while. I'm sorry I'm so slow and I'm sorry this chapter is a bit boring. Get ready for some massive shit to go down next chapter though. Things will definitely get interesting. Oh another thing! I'm sorry this story is a bit depressing or hopeless or whatever. I promise it all ends on a better note. Hang in there with me please!

A completely another topic now. last one. If you guys could all check out my friend's story that'd be great! I know I don't really do this and I'm not at all a shoutout type person. Very, different I guess but it'd be great if you read her fan fic. It's about Oli Sykes and I think it's pretty brilliant!
Her username is: @blondeangel06

Her fic is really good and I love it. It's the only one she's written and it's called: Don't Go

Thanks guys! (When your A/N is almost as long as your chapter #WriterProblems)

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