Chapter 14: The Past Bites

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Brendon's POV

"Love you too!" I shouted before she walked out the door. I turned off the tv that was playing The Powerpuff Girls. (Judge me!) I then looked at the time to notice it was 12:18. I made my way over to the kitchen to clean up the breakfast mess, but being the procrastinator I am, I decided to text Becca instead. After our little conversation of me asking her to lunch and her saying yes, I started to clean up a bit.

I did the dishes and wiped off the counters. You know the whole nine yards. I then went to my room to change. I decided on some jeans and a simple t-shirt. After I got my clothes on I heard the doorbell. Which was strange, because Becca knows she doesn't have to ring the doorbell to come in. She's welcomed anytime. I opened the door to see a very familiar unwanted face.

"Hi, Brendon!" Sprang from her lips followed by a smile. "What are you doing here?" I asked obviously irritated. "Wow, straight to the point." She laughed. "Waiting." I added. "Well, we haven't seen each other in a long time, and the way we left things were kinda unsettled." She bit her lip. "Yeah, I kinda got over it." I said truthfully. She laughed as if I were lying. Which irritated me even more. "Brendon, you were a sad little puppy dog when I last saw you. There is no way you are over me." She tried to grab my hand. Which I pulled away from. "Believe it or not. I finally realized how much of a controlling bitch you are. Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm actually getting ready to leave." I started to shut the door which she stopped it with her hand.

She stepped past me to start looking around the house. I was more than irritated at that point. I shut the door and started to walk toward her to chew her out, but I was pushed up against a wall with lips pressed against mine. I was in shock at how desperate she was for a kiss. She went all at it. My mouth was in discussed to think I once enjoyed this. The door opened and my heart sank to know who it was. "Wait, Becca!" I started while walking toward her. Her face was filled with anger and hurt. "Shove it Brendon! I'm so fucking done with your shit!" She more than yelled while slamming the door.

The words cut me deep. I was never more hurt. I ran my hands through my hair with a sick feeling in the pit off my stomach, but of course it didn't stop there. "Wow, you really down graded there." She said while crossing her arms. I was more than irritated, more than angry at this despicable person that was in my presence. "I think it's time for you to leave." I said not bothering to look at her face. "But Brendon-" She started. "Now." I interrupted sternly. She signed and walked out.

I had no idea what to do at that point. Should I go to Becca's and try to explain things? It's not like she'd believe me, but it's definitely worth a shot. I didn't really know if I should do it right away though. I mean there isn't exactly a handbook for these type of situations. I started pacing the room while trying not to rip my hair out from my frustration. I'M SO STUPID! How the hell am I'm supposed to fix this?! I finally came to the decision I'd do it now because she needs to know everything. I don't want her crying over assumptions.

I made my way over to her house and knocked on the door. My gut was still filled with worry. I heard the doorknob turn and Becca appeared. Before she could slam the door breaking my face I stopped it with my foot. "Go away, Brendon!" She yelled still trying to shut the door. "Please, just let me explain." I said trying to fight the door open. "What's there to explain?!" She continued to shove. "A lot." I replied. The shoving stopped and a pretty green eye appeared through the crack between the door. Unfortunately there was a tear falling from her eye. "You have 5 minutes." She said in a timid voice. Opening the door sitting on the couch which I joined.

I wanted to just hold her and make her tears stop but I couldn't do that anymore. "Well, before I moved here I had a girlfriend and I caught her sleeping with another guy. I was gutted and it really hurt, and then my Dad got a promotion and we had to move. I wasn't a bit sad. I just wanted to start over. You know? I thought she'd never pop up again. I was so glad I was done with that chapter in my life and even more excited when I decided to start a new one with you. It was more than unexpected when she came today. I didn't even expect her to remember my name, but when she came back she completely had the wrong idea and the wrong intentions. I told her to leave and she walked in. I told her I didn't want her and she pulled a move. She practically did the complete opposite of everything I said. I don't even want her at all. I'm so done with being treated like dirt and I don't want things to end with us. There's nothing more I want from that women than to leave me alone for the rest of my life because I want and need that time to spend with you." I said truthfully meaning every word.

Things got silent. She sat there staring at the rug in the living room. I was afraid to say anything more. My foot was tapping against the floor, an annoying nervous habit I built up over the years. The air felt toxic. I couldn't breathe. This silence was deadly and more than uncomfortable. My head was spinning and spinning. I couldn't wait any longer. It feels like a decade that I've been sitting here waiting for a reply. In reality it was probably near 15 seconds.

She finally brought her eyes up to mine, but it wasn't the same. Usually her eyes are filled with warmth and followed by a smile. It was different this time. Her eyes were the key to her heart which was lost and torn. The tears didn't stop dripping down her face. She aimed for a blank expression. She tried not to show her pain, but if only she knew the story her eyes told.

I...I can't..." She managed to get out before burying her face in her hands. She looked up at me again but this time I noticed it just pained her to look at me. At that moment I felt like a criminal. It felt like I stole her heart and stomped on it. Something I never wanted to do. I did this. I made someone feel this way. This was my fault. I know how hard it is to forgive and to forget. Especially the last part. I just wanted this to be fixed, but of course it's never that easy.

"I need to think about this. I'm sorry." She said followed by a sniffle. "No, I completely understand. Take all the time you need." I said standing up and smoothing my hands down my jeans to flatten any crease. I walked out of her house and across the street. Once I made it to my room I closed the door and took a deep breath as I slowly slid down the cold wood. I sat there with my knees to my chest and my head buried in thoughts. I didn't cry. The pain I felt couldn't be expressed in tears. My heart felt heavy and carried so many burdens. I just wished I could make all of this go away.

The Boy Across the Street (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now