Chapter 2: Punches Over Yogurt

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Brendon's POV

Well, I really liked this girl. Rebecca is so sweet and kind. It was great to have made a friend my first week in this town. I was driving her to get some frozen yogurt after school. She always ordered strawberry flavored yogurt with rainbow sprinkles and gummy bears on top. Going to get frozen yogurt started to be our thing after my first day of school, but of course I always pay because that is the gentleman thing to do. She always complains that she can pay for herself, but I feel that'd be a douche like thing to make her pay for herself. She'll just have to deal.

"Can you get me a-" "Yes I know a strawberry rainbow sprinkle and gummy bear froyo." I smiled at her. "K thanks." She giggled.

I walked into the shop and ordered our yogurt, and turned around facing the window. She was leaning on the car making out with some guy. I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I think the feeling came from shock. My eyes widened and quickly turned away to pay for our yogurt. I walked outside with the bowls in my hand and noticed her crying. I placed the bowls on the hood of the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked pulling her into a hug. "My ex he...he just came over and kissed me." She sobbed. I felt anger quickly build up in me. "Where'd he go?" I asked with a stern face. "Over there..." She said pointing to a guy smoking around the corner. "Where are you going?" she asked. "I'm going over there to talk to him." I tried to say without her getting concerned. "No Brendon he's not worth the time." He's not worth the time! What was she thinking! Any guy who tries to take advantage of a girl isn't going to get away with it while I'm around!

I walked over to him while Becca was yelling my name. He was a few inches taller than me, but that didn't matter to me. "Excuse me. Why did you kiss that girl over there?" He glanced over at Rebecca with a devilish smirk. "She's pretty ain't she? A pretty girl deserves to be kiss." 'Are you fucking kidding me?' I thought as the words spilled out of his mouth. "What makes you think that you should be the one doing it?!" I said almost yelling. "Well you aren't man enough!" He chuckled. I couldn't take his disgusting personality and douche bag of a self any longer. I punched him right in the jaw, causing the side of his mouth to bleed. He fell back a little catching himself. He grabbed me by the shirt, and said "Listen punk! I'm gonna let that slide, seeing how I have to go. If I see you again I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you." He said as he wiped blood off his lip and walked away.

I came over to Becca giving her hug. "Thank you." she muttered into my shirt not trying to hold back tears anymore. "Why did you ever date that dirt bag?" I asked. "He...he wasn't always like that..." I opened the door for her and gave her the yogurt. We didn't really eat any after that. I didn't get why everyone treated her so badly. I didn't understand how she'd let people walk all over her. I'm just glad I can be here to protect her. A girl like Becca or any girl for that matter doesn't deserve to be treated worse than dirt! I couldn't stand it, and I know I seem too protective over her for just knowing her for a little while but, I could tell there was something special about her.

I parked in my driveway looking over to Becca. "Thanks for standing up for me." She said while looking down. "Becca, you know I'd do anything to protect you right?" I said while grabbing her hand. "Yeah I was just afraid of you getting hurt that's all. I wouldn't be able to stand myself if he hurt you..." I smiled a bit "I can handle a black eye. I'm a big boy." She chuckled a bit. "I gotta get going but I'll see you in the morning." She opened the door climbing out. "Let me walk you home." I suggested. "Brendon, I live right across the street..." She said with a smile and an eyebrow raised. "I know, I know." I grabbed her hand and walked her across the street. We reached her door. "Goodbye Brendon." She said with a beautiful smile. "See you in the morning." I didn't like to say goodbye. I don't know why, but they're always sad.

A/N: I know this is short for anyone who will actually read this. (Lol I have no reads yet) I felt it was a suiting end to the chapter, so that's why I ended it. So far I've updated this daily but this is only the second chapter soooo haha yeah hope you like it. :)

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