Chapter 35: Enough.

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Rebecca's POV

I got to Luke's house (whoever Luke is.) and the party seemed to be doing well but there was some kind of tension in the air. I didn't care enough to read into it. I was there to get drunk and have some fun, that's it. I found my way straight to a bottle of vodka. Now that's what I'm talking about. I took a gulp and felt the strong burning sensation in my throat. It was enough to make me smile.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to a familiar face. "Starting the night so soon I see." He smiled. I wasn't the happiest to see his face. Maybe it was because of what he pulled earlier today. Was that enough to get mad at him? "Yeah, I guess so." I took another large gulp as I walked away. "Wait! Becca!" He called after me. I kept walking but he got a grip on my arm and spun me around.

"Why are you talking to me Brendon?" I asked in a very rude tone. He seemed a bit thrown off by my question. It looked as if he didn't even have an answer for himself. "Look Becca. As much as you'd like to think otherwise, people actually care about you." He rolled his eyes. "Hmm." I hummed. "Would you be on that list?" I questioned. "Only 'cause it bothers you. Yes." He smiled.

He pulled the bottle away from me and took a huge chug. "Just thought I'd help you out a bit." He explained while handing the bottle back to me. "Oh thanks." I said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster up. He smiled and released a small chuckle. "Come on loosen up! You are at a party." He added.

I gave him the normal death stare. "Damn, the sass is real tonight." He said with wide eyes. I finally cracked a smile. "Oh my gosh! Is that a smile I see on Rebecca Guthrie's face?! Someone needs to get a camera. This needs to be photographed! Everyone the girl can smile!!!" He yelled and teased me. "Alright, alright! It's true I can smile." I said and purposely showed my white teeth to him. He grabbed my jaw and moved it around to inspect my teeth. "Wow those are some nice choppers you got there. You should show them off more often." He winked. "Come on follow me." He said while taking my hand and the bottle of vodka.

I forgot what this was like. Hanging out with him. Our relationship was never really simple, but we sometimes had these moment of pure bliss and simplicity. I missed that. I also remember that he's putting my guard down. I can't let him back in so easy. He brought me upstairs to a quiet bedroom. If he thinks he's getting lucky he has another thing coming.

"Why'd you bring me up here Bren?" I folded my arms across my chest. "Relax. I only wanted to get away from all the noise." He said while taking another sip of the vodka and finding his place on the bed. "Damn, the Russians sure knew what they were doing." He said while admiring the bottle. I sat down next to him and grabbed the liquid from him and took a swing. He laid back flat on his back.

"So, how are you and Ryan? I heard you guys fighting this morning." He inquired. "He's just being over dramatic." I said as I got up and straddled him. "Over dramatic huh? How over dramatic would he get if he saw this?" He smiled and questioned. "Mmm very." I said as I caressed his lip. "I'm wearing no underwear." I whispered. "Damn, that alcohol is getting to your head way too fast." He chuckled. I nodded in response.

He rolled me over so he was topping me. He sat up and made his way off me and to the bottle of vodka. "Wow. Now that's no way to treat a woman." I shook my head in disapproval. "We both know you aren't looking to get laid by me. Now, don't try me as a fool." He said and shook his finger at me. "Mmm, handsome with the brains. Extraordinary! Your everything I want in a man" I teased him. "Why the games so early in the night?" He questioned. "I'm just getting warmed up. That's all." I winked.

He rolled his eyes. "I think I've gotten bored of this room already. Care to leave?" He motioned towards the door. I sighed in reply as I left the room. We walked into the hallway and down the stairs to the main room. Everyone was there but none of them said a word. They just stood there staring at us. They all started to yell and scream as three big guys grabbed me and started pulling me outside.

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