Chapter 28: A Trip No One Wants to Take

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Rebecca's POV

"What?!" I screamed into the phone. "I-I'll catch the next flight out!" I started running around the apartment throwing all my things into a suitcase. "What are you doing?!" Dan asked. "Can't talk. I have to go!" I slammed the front door behind me. I ran through the halls not looking back at everything I was leaving.

Once I stepped outside I flagged down a taxi and hopped in. "The airport please, and hurry!!!" I said out of breath. I sat there tapping my foot impatiently against the car floor while my stomach was in knots. Tears demanded to pour out of my eyes, but I denied their request. I blinked a few times and took a deep breath, trying to obtain stability.

After the longest taxi drive I've ever taken came to an end, I jumped out of the car and began my running and rushing once more. My hair was a mess with strands flying all over my face as I tried to discover direction. I looked like a mad woman with my way too short pajama shorts and red long sleeved shirt. I was still even wearing my slippers considering the early time of day.

I finally purchased a ticket for a flight that would be leaving in six minutes. If I miss this flight I'll have to wait until 2pm this afternoon for another. I ran even faster than before, pushing and shoving people out of my way. I ran over several people's feet with my suitcase rushing behind me. I didn't stop to apologize or even take the breath I preciously needed to fulfill the task at hand to say a quick "Sorry!"

I kept pushing through until I made it to the gate where the woman was shutting the door. I yelled and screamed at her to open it, she acknowledge my presence and did as I wished. After I thanked her a plentiful number of times, I ran through the door and onto the plane taking my seat in the very back by the window. There were two empty seats next to me which no one had taken, which I was very thankful for. I didn't want to make small talk with the thoughts I had on my mind.

Soon enough the plane was off, and my eyes were staring out the small window. I began to let my thoughts wonder to not so pleasant things. I began to worry, one of my most famous pastimes. My eyes still glued out the window. I looked at the clouds and thought about how wonderful they looked from above. Down in the city of London it was a dreary day, with no sight of the sun. Above the city and the clouds was a beautiful light, that wasn't shown to the eyes on the streets. My thoughts were more similar to the people on the streets at the moment. I resembled the miserable feeling of dreariness with no visual of light.

My body hadn't moved since I first sat down on the plane. My lips became comfortable with no moment, and even glued themselves together in the wish of not sharing any words with anyone else. My eyes became tired of staring at the same spot for what seemed to be hours. Somehow a tear managed to slip out of my eye without my permission. I wiped it away hoping no one saw, and demanded myself to not let it happen again. I leaned my head against the window and shut my eyes taking in a deep breath. I didn't want to be awake any longer to put up with my thoughts and my feelings. I pulled my feet up onto the seat and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Becca. Becca. Wake up." I felt an arm shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and was in a bed with Brendon. I started to cry and pulled him into a hug. "Hun, what's wrong?" He asked as he rubbed my back and kissed my head. "I...I don't know..." I answered pulling away and wiping under my eyes to get rid of the tears that were once there. He looked at me in a weird way and laughed. "You're weird." He shook his head. I laughed and rested my head on his chest.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around at an unfamiliar room. "Our hotel room." He looked at me confused. I returned the same expression waiting for an explanation. "You know...The one we took forever to decide if it was the right one for our honey moon..." He smiled. "Oh...Oh right." I said. He laughed again and pulled my chin up to look at him. "I love you." He said right before he planted the sweetest kiss on my lip. "I love you too." I smiled.

"Miss. Miss. Miss!" My arm was being shaken again. I opened my eyes to see a not so happy flight attendant. I liked what I had seen the last time I opened my eyes a lot better. "It's time for you to leave." Her voice was filled with agitation. "Oh um, I'm sorry." I said grabbing my one little suitcase in the above compartment. I walked miserable of the plane and out of the airport. I wasn't in a rush anymore. Now I was just avoiding the inevitable.

I called another cab and pointed the driver in the right direction. I sat their just staring off like I did since I had gotten the news. Why? Why, was the only question I had. Tears began to stream down my face. Another thing that has happened way too much today. The car stopped and the driver looked at me and saw the mess that I was. "You're here miss. Don't worry about the pay. It's on me." He gave a sympathetic smile. I smiled back and gave a thank you.

I took my suitcase and got out of the car hearing it drive off behind me. I stared at the navy blue house in front of me. It had a white porch and a red door. It was such a typical house. The grass was green as can be and I ignored the hot summer sun urging me to go inside. I stood their for a few more seconds before I took a deep sigh and gave in. I rolled my suitcase behind me as I made my way to the bright colored door. Knowing it was unlocked, I walked right in.

"Becca?" I heard a voice call out. The speaker came into view and I smiled. "Ryan" I ran over to him acknowledging the best part of my day. "I'm so sorry Becca." He stroked my hair. I started to cry again. "Shhh." I demanded his silence on the subject. "I'm just glad to see you." I sniffled. "I know." He said. "You'd rather be seeing him though." He struck me hard with his truthful words.

A/N: Oh my gosh! Guys, I produced a chapter! I know all of you have been getting impatient, so here it is! Sorry that it took so long!

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