Chapter 19 1/2: Regretful Lies

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Rebecca's POV

*after the news from Brendon*

A/N: You don't know why she's upset

I was now sitting on my couch regretting everything I said. It's amazing what kind of words can come out from the heat of the moment. I rubbed my face with the palms of my hands. What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

Ryan walked in. "Well, you really fucked this up." He said jumping on the couch. I sighed. "How bad is it?" I asked. He laughed while getting up to grab a soda. "Pretty bad." He said opening the can and taking a sip. "How am I supposed to fix this?" I lied down and covered my face with my hands. "Beats me. To be honest you just shouldn't have said anything. You seem to fuck shit up when you open your mouth." He said sitting down next to me. "Thanks." I sat up and squinted at him. He shrugged. "Hey. I was just being honest." He placed the soda down. "Advise?" I scratched my head looking at him. "Give it time." He said patting my back.

Ryan got up. "I'm hungry. You hungry?" He asked. "Not really in the mood. I kinda just fucked up my entire life..." I stated. "Right, sorry I forgot." He said so casually while browsing through my fridge. I laid back down staring at the ceiling. "

But seriously how could you say that?" He questioned. "What was I supposed to say? I was so scared." I said putting my hands on my stomach. "I don't know Becca... but maybe a lie wasn't the best thing!" He said grabbing food out of the fridge. "How do you know it was a lie?" I asked. "Because I fucking know you." He laughed. "Does anyone else know?" I asked. "No." He said placing a knife in the sink. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked. "I wanted to figure out what the fuck is going on with you." He said walking towards me with two sandwiches. He handed me a plate. "I told you I wasn't hungry." I said putting the plate on the coffee table. "EAT THE GODDAMN SANDWICH AND EXPLAIN!!!" He yelled mouth full of food.

*after explanation*

"That was stupid." He said leaning forward with his hands folded. "I know!!!" I whined while burrowing my head in his shoulder. He placed a hand on my head and pulled me into a hug. "Promise me you won't tell him." I ordered. "Becca-" He started. "Promise me!" I interrupted. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "This isn't right, but I shouldn't be the one to tell him. You should, and I know you won't." He seemed generally frustrated. "Thank you." I said, even though I knew he was mad at me. "How do I keep this a secret? Do you ever plan to even come clean?" He asked. "As much as I hated to say it. I think it's best if I don't come clean. This is for the best." I played with my fingers.

"You don't understand how harmful this is." Ryan said getting up and flattening the wrinkles on his jeans. I completely understand what he means, but ignore him because I felt it was best. He walked out upset with me or I guess more confused or not understanding. I could tell he just needed time to wrap his head around what I just said.

A/N: Yeah I know the Chapter title doesn't make sense deal with it. 😕💁 This was too short to be a chapter and I wasn't ready to reveal all y'all's questions. Patients is a virtue. 😜 Whenever I say that my mind jumps to vices and virtues. #Obsessed

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