Chapter 17: Unexpected Love

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Rebecca's POV

It was the last class of the day and it couldn't be slower. Math was the worst class because it just felt like forever. I was impatiently drumming my fingers against the desk when I got a text.

Ryan: Hey wanna come over after school? I could show you my guitar.

Me: Yeah sure :)

Ryan: Cool. 3?

Me: Sounds good. See you then.

Ryan: Yup

I looked at the clock that read 2:54. Ughhh! Why can't class just be over now? I sat there continuing to tap my fingers against the table. I looked out the classroom door to see Ryan making fun of me. He was waving his hands pointing and laughing at me. He has a study hall this period. I flipped him off, but unfortunately the teacher noticed. "Miss Guthrie! Pay attention! I don't need you making rude gestures in my class while I'm trying to teach!" Mrs. Clare yelled. "Yes ma'am." I said as she turned away facing the board. I could see Ryan laughing so hard his face turned red. I just glared at him.

Finally the bell rang. I walk out of class to meet a smiling Ryan. I squinted my eyes at him while punching him in the shoulder. "Ouch! So abusive!" He smiled. "It's okay I think it's hot." He whispered. "Shut up." I laughed while shoving him down the hall. We reached his car and climbed in. He started the familiar route back to his place. He danced around and sang to the radio. I laughed while people drove by giving him weird looks.

We made it to his house and his dad wasn't home. (Ryan's mom wasn't in the picture.) We walked up to his room. His bedroom had navy blue walls which were flooded with band posters. The floor was wooden with a nice big red rug in the middle of the room. His guitar sat in the corner with a desk beside it. The desk had a shelf above it with several notebooks on it. He had a queen size bed with a grey comforter. The room was very warm and welcoming.

I sat down on his bed while he went downstairs to grab us waters. I looked around the room at all the posters pinned against the walls. He also had pictures. I was staring at one picture of this woman holding a baby in her arms. "That's my mom." Ryan said leaning against the door frame. "She's beautiful." I complemented. Ryan laughed. "Yeah, but she was an ugly person. She skipped out on us for some guy that probably dumped her after 2 weeks. My dad was devastated and started drinking. It's all been kinda down hill from there." He said while hanging me a water bottle and sitting down next to me. "Wow, that's terrible. I'm so sorry Ryan." I said while rubbing his back. "Not like you could do anything." He shrugged and smiled. He had a point.

Ryan got up and grabbed his guitar. He started strumming a few random cords. Until he began playing I'm Yours by: Jason Mraz. The song is very simple, but beautiful. He smiled as he sang to every word. After he was done I smiled and hugged him. "That was beautiful. I knew you'd be great." I said with the grin glued to my face. He laughed a bit. "Thanks." He said while playing with the guitar pick in his hands. At that moment my phone vibrated.

Brendon: You could have just told me you were busy.

Shit. I completely forgot about me coming over to his place. I'm shocked. It was the only thing I ever thought of when Ryan wasn't there. I looked at the clock and it said 3:47. I quickly replied.

Me: On the way! Sorry I'm at Ryan's. :(

I looked over to Ryan and explained why I had to leave. He said he'd drive me over because I didn't have my car. The car ride to Brendon's house was pretty short. We arrived and I hugged Ryan goodbye. I felt bad I left his house so abruptly, and I also felt bad I forgot about my plans with Brendon.

I knocked on the door to Bren's house and he opened the door with a hurt expression. He gestured for me to come in. I stepped inside and he closed the door. He faced me with his hands in his pockets and his head low. I tried to slip out a few words but he beat me to it. "It's okay. I get it. You don't want me anymore. You want that Ryan guy. I understand I totally screwed this up, but as long as you're happy. That's all I want for you. Even as painful as it is to see you happy with someone else. I love you Becca, and that'll never change. I want the best for you and if he's it. Then go for it." He finished with a weak pained smile.

I smiled and looked into his eyes. I put my hands on the side of his face as he brought his gaze away from me. I rubbed my thumbs against his cheeks and chuckled. He gave me a confused look. "I want you stupid." I pulled his face closer to mine as I placed my lips on his. His body went tense from shocked. He moved his hands out of his pockets and found my waist. He pulled me into him and kissed me back. I smiled against his lips and pulled away. "I love you Brendon, and I don't think I'll ever stop." I bit my lip and rested my head into his chest. I can't explain how relieving it was to be back in his arms. He was holding me by my hips with a huge ass smile on his face. It was good to be wanted.

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