Chapter 36: Reckless and in Love

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Rebecca's POV

I don't know how to describe the way it feels to kiss him. I guess you could say it feels relieving. It makes me feel like I'm actually alive. It makes me forget about every problem that I have. It makes me feel like I'm actually not dead. Kissing him could be a drug. I could do it all day. I rubbed my finger across my bottom lip trying to remember that feeling. The moment my lips disconnect from his though, I felt a wave of resentment wash over me. I missed the feeling of his lips. I hadn't felt them on mine in a long time. Just the mere thought made me smile.

I got out of my bed and stopped thinking about Brendon's kissable lips. It was Monday morning and I hadn't seen Brendon since Saturday morning when we woke up on the beach. I looked in the mirror and my hair was in beautiful natural waves. I didn't dread my morning hair as much as I usual did. I didn't play with them today. I just let them do their thing as I applied makeup.

I put on a thin layer of black liquid eyeliner and made sure to make the wings look perfect on each side. Lets face it, no matter how hard you try they're gonna be a little uneven. I put on coats of mascara over my eyelashes. I then pulled out my favorite shade of lipstick and painted it over my lips. It was a dark red color that reminded me of fall.

I put on a black crop top that said, "Riot!" in big white letters across my chest. I paired the shirt with black high waisted jeans. I wore white Doc Martens with black laces and of course I put on my favorite leather jacket. I placed my sunglasses over my eyes and grabbed my school bag and walked out the door.

It was pretty close to winter time and we were almost half way through the year. The cold air greeted my body as I walked down my driveway. I got in my car, admiring the weather as I drove off. School. Great. My favorite. As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed the jocks, the cheerleaders, the stoners, and the outcasts. You know all the typical high school stereotypes. I sighed as I pulled my key out of the ignition. "Oh, another fun day in hell." I whined to myself.

I got out of my car and grabbed my bag walking into the halls of pure depression. Seriously? Who likes high school? I blew a strand of hair out of my face and pulled my sunglasses up on top of my head. I liked walking down the halls like I was "all that" because, I realized after awhile that I didn't care what people thought and that was the biggest confident boost I could ever ask for. I guess after going through a ton of shit nothing can really phase you.

I stopped at my locker and put my bag on the hook. I pulled out my books and placed them on the shelf. The bell rang and everyone vanished into their home rooms. I lost my care for being punctual long ago so I took my time. I found my pack of gum and took out a piece placing it in my mouth and throwing the rapper on the floor. I took a deep sigh as I grabbed my books and headed to my first class.

As I walked down the hallway I felt my arm being tugged and next thing I knew I was pulled into a janitor closet. I felt a pair of lips on mine and I didn't need to question who's they were. "Brendon you can't do this. I'm still with Ryan." I said trying to find the light switch. I flicked the switch and the lights flickered on. He had a big smile on his face. "You know you want to though." He said grabbing my hand.

I sighed. I seemed to be doing a lot of sighing today. "That's not the point-" I was interrupted by his lips latching onto mine again. He rimmed my bottom lip with his tongue and starting bitting on it. I let his tongue into my mouth and explore around. He started to leave kisses down my neck. "Come on you ruined my lipstick!" I whined. He smiled. "Stop your complaining." He started leaving kisses down my neck and nibbled on one place. He lifted his head after bitting me. "That's gonna leave a mark." He said with an "oh well" look on his face. I rolled my eyes at him. He kissed me again.

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