Chapter 21: A Threesome With the Enemy

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Brendon's POV

I woke up with a foot in my face. I got up quickly and coughed. I noticed I was gripping a bra in my hand. I dropped it to the floor, and looked to the person who's foot was in my face. Ryan? What the fuck happened last night? I walked to the bathroom of someone's house that I wasn't familiar with. Once I found the right door I rubbed my eyes entering the room. My eyes weren't seeing correctly caused by my hangover. I focused my eyes on the mirror and noticed lipstick smeared all over my mouth. A trail of marked kisses went down my bare chest. My eyes went wide. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!

I could hear bare footsteps padding over to my directions. My stomach felt nervous. A pretty blonde covered in a white bathrobe came into view. A bright smile crept on her face as she came closer to me, placing her hands on my chest. She stepped onto her tippy toes and whispered in my ear. "I had fun last night." She stood flat footed again on the floor and bit her lip. "Uh-haha, I should be going. Me and Ryan just have tons of plans today." I backed away slowly. "Right Ryan?!" I shouted. All I got was a "Mmm?" in return. "Haha nice seeing you Veronica." I said grabbing Ryan's head of hair which didn't seem to wake him up. I dragged him out the door, and heard "Hope to see you soon!" before I slammed the door.

"What the fuck happened last night and why were we in Veronica's house?!" I asked Ryan. "To be honest I have no clue. We were so hammered last night! I just remember that bar....and that club...and that other bar...Possibly a strip club, but after that it's all a blur." He stated. I smacked my forehead. "So is it safe to say we had a threesome with Becca's worst enemy?" I questioned. ".......Yeah probably." He scratched his head. "Well, I think we should leave now." I lightly chuckled.

I then noticed I left my shirt, shoes, and socks in her house. I really liked those shoes. Ryan had one sock on and his shirt unbuttoned, but there was no way in hell we were both walking back in there. We went back to my house. I then made coffee and we tried to make up a scenario of what took place, but of course we drew a blank. We did come to the conclusion that sex did take place that night, because Ryan said he slipped on a used condom on the way out. That's about as far as we got with logic. I was kinda disturbed with my drunk self for fucking Veronica, like seriously? Out of everyone, you couldn't have picked someone half way decent? Oh well.

Ryan left to go get a shower and said Becca wanted to make plans with him today. I don't understand how he could be friends with her after what she did, but I left it alone, trying to forget about her. I'm pretty sure I'll never succeed in the quest of forgetting Rebecca Guthrie, but I needed to. It hurt to love someone so much that wronged you. I decided to take a shower, and try my best to not go too much into thought about her.

Ryan's POV

After I left Brendon's and took a shower, I made my way to Becca's house. "Hey." She hugged me. I hugged her back and returned a "Hey." She wasted no time. "How is he?" She pulled away. "I'm fine Becca. Thanks for asking." I joked. "I'm sorry Ryan. I'm just worried." She said. "Well, he, or we I guess I should say- got hammered and don't really remember what happened last night. I'm sure it was fun though. Anyways, we...kinda... Woke up in Veronica's house, and we're pretty sure that a threesome took place..." I said waiting for her to blow up.

"VERONICA! VERONICA THE FUCKING HEAD CHEERLEADER THAT HAS HAD A THING FOR MY BOYFRIEND SINCE DAY ONE!!!" She violently yelled. I wouldn't be shocked if Brendon heard and was giggling over at his house or something in that regard. Maybe even fearing his life. Who knows? "Well, I mean technically he's not your boyfriend anymore." I added. "YOU. AREN'T. FUCKING HELPING!!!" She yelled again. "I can't believe you or him. You fucking know I hate her!!!" She calmed her voice a bit more. "Well, we didn't know. We were so high and drunk that we probably thought she was fucking Brittany Spears!!!" I argued. She just squinted at me.

We finally sat down on her couch not yelling anymore. "You think he hates me?" She asked. "He doesn't hate you. He's upset and confused. If anything he hates himself for loving you." I stated. "I can't stay in this town with him here. After this school year I'm leaving." She stood up and walked up the stairs. "Becca, you can't leave you have one more year of school left!" I shouted as I followed her. "Just for the summer. I just need a couple months to figure this out. I don't want the constant reminder of the man I can't be with." She said pulling out her suitcase. "Where would you even go?!" I asked. "I have an aunt in England. My parents wouldn't mind me spending the summer there." She started going through her clothes.

"This is too rushed Becca. Think about this, making quick stupid decisions is how you got in this mess!" I said trying to knock some sense into her. "Moving to England will be good for me! Besides we could Skype and call. I just need to be away." She grabbed my hand pleading. "Okay." I said.

Becca is very spontaneous and obviously it's been proven to be dangerous. She honestly believes what she's doing is for the best, but it was done out of fear. She's afraid that she'll get too attached to him and he'll leave her. She wasn't going to let him leave her, so she decided to leave him. Just because I now understand why she did this doesn't mean I believe it was the right decision, but she needs to figure this out on her own. Maybe going to England, getting some place from this will help her figure that out. Hey, I'm only a dreamer.

"Thank you!" She smiled and pulled me into a hug. "You do realize the last day of school is this week right?" I questioned. "Yes." She smiled again. "Well, you better buy your ticket now!" I stated. "Okay! Okay!" She laughed. "Hey could you order some pizza while I buy the ticket?" She asked. "Yeah, sure." I put my hand into my pocket to find that my phone wasn't there. I closed my eyes. Shit. "I left my phone at a friend's house I need to go get it." I said. "Oh, okay. I'll order the pizza. Are you coming back?" She questioned. "I don't know, but I'll see you later." I pulled her into a hug and dashed off.

I barged into Brendon's house to see him casually eating a bowl of cereal. "Dude! I fucking left my phone at Veronica's house!" I yelled. He choked on his cereal. "Are you saying we have to go back there?!!?!" He got scared. "Yeah." I frowned. He grabbed his leather jacket and put it on. "Let's go." He said and we walked out of the house.

We got in the car and Brendon started driving like a maniac. "So, how's this going to work?" I asked. "I'll knock on the door and distract her while you go in through the back and grab your phone. Oh, and could you grab my shoes? I really like those shoes." He took a sharp turn which started some loud horns from some angry drivers. "Sounds like a plan." I said gripping the handle attached to the ceiling of the car holding on for dear life.

We arrived at the house and Brendon looked over to me and nodded. "Let's do this." He took a deep breathe and we hoped out of the car. I snuck my way to the back of the house and saw Veronica go to the front door. I walked through the glass door and heard conversation between Brendon and Veronica. I snuck my way into the living room and found Brendon's shoes I picked them up and started searching for my phone.

I backed up and knocked over a vase I couldn't catch it on time so it hit the wood floor shattering into a million pieces. "What was that?" I see Veronica begin to turn around. Brendon's eyes go wide and he grabs her cheek. "Worry about this." He ordered as he crashed his lips into hers. Part of me wanted to barf the other wanted to break out laughing. I pulled away the couch cushion and found my phone. I waved it to Brendon and He raised his eyebrows signaling. "HURRY UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" I nodded understanding and found my way through the back door and to his car.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again so soon Veronica, but I gotta go." Brendon said and left very abruptly. He got in the car sitting next to me. "I think I'm gonna barf." He had his hands on the steering wheel with a disgusted face.

I slapped him on the back. "Thanks man." I truly meant it. "Yeah, you know I'd take a bullet for you." He said. "Well, we both know that's worse than a bullet." I laughed. He joined in. "Okay, now let's get the hell out of here, and never come back." He put the key into the ignition, starting the car. "Sounds good to me!" I smiled. Next thing you know we were far away from Satan's house.

A/N: Sorry this is short! It's just a filler. ;) Next chapter is going to be WAY better!!!

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