Chapter 37: Trouble in Paradise

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Brendon's POV

I drove the car trying to keep my concentration on the road, but we all know how good I am at that. I looked over to Becca's direction. She was mindlessly staring out the window deep in thought. I smiled to myself a little. I don't know how she sits in here so quietly when I drive her to these secret places. She always says she hates surprises but she handles them quite well.

She handles a lot of things she hates very well. It concerns me because I never know what's going on with her. She's so secretive and never lets anyone know how she feels or how she's doing. One of her big things is she hates people to see her cry. She wants people to see her as strong and together. She's the strongest person I know. She's been through a lot and still to this day she continues to put a smile on her face. That's one of the things I'll always love about her.

Our destination was coming close and I was hoping she'd like it. I turned down the last road and her facial expression became confused. I smiled at myself. I pulled into the driveway of a HUGE house. It had a giant fountain in the middle of the garden by the driveway. The grass was nice and green. The house had three levels and was beautifully designed.

"Brendon, what are we doing here?" She asked very concerned. "Well, this is it. This is our destination. This is the surprise." I smiled. "No, really Bren. Who lives here?" She asked. "My uncle. He's gone for the month doing business in Japan. He has a place over there too. Come on, come inside." I said as I got out of the car. She smiled and followed me. I grabbed a rock with the hidden key in it and unlocked the door.

She walked in and her eyes went wide at the amazing features of the house or I guess mansion. She turned to me and gave me a look that said, "I can't believe this!" I just simply replied, "I know." I grabbed her hand and started pulling her upstairs. "Come on, this way." I said as we ran up the long staircase.

We made it to this giant room that had bamboo wood floor and an indoor pool. There was a waterfall that fell from the ceiling and I just watched here amazement. I started stripping off my clothes and getting ready to jump in. I made a cannonball right into the pool and reached the surfaced to see her smiling and laughing at me. I loved to watch her smile and laugh and just have fun.

"Come on Guthrie! Get your ass in the water! I don't bite!" I yelled from the pool. "You bit me this morning you fucking liar!" She laughed. "Whatever just jump in!" I laughed. she started taking off her clothes an activity I very much enjoyed to watch.

"Stop looking at me like that." She smirked. "Like what?" I questioned. "You know." She walked her way over to me in only her underwear. She bent down to my level and kissed me. I made a smirk on her lips as I pulled her into the pool. "WHAT THE FUCK URIE!" She screamed at me. I just laughed in response. "Sorry babe. You had to get in sometime." I shrugged. "Whatever." She splashed water at me.

I started swimming towards her and she started swimming away laughing. I caught up to her and grabbed her by the waist. I kissed her cheek and spun her around. "I'm sorry." I whispered. She looked down at my lips. "No, you're not." She smirked again. I knew she only said this to encourage me to kiss her, so I did. We were interrupted by her phone ringing. "Ill get it." I said getting up and out of the pool.

I grabbed the phone and answered it. "Hello, you have reached Rebecca Guthrie's phone. She is currently unavailable. May I take a message?" I spoke professionally to the caller. "Brendon? Where are you guys?" I identified Ryan's voice. My eyes' shot wide. "Oh the nurse said that she should go home and rest so I took her home." I said untruthfully. "You're lying. I'm at her place now." He said sounding enraged. "Where are you guys?" He asked again. "Ryan-"

"No Bren, I don't wanna hear your bullshit lie. I can't believe you'd be fucking around with my girlfriend! What the fuck kinda best friend are you?!" He yelled into the phone. "Ryan I can expl-" On that note he hung up. I turned back to Becca rubbing my neck. "That was Ryan...He knows." I said with an aching feeling of guilt in my stomach.

Her eyes grew wide as she hurried out of the pool. She grabbed a towel that was in the cabinet by the door and tried to call him back. She didn't say a word to me. She had panic in her eyes and I knew this wasn't how she wanted him to find out. "Take me home." Is all she said to me. I didn't question and just did as she asked. I wish this fun little trip could have gone better. I mean it only lasted for like thirty minutes until it all went crashing down. Should I be surprised though?

When we were clothed and in the car driving away from our escape place, all Becca was doing was staring at Ryan's hoodie he let her borrow this morning. As much as she put her guard up, I could tell this time she was really hurting. I didn't know what I should do. I feel like if I comfort her it'll only make it worse. I took a sigh and kept driving. She gave me a sympathetic look for a brief second and continued to look out the window.

What have we done?

A/N: OMG GUYS THANKS FOR 20K!!!! Unreal! You guys are the best and I love you all so much!!! As stated in a previous status, I'm exploring the idea of writing a Tyler Joseph fan fic and really need you're guys' input. I would probably start writing it after I finish this story, so yeah. Also, I don't know if you guys noticed but I've started to post every Sunday so that might become a thing now. Hopefully.... Again, thank you all so fucking much for 20,000 views!!!! I can't believe you guys continue to read and enjoy this story. Thanks so much!!!

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