Chapter 4: Did Someone Take a Picture?!

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Brendon's POV

I woke up this morning and looked at my phone. Still no reply from Becca. I don't know if I should be worried, or hurt, or both. It kills me to not know what she's thinking! Does she hate me? Ughhh why did I try to kiss her?! I wonder if she even wants to see me again... I'm so confused! I thought she felt the same way.

I decided to put my thoughts aside and get dressed. Which as you could imagine I couldn't do. Ughhh. I just put on some black jeans and a blue plaid button up. I combed my hair for a bit brushed my teeth. I made some toast, grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

I threw my bag in the back seat and drove to Becca's house. I didn't feel like texting her seeing how she didn't reply last time, so I knocked on the door. Her mom answered. "Oh, hey Brendon! I'm sorry but Becca is sick today..." She's sick? Is she just saying that because she doesn't wanna see me? "Oh. I hope she feels better. Do you want me to drop by her makeup work after school?" I kinda only said that so I would have an excuse to see her later. "Yeah that'd be fine. Have a nice day Brendon!" She said as she was shutting the door.

The whole day I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about was Becca. I'm pretty sure I failed my Algebra test, because I was so unfocused.

Soon it was lunch time. I sat there alone eating my food. Veronica decided to come over. She sat right next to me. Great just when I thought this day couldn't get worse. "Hey Brendon. I see Becca isn't here." She said as she bit her lip. I stopped eating and turned to her. "What do you want?" I said a bit angry. "This." She said while pulling me by my shirt into a kiss. As she kissed me I saw a flash. Did someone just take a picture?! I pushed her off of me. "WHAT ARE DOING!?!?!!" I said while pushing myself far away from her. "Just something that needed to be done." She said while messing up my hair, and walked away. I was too discussed to finish my lunch, so I threw it away.

Finally school was done! Now I could go see Becca! I drove to her house and knocked on the door. Her mom answered. "Becca's upstairs in her room." She said while leading me inside.

I walked upstairs, and knocked on her door. "Come in." I heard an unsteady voice say. I walked in and saw Becca laying on her bed. I knelt down next to her grabbing her hand. "Hey." I said with a smile. She slipped her fingers out of my hand. "How could you?!" She said trying not to strain her voice. I was a bit confused "What are you talking about?" I said. "What am I talking about?! You know damn well what I'm talking about! How could you kiss Veronica?!" Tears started to fall down her face. It hurt me so much to see her cry. "Becca I-" She interrupted. "I think you should leave. I thought you were a better friend!" My heart broke. "But Becca I didn't-" "LEAVE!!!" She screamed.

I walked out of her room. I was swept with a worse feeling then I woke up with. I walked down the stairs glum and disappointed. Once I reached my house all I did was lay motionless on my bed. I screwed everything up so bad. I don't even think we could be friends. I was so angry at Veronica she just messed up every chance I had with Becca, but worse of all I hurt her. The last thing I ever wanted was to be the cause of her pain. The last thing I ever wanted was to see her look at me as a monster. I couldn't get her words out of my head. "I thought you were a better friend!" At this point I didn't even care about Veronica. I only cared about how hurt she was, and I couldn't even be there to comfort her...

A/N: Hey guys, I know this is a short chapter but I update these daily, so I guess it's okay they're so short because you're getting a new one everyday! Yeah and this chapter is pretty sad. Sorry, and I had the feels the whole time writing this. Poor Brendon! Oh and as I'm writing this I have 12 views! thanks guys so much!!! Talk to you tomorrow!!!

The Boy Across the Street (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now