Chapter 10: Just a Safe Dinner...

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Rebecca's POV

After I dropped Brendon off home the rest of the day went by slow. I was sitting in my last class bored out of my mind. I was just staring at the clock. There was just five minutes left... Five long minutes. I couldn't wait to get out of there to see Brendon. I know we might seem too lovey dovey, or whatever, but fuck you... School sucks when he's not here. Usually I'd have someone to joke around with, but Brendon's not here. He's probably at home, doing something stupid, like skateboard on the roof. I know that sounds stupid, but to be honest he probably is.

The bell rang, about time! I quickly packed up my stuff, and out the door I was. I got in my car and started to head over to Brendon's house. Sure enough when I got there, he was doing backflips on his trampoline. "Brendon! What the hell are you doing!" I yelled. He stopped jumping and plumply fell on his butt. "I got bored so I decided to go outside and do something." Brendon smiled. "You know you're not supposed to be jumping around." I said concerned. "Hun, stop worrying I'm fine." He said still smiling while pulling me into a hug. I glared at him with disapproval. He just laughed, because he knows I can't stay mad at him. Ughh curse he's precious brown eyes and smile.

"I just dropped by to check on you. Good thing I did you could of hurt yourself." He just smiled and rolled his eyes. "I'm fine you go home and get ready, and when you're all done getting dolled up, come back." He said kissing me on the head. "Okay, but I swear Brendon if I come back, and you're doing something stupid. I'm gonna tie you up, so you can't hurt yourself then." I said. "You're paranoid babe." He said as we both walked back inside.

I finally decided to leave and go get ready. I swear he drives me nuts. I got home and took a shower. After I washed myself, I got out and blow dried my hair. I then picked out a tight black dress and wore it with a leather jacket and red heels. I curled my hair, and did my makeup. I wore sparkly smokey purple eyeshadow with winged eyeliner. I wore a bit of blush but hardly noticeable. I applied a little lipstick but it was just a shade off from my actual lips. So, my green eyes popped.

I drove back to Brendon's house to find him asleep, all ready with the tv on. He was adorable. I questioned if I should wake him up. Seeing how the doctor said he needed rest. I sat down next to him and brushed my fingers through his hair. His shaky eyes started to open. "Hey. We don't have to go out if you don't want to." I said with a smile. He turned over to me, and his eyes widened. "Wow you look great!" He said. I giggled. "I wanna go I just was trying to watch real shows and got bored that's all." He smiled. "Okay." I said as I got off the couch.

We walked to the car holding hands. "Okay, but can you please let me drive?" Brendon asked. "No way! I came home to find you doing fucking flips on a trampoline! Which you're really good at by the way. You should be in bed right now not driving!" I said sternly. He gave me his puppy dog eyes. I tried not to smile. "Okay maybe on the way back. If you don't annoy the heck out of me at dinner." I laughed. "I'll settle." He said while kissing me on the check and opening the door for me. I rolled my eyes with a smile as he got in the car. He really did know how to push my buttons.

We arrived at the restaurant Brendon picked and it was really fancy, and looked super expensive. "Are you sure you wanna pay?" I asked. Brendon rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm gonna pay. Stop worrying, and just have a good time." He smiled. I returned his expression. He was right I needed to stop being all uptight.

The whole night we kinda made fun of the snotty rich people there. We goofed off the whole time, and I couldn't stop laughing. I'm pretty sure everyone was staring out us. We were so out of place it was funny. I had a fun time, and the food was amazing. I still felt bad Brendon had to pay, but I didn't say anything, because I knew he didn't want me to worry.

I walked out of the restaurant with Brendon's arm on my shoulder. I tossed him the keys and he smiled while giving me a light kiss on the lips. He opened the door for me and we drove back to his place. I cuddled up next to him on the couch as I let out a yawn. He was running his fingers through my hair. "Did you have fun?" He asked. i looked up at him and smiled. "Yes." He kissed me on the forehead. It was REALLY late so he had me call my mom to ask if I could sleep on the couch. Which Brendon's mom had to tell mine that she make sure no funny business would happen. She said I could stay.

I didn't have any clothes so I just borrowed one of Brendon's baggy t-shirts. His shirt smelled so good, not in a creepy way. He's my boyfriend. I then went back into his arms with a blanket covering me as I drifted off with my head on his chest and the tv on in the background. This was the perfect night.

A/N: Heyyy guys I think I've lost views.... Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. :(

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