Chapter 11: A Concerning Black Eye

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Brendon's POV

I woke up with the tv on and a cute little body beside me. I smiled to myself as my mom walked into the room. "We fell asleep watching tv. I'm sorry." I said while looking at my mom. "It's fine." She said giving me a reassuring smile. I looked at the time and noticed I should probably wake Becca up. My mom walked out of the living room to go get coffee from the kitchen I assume. I bring my attention back to Becca's closed eyes, and smile once more. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked so comfortable laying in my arms. She looked as if she didn't have a worry about anything. I almost didn't want to wake her. I rub my hand up and down her arm.

"Becca, it's time to wake up." I smile as her sleepy green eyes look up at me. "Hmmm." She pulled my arm back over her. "I don't wanna go anywhere." Her voice was tired. Which sounded really adorable. I chuckle a bit. "You have school. Come on. Your mom will kill me if you skip." I unwrap my arms from around her, which definitely isn't fun. I get off the couch and stand in front of her. "Hey sleeping beauty, Come on I'll make you some coffee before you have to leave." I started toward the kitchen and hear her groan as she pulls the blanket over her head. I just smile and roll my eyes.

I started the process of making coffee as I feel tiny arms wrap around my waist. I smile and turn around to see Becca with barely opened eyes. I kiss her gently on the lips "Good Morning." I greeted. She let out the cutest yawn I've ever heard. "Good Morning." She smiled. I laughed a bit at how adorable she is. "I'm surprised your mom let you sleep over seeing how you live across the street." I said. She shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, Honestly I just think she was too tired to care." She laughed a bit.

We sat down and drank coffee until Becca had to go get ready. Once she left I laid back down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. I placed my hands behind my heads, and laid there thinking about everything that happened. It's just weird to think that just last week I was in a coma. I set my thoughts aside and decided to take a shower.

I got out of the shower and looked at the foggy mirror. My face still had a few cuts on it from the crash, but nothing too serious. I wrapped a towel around my waist and exited the bathroom. As I stepped out Becca was walking towards me. "Oh sorry, your mom let me in. She said that you should be done your shower." She noticed the fact that I was just in a towel and her cheeks began to turn pink. I just smiled. "Yeah, I just got done. Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I asked. "Not yet I was just about to leave, but I wanted to say goodbye." She gave me a peck on the cheek and begun to walk away. "Why do you always do that?" I said while grabbing her hand and pulling her into a more passionate kiss. I placed my hand on the side of her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt her smile against my lips. "Ughhh, I really have to go." She groaned. "I know. It's fine." I smiled. "I'll come home for lunch. Okay?" She said placing her forehead on mine while looking done at my chest. Her cheeks were still pink from her blush. I think it's kinda cute that she's blushing over the fact I'm barely clothed. "Okay." I said while picking her head up with my finger and giving her one last kiss.

Once Becca left I got dressed and noticed no one was home. My car got back from the shop a couple days ago, and no one necessarily said I couldn't take it out for a drive. It was more implied. I mean the keys were just hanging there, practically screaming for me to go somewhere. Who wouldn't take them? I grabbed the keys and my skateboard. Of course I was gonna go to the skatepark.

I got to the skatepark, and it wasn't really crowded. So, I did my thing all casual and cool. Until I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see a familiar face. One I did not want to see. The memories came back as the anger built up. "Hey, you're that guy Becca was with at that yogurt place." He said. "Yup." I said irritated to be having a conversation with someone who caused Rebecca so much pain. "Ha, looks like I better stick to my promise." He pulled back his arm and punched me right on my jawline. His knuckle caused my lip to bleed. I stepped back a bit and wiped the blood from my mouth. As he prepared to swing again I grabbed his hand and punched him in the stomach. He fell to his knees in pain. As he tried to get up. I kicked him in the balls and kneed him in the stomach some more. I began to walk away. "Looks like you're not good at keeping your word." I smiled as I got in my car.

I drove back to my place and found Becca's car in the driveway. Shit. I stepped out of my car. Ready for the questions and the concerns. "Brendon Boyd Urie! Where the hell were you? What happened to your face? You're supposed to be resting, not going around getting your face all fucked up! What is wrong with you?! I swear you had me so worried! Why do-" I cut her off by pulling her into a kiss. She pulled away still frustrated that she didn't have answers. At least I calmed her down. "I was at the skatepark and that guy who kissed you at the froyo place was there and yeah..." I said waiting for her to freak out. "Who? Ben? I told you he was a waste of time!" She said while wiping my cheek from blood. "Hey, he swung first. I didn't even say anything offensive." She rolled her eyes at my remark. "You shouldn't have been there any way." She stated. I grabbed her hands. "I know. I know. Come on let's go inside." I smiled.

We walked in and I made us Mac & Cheese. "I'm still mad at you." She said trying not to smile as my arms were tied around her waist. "Hmm." I hummed while kissing her cheek. "I'm serious Brendon." She said not able to contain her smile this time. I laughed while turning her around to face me. "Ughhh, you make it so hard to stay upset with you." She buried her face into my chest. "I'm sorry." I smiled while placing a kiss on her head. "You should be! You don't know how worried I've been about you." She looked up this time with her eyes filled of concern. "I'm fine really. You don't have to worry about me." I said not breaking the eye contact.

"Brendon, I almost lost you last week, and the feeling that gave me was terrible. I don't ever want to feel like that ever again. I thought you were going to die. Do you know what it was like to have to see you motionless in a bed for 3 weeks? Not knowing if I'd ever see you're smile again. It tore me apart. I wasn't sleeping. I wasn't eating. I couldn't even think straight. I was a wreck. Now that I have you back....I just don't want that to happen again..." She said with a few tears falling down her face.

I hated to see her in pain. "Hun, you're never going to lose me. I'm here with you forever. You don't have to worry ever again if I'm gonna leave you, because I'm back now and here to stay." I smiled trying to wash away her worries. I pulled her in close to me to reassure her I was never going to leave. I didn't want her to feel so overwhelmed. I just want her to be happy. I gave her a light kiss on the head while rubbing circles in her back. I pulled away to look at her and smiled. I wiped away her tears with my thumps and kissed her softly. I walked her to her car and watched her drive off. She left knowing she didn't have to ask for me to stay safe this time.

A/N: Hey guys, I know this chapter is kinda bleh, but I have good plans for the next one. So, don't leave me! I just noticed that I hit 106 views and just wow... I know that's not a lot for most people, but I just expected no one to read this. So, Thank you guys so much! Oh yeah, btw I really suck at writing fight scenes. I am so sorry. 🙈

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