Chapter 29: Comfort in Hard Times

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Ryan's POV

"You'd rather be seeing him though." I said. I closed my eyes in regret of the words that slipped my mouth. Why did I have to bring it up almost immediately? She pulled away from our hug. "Is he okay?" She inquired with concerning eyes. "Okay isn't the word I'd use to describe his condition." I ran my fingers through my hair. "I love him." She said. My heart sank. "I know." I spoke feeling her pain. She pulled me back into a hug.

I combed my fingers through her hair in attempt to comfort her. She didn't move. She stared aimlessly with a blank expression on her face. "Hey do you want to get washed up and watch a movie while we wait for news? We aren't allowed to visit yet." I asked still stroking her hair. "Yeah. I didn't pack any clothes." She said. "What do you mean you didn't pack any clothes? What's in your suitcase?" My eyebrows met together in confusion. "Socks..." She spoke as if her actions were very reasonable. "Why do you only have socks?" I questioned. "I was in a rush and couldn't think." She sighed. I tried not to ponder on the subject and told her she could borrow some of my clothes.

She went to take a shower and I waited on the couch watching tv. Really I didn't pay any attention to the moving images that were running across the screen. Mainly I concentrated on my thoughts. I hated seeing her like this. She seems so out of her mind. Not in the terms of being insane. Just that her thoughts wonder. It's like she runs out of her body leaving us with a programmed version of herself. She ran away, going out of her mind to some place she didn't have to deal with anything. It made me worried she didn't brake down. Who am I kidding? When am I not worried about my Rebecca Guthrie?

She walked into the room with one of my baggy sweatshirts and an old pair of sweatpants. I smiled at her. She returned to me a puzzled look. "What's that about?" She said while trying to dry her hair with a towel. "Nothing I'm just happy to see you." I dimmed my smile down to a sad expression. She smiled again at me and went over to the couch to give me a hug. "I'm happy to see you too." She said as she sat down on the couch nuzzling her head into a comfy spot in my shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my waist and looked up at me.

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "I'm worried about you." I said. "Oh, you don't ever have to worry about me." She smiled. I returned the same expression. "I always have to worry about you." I laughed a bit. She rolled her eyes and changed the subject. "How bout that movie?" She fixed her direction towards the tv. I grabbed the remote and pushed play on whatever DVD was already in there. I didn't want to move from our embrace. I kissed her head one last time before the movie started and rubbed her back a bit. I only pray she can get through all this. She soon fell asleep in my arms and neither of us paid attention to a second of the movie.

A/N: Sorry this is so short! 😰 Anyways I just hit 10k views this morning and I just want to say thank you! I honestly thought this story was trash when I started writing it. 😆 Haha since this chapter is so short, expect a new longer chapter shortly. Sorry that I haven't been updating as much as you guys would hope. I love you all so much and thanks for 10k!!! 💕💕💕

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