Chapter 33: Change of Character

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*3 months later*

Brendon's POV

Okay so, I'm out of the hospital, and out of all that stupid cast shit and I'm in school now. Senior year. This is it. Last year of this retarded high school thing. Can't say I'm gonna miss it.

Oh yeah, You're probably wondering about Becca and stuff. The band, Ryan, the whole nine yards. Well, Becca and Ryan are dating now and I could not care less. The only time I see Ryan is at band practice and we've grown distant. I don't really care. I've kind of grown into the more popular crowd now I guess and have lost my care for everything. My grades, out the window. My emotions, not there. It's great.

Rebecca. Yes well... She's changed a lot. Her appearance has been all about red lipstick and ripped skinny jeans. She's going through a rebellious phase. Who is she rebelling from? Not quite sure. She probably doesn't even know. It's kind of hot though. Her combat boots and leather jackets. The rebellious look really works for her.

She drinks. A lot. She's constantly getting wasted. No one knows why. Ryan try's his best to keep her out of trouble, but she always finds it again. She's often seen in the bathroom, girls' locker room, and behind the bleachers smoking cigarettes, and also rumors of joint. We don't talk anymore after I left the hospital, so did our friendship. I can't say I'm disappointed.

I see her sometimes at parties in the corner getting plastered, but other than that I don't really see her. She has Ryan running wild with concern for her. Kind of glad that's not me.

Her and I have a lot in common. We've both kind of given up. I'm assuming that her whole rebellious phase is about that. I feel for her. I just don't care enough to reach out I guess. Who knows what I care about anymore? It's all fucked up. You know? Two people who once loved each other are now apart and out getting drunk, partying, ruining their lives. That's high school I guess...

My thoughts were interrupted when my alarm clock rang. I didn't realize I stared at the ceiling all night. "Fuck." I whispered to myself. I rubbed my eyes pushing the previous thoughts to the back of my head, pretending it didn't matter. I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.

Today is Friday and apparently a killer party is going on tonight. So at least I have some motivation to get to the end of the day.

I walked into the kitchen to my mom making coffee. She usually wasn't there in the mornings. "You need a rebound Brendon." She said as she poured the cream into her cup. "A rebound?" I questioned. "Yeah, you know, another girl." She reported. I rolled my eyes. "That's what you kids call it now a days, right? A rebound?" She turned to me with coffee in her hands. I took a deep sigh and muttered, "I don't have time for this." She looked confused. "Did I say something? I-"

"No it's fine mom. I'm just running late." I interrupted her with a lie. "Oh ok sweety." She smiled. I made my way out the door while grabbing my backpack. "Get a rebound today Brendon!" She shouted across the house. "Fuck my life." I mumbled to myself as I closed the front door behind me.

And there she was. She didn't take note of me, but I didn't mind. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a Metallica t-shirt underneath. Her light stone washed ripped jeans hugged her body with black combat boots placed on her feet. She wore a burgundy lipstick with red flaming hair to complete the look. I guess she decided to dye her hair again. It had a heavy Hayley Williams vibe to the color.

Her old bright green eyes had faded. The once twinkle that played in her eyes was gone. It seemed to be replaced with a harsh tone of hopelessness. I think she once told me that, "The key to a person's soul is through their eyes." but I could be wrong on the exact quote. She always seemed to put a great importance on that.

It was kinda strange that I fished out all these details from just a five second glance. I'm supposed to not care. I looked down at my shoes and spun around my keys in my hand, in attempt to forget. I don't love her, remember? Why is today different? Why do I care now? I don't. Do I? I stopped the questions and just went to my car and drove to school.

I was greeted by my friends. They all wore letterman jackets and a "don't fuck with me" attitude. I smiled at them and told them I'd be at the party tonight. They all patted me on the back and head to class. Apparently you actually have to go to class if you want a scholarship to a fancy school. Me? Knew I didn't need that. By the end of this year I'll be touring around the world.

I took a already rolled joint out of my jacket pocket and stuck it between my teeth. Everyone was gone and it was just me in the hallway. I took my lighter out of my pocket and lit it. "Can I take a hit of that?" Someone's voice rang from further down the hallway. I smiled up at her and said, "Sure." I took the blunt out of my mouth and put it in Becca's as she sat down next to me. "I like the hair." I informed her. "Thanks." She laughed.

I placed my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. "So how're you and Ryan doing?" I questioned. "You know. He's not digging all the alcohol. I think he's gonna drop me soon. I'm not exactly what he signed up for, but you knew that." She smiled. I chuckled a bit. "You guys fight about it?" I asked. "Oh yeah! He's always yelling at me to quit it out, but I just don't want to." She replied blowing out smoke.

"You love him?" I asked. She laughed. "Wow Brendon Urie getting in depth with his conversations. I thought all you talked about was who's bring the keg to the next party." She grinned some more. "Yeah well, what can I say? I guess I save it all for you." I smiled. "Oh goody me." She said in a sarcastic tone. I laughed a bit to that.

"What about you? Any new girl going on? You know, besides the different ones you fuck every night." She inquired. "Well apparently I'm gonna be all about that life in a year according to you. I guess I'm just trying to get ready." I teased her. She elbowed me in the side. "Hey! That was when I was an emotional wreck over you!" She giggled.

I paused for a moment. I lifted off the shades from my eyes and looked towards her. "Aren't you still?" I questioned. Her smiled faded into a more serious expression as she looked over towards me. She stared at my eyes but then her glance went to my lips. She started to lean into me. Her lips were two inches away from mine, and just before our lips touched, she blew smoke into my face. I started to cough and wave my hands in attempt to get the fumes away from my face. "Don't you wish?" She smiled as she stuck the joint back in between her teeth and walked away.

She really had changed.

A/N: I know, I know. It's short. Bleh, I'm sorry. I hope you guys love the new Becca. 😊

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